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Effects of alum-treated waste water sludge on barley growth


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Alum sludge derived from a municipal wastewater plant was used as a soil amendment in a greenhouse study with barley (Hordeum vulgare) as the test crop. Treatment variables included the soil pH (4.5, 5.1 and 6.5), the amount of Al in the sludge (control = 30 mg Al-T/g; alum sludges = 38 and 52 mg Al-T/g), and the sludge application rate (100 and 270 kg N-T/ha). Soil amendment with the two alum sludges reduced soil pH, increased Al3+ activity in the soil solution, and reduced barley growth over the 6-week experiment. Barley growth decreased as the Al3+ activity in the sludged soil solution increased, but for a given (Al3+) the phytotoxicity of Al was markedly pH dependent. For example, at a pH of 5.0 +/- 0.1 an Al3+ activity of 0.5 mu M was sufficient to inhibit plant growth by about 50; this IC50 value increased five-fold to about 2.5 mu M when the soil pH was 4.5 +/- 0.1. This decrease in the toxicity of Al3+ with acidification was explained in terms of a competitive interaction between the H+-ion and Al3+ at the root surface. Stepwise multiple regression allowed the prediction of aerial leaf biomass from soil pH and sludge application rate. References: 52
机译:在一项以大麦(Hordeum vulgare)为试验作物的温室研究中,来自市政污水处理厂的明矾污泥被用作土壤改良剂。处理变量包括土壤pH值(4.5、5.1和6.5)、污泥中Al的含量(对照组=30 mg Al-T/g;明矾污泥=38和52 mg Al-T/g)和污泥施用量(100和270 kg N-T/ha)。在为期6周的实验中,用两种明矾污泥进行土壤改良降低了土壤pH值,增加了土壤溶液中的Al3+活性,并减少了大麦的生长。随着淤泥土壤溶液中Al3+活性的增加,大麦生长减少,但对于给定的(Al3+),Al的植物毒性与pH值明显依赖。例如,在pH值为5.0 +/- 0.1时,0.5μM的Al3+活性足以抑制植物生长约50%;当土壤pH值为4.5 +/- 0.1时,IC50值增加了5倍,达到约2.5 μ M。Al3+ 酸化毒性的降低可以用根表面 H+ 离子和 Al3+ 之间的竞争性相互作用来解释。通过逐步多元回归,可以根据土壤pH值和污泥施用量预测空中叶片生物量。[参考文献: 52]




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