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What Determines Trust in Information About Food‐Related Risks? Underlying Psychological Constructs




Trust in risk information about food related‐hazards may be an important determinant of public reactions to risk information. One of the central questions addressed by the risk communication literature iswhysome individuals and organizations are trusted as sources of risk information and others are not. Industry and government often lack public trust, whereas other sources (for example, consumer organizations, the quality media, medical doctors) are highly trusted. Problematically, previous surveys and questionnaire studies have utilized questions generated by the investigators themselves to assess public perceptions of trust in different sources. Furthermore, no account of the hazard domain was made. In the first study reported here, semistructured interviewing was used to elicit underpinning constructs determining trust and distrust in different sources providing food‐related risk information (n= 35). In the second study, the repertory grid method was used to elicit the terminology that respondents use to distinguish between different potential food‐related information sources (n= 35), the data being submitted to generalised Procrustes analysis. The results of the two studies were combined and validated in survey research (n= 888) where factor analysis indicated that knowledge in itself does not lead to trust, but that trusted sources are seen to be characterised by multiple positive attributes. Contrary to previous research, complete freedom does not lead to trust—rather sources which possess moderate accountability are seen to be the most
机译:对食品相关危害风险信息的信任可能是公众对风险信息反应的重要决定因素。风险沟通文献解决的核心问题之一是,为什么一些个人和组织被信任为风险信息的来源,而另一些则不被信任。行业和政府往往缺乏公众信任,而其他来源(例如,消费者组织、优质媒体、医生)则受到高度信任。有问题的是,以前的调查和问卷研究利用调查人员自己提出的问题来评估公众对不同来源的信任感。此外,没有说明危险域。在这里报告的第一项研究中,半结构化访谈被用来引出确定对提供食品相关风险信息的不同来源的信任和不信任的基础结构(n= 35)。在第二项研究中,使用汇编网格方法引出受访者用来区分不同潜在食物相关信息源(n=35)的术语,这些数据被提交给广义的Procrustes分析。这两项研究的结果在调查研究(n=888)中进行了合并和验证,其中因子分析表明,知识本身并不会导致信任,但可信来源被认为具有多种积极属性。与以前的研究相反,完全的自由不会带来信任,相反,具有适度问责制的来源被认为是最




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