首页> 外文期刊>European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience >Reduced volumes of the external and internal globus pallidus in male heroin addicts: a postmortem study

Reduced volumes of the external and internal globus pallidus in male heroin addicts: a postmortem study


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Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the globus pallidus internus was recently proposed as a potential new treatment target for opioid addiction. DBS requires computer-assisted-3D planning to implant the stimulation electrode precisely. As volumes of brain regions may differ in addiction compared to healthy controls, our aim was to investigate possible volume differences in addicts compared to healthy controls. Volumes of the globus pallidus externus (PE) and internus (PI) in heroin addicts (n = 14) and healthy controls (n = 12) were assessed using morphometry of serial whole-brain sections. Total brain volume was larger in the heroin group (mean 1479 +/- 62 cm(3) vs. mean 1352 +/- 103 cm(3)), as the heroin group was more than 10 years younger (p = 0.001). Despite larger mean whole brain volume, the mean relative volume of the PE and PI was smaller in addicted subjects compared to healthy controls (PE 0.658 +/- 0.183 x 10(-3) vs. 0.901 +/- 0.284 x 10(-3); ANOVA F(1, 24) = 6.945, p = 0.014, eta(2) = 0.224; PI 0.253 +/- 0.095 x 10(-3) vs. 0.345 +/- 0.107 x 10(-3); ANOVA F(1, 24) = 5.374, p = 0.029, eta(2) = 0.183). These findings were not significantly confounded by age, duration of autolysis, and fixation time. Our results provide further evidence for structural and not only functional deficits of the globus pallidus in addiction. In the context of previous studies, our findings support the idea of shared pathophysiological processes between comorbid depression and impulsivity in opioid addiction.
机译:最近,苍白球内膜的深部脑刺激 (DBS) 被提议作为阿片类药物成瘾的潜在新治疗靶点。DBS 需要计算机辅助的 3D 规划来精确地植入刺激电极。由于与健康对照组相比,成瘾者的大脑区域体积可能不同,因此我们的目的是调查与健康对照组相比,成瘾者可能存在的体积差异。使用连续全脑切片的形态测量法评估海洛因成瘾者 (n = 14) 和健康对照者 (n = 12) 的外苍白球 (PE) 和内球 (PI) 的体积。海洛因组的总脑容量更大(平均 1479 +/- 62 cm(3) 与平均 1352 +/- 103 cm(3)),因为海洛因组年轻 10 多岁 (p = 0.001)。尽管平均全脑体积较大,但与健康对照组相比,成瘾受试者的 PE 和 PI 的平均相对体积较小(PE 0.658 +/- 0.183 x 10(-3) vs. 0.901 +/- 0.284 x 10(-3);方差分析 F(1, 24) = 6.945, p = 0.014, eta(2) = 0.224;PI 0.253 +/- 0.095 x 10(-3) vs. 0.345 +/- 0.107 x 10(-3);方差分析 F(1, 24) = 5.374, p = 0.029, eta(2) = 0.183)。这些发现与年龄、自溶持续时间和固定时间没有显著混淆。我们的研究结果为成瘾中苍白球的结构缺陷而不仅仅是功能缺陷提供了进一步的证据。在先前研究的背景下,我们的研究结果支持阿片类药物成瘾中共病抑郁症和冲动性之间共享病理生理过程的观点。




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