
Controlled synthesis of pointed carbon nanotubes


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To fully realize the potential for the many applications of carbon nanotubes, it is necessary to control their morphology at will. Here we describe the controlled synthesis, on the fibers of a carbon paper, of multi-walled carbon nanotubes having either a regular cylindrical morphology or a novel morphology consisting of nanometric cylindrical tubes terminated by pointed tips about 0.5-1 mum long. Reshaping of the Ni-Co catalyst particle during the growth process has been directly observed for both regular and pointed nanotubes. However, total liquefaction of the catalyst particle is only observed during the growth of pointed tubes. Regular tubes result from the spiral scrolling of a graphene sheet resulting in a herringbone texture, while the tip of the pointed tubes displays a concentric textural character. The change in growth mechanism seems to occur upon total liquefaction of the catalyst.
机译:为了充分实现碳纳米管的多种应用潜力,有必要随意控制其形貌。在这里,我们描述了在复写纸的纤维上受控合成的多壁碳纳米管,这些碳纳米管具有规则的圆柱形形态或由纳米圆柱形管组成的新形态,这些纳米圆柱形管末端由约0.5-1 mum长的尖头组成。在生长过程中,Ni-Co催化剂颗粒的整形已被直接观察到规则纳米管和尖纳米管。然而,仅在尖管生长过程中观察到催化剂颗粒的完全液化。规则管是由石墨烯片的螺旋滚动产生的,从而产生人字形纹理,而尖管的尖端则显示出同心的纹理特征。生长机理的变化似乎发生在催化剂完全液化时。




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