首页> 外文期刊>Mineralogical Magazine >Joteite, Ca_2CuAlAsO_4AsO_3(OH)_2(OH)_2-5H_2O, a new arsenate with a sheet structure and unconnected acid arsenate groups

Joteite, Ca_2CuAlAsO_4AsO_3(OH)_2(OH)_2-5H_2O, a new arsenate with a sheet structure and unconnected acid arsenate groups


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Joteite (IMA2012-091), Ca_2CuAlAsO_4AsO_3(OH)_2(OH)_2-5H_2O, is a new mineral from the Jote mine, Tierra Amarilla, Copiapo Province, Atacama, Chile. The mineral is a late-stage, low-temperature, secondary mineral occurring with conichalcite, mansfieldite, pharmacoalumite, pharmacosiderite and scorodite in narrow seams and vughs in the oxidized upper portion of a hydrothermal sulfide vein hosted by volcanoclastic rocks. Crystals occur as sky-blue to greenish-blue thin blades, flattened and twinned on {001}, up to ~300 urn in length, and exhibiting the forms {001}, {010}, {llO}, {210} and {111}. The blades are commonly intergrown in wheat-sheaf-like bundles, less commonly in sprays, and sometimes aggregated as dense crusts and cavity linings. The mineral is transparent and has a very pale blue streak and vitreous lustre. The Mohs hardness is estimated at 2 to 3, the tenacity is brittle, and the fracture is curved. It has one perfect cleavage on {001}. The calculated density based on the empirical formula is 3.056 g/cm3. It is optically biaxial (—) with a = 1.634(1), (3 = 1.644(1), y = 1.651(1) (white light), 2V_(meas )= 78(2)° and 2V_(calc) = 79.4°. The mineral exhibits weak dispersion, r Y (pale greenish blue) > X (colourless). The normalized electron-microprobe analyses (average of 5) provided: CaO 15.70, CuO 11.22, A1_2O_3 8.32, As_2O_5 46.62, H_2O 18.14 (structure), total 100 wt.. The empirical formula (based on 19 O a.p.f.u.) is: Ca_(1.98)Cu_(1.Oo)Al_(1.15)As_(2 87)H_(14.24)O_(19). The mineral is slowly soluble in cold, concentrated HC1. Joteite is triclinic, PI, with the cell parameters: a = 6.0530(2), b = 10.2329(3), c = 12.9112(4) A, a = 87.572(2), P = 78.480(2), y = 78.697(2)°, V= 768.40(4) A3 and Z = 2. The eight strongest lines in the X-ray powder diffraction pattern are d_(obs) A(T)(hkl): 12.76(100)(001), 5.009(23)(020), 4.206(26)(120,003,121), 3.92(24)(022,022,102), 3.40(25)(113), 3.233(19)(031,023,123,023), 2.97(132,201) and 2.91(15)(122,ll3). In the structure of joteite (R_1= 7.72 for 6003 F_o > 4aF), AsO_4 and AsO_3(OH) tetrahedra, A1O_6 octahedra and Cu~(2+)O_5 square pyramids share corners to form sheets parallel to {001}. In addition, 7- and 8-coordinate Ca polyhedra link to the periphery of the sheets yielding thick slabs. Between the slabs are unconnected AsC>3(OH) tetrahedra, which link the slabs only via hydrogen bonding. The Raman spectrum shows features consistent with OH and/or H_2O in multiple structural environments. The region between the slabs may host excess Al in place of some As.
机译:Joteite (IMA2012-091),Ca_2CuAl[AsO_4][AsO_3(OH)]_2(OH)_2-5H_2O,是智利阿塔卡马科皮亚波省 Tierra Amarilla Jote 矿的一种新矿物。该矿物是一种晚期、低温的次生矿物,与锥石、曼斯菲尔德石、药铝矿、药铝矿和莨菪石一起出现在由火山碎屑岩承载的热液硫化物矿脉的氧化上部的狭窄煤层和凹槽中。晶体呈天蓝色至绿蓝色薄叶片,扁平并孪生在{001}上,长度可达 ~300 瓮,并呈现 {001}、{010}、{llO}、{210} 和 {111} 的形式。叶片通常以麦捆状束状生长,较少见于喷雾中,有时聚集成致密的结皮和空腔衬里。矿物是透明的,具有非常淡蓝色的条纹和玻璃光泽。莫氏硬度估计为2至3,韧性脆,断裂弯曲。它在{001}上有一个完美的解理。根据经验公式计算的密度为 3.056 g/cm3.它是光学双轴 (—),a = 1.634(1),(3 = 1.644(1),y = 1.651(1)(白光),2V_(meas )= 78(2)° 和 2V_(calc) = 79.4°。该矿物表现出弱分散性,r Y(淡绿蓝色)> X(无色)。归一化电子-微探针分析(平均值为5)提供:CaO 15.70,CuO 11.22,A1_2O_3 8.32,As_2O_5 46.62,H_2O 18.14(结构),总计100重量%。经验公式(基于 19 O a.p.f.u.)为:Ca_(1.98)Cu_(1.Oo)Al_(1.15)As_(2 87)H_(14.24)O_(19).矿物质缓慢溶于冷的浓缩HC1。黄铁矿是三斜晶系,PI,细胞参数为:a = 6.0530(2),b = 10.2329(3),c = 12.9112(4) A,a = 87.572(2),P = 78.480(2),y = 78.697(2)°,V= 768.40(4) A3 和 Z = 2。X射线粉末衍射图谱中最强的8条线是[d_(obs) A(T)(hkl)]:12.76(100)(001)、5.009(23)(020)、4.206(26)(120,003,121)、3.92(24)(022,022,102)、3.40(25)(113)、3.233(19)(031,023,123,023)、2.97(132,201)和2.91(15)(122,ll3)。在闪长岩(R_1= 7.72% for 6003 F_o > 4aF)、AsO_4 和 AsO_3(OH) 四面体的结构中,A1O_6八面体和 Cu~(2+)O_5方形金字塔共享角,形成平行于{001}的薄片。此外,7 坐标和 8 坐标的 Ca 多面体连接到板材的外围,产生厚板。板坯之间是未连接的AsC>3(OH)四面体,它们仅通过氢键连接板坯。拉曼光谱在多种结构环境中显示出与OH和/或H_2O一致的特征。板坯之间的区域可能含有过量的铝来代替一些砷。



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