首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied polymer science >Characterization studies for polyethylene formed by Co60γ‐radiation under constant conditions in a nonflow system

Characterization studies for polyethylene formed by Co60γ‐radiation under constant conditions in a nonflow system




AbstractSeveral properties of polyethylene, synthesized by Co60gamma radiation have been investigated. The polymerization reactions were carried out in static experiments over a wide range of conditions. Measurements include molecular weight, molecular weight distribution, density, methyl group content, crystalline melting point, and melt index. The density of polyethylene formed at 20°C. was found to be 0.94 g./cc. This value appears to be independent of pressure from 170 to 1700 atm. and radiation intensity from 0.58 × 105to 4.7 × 105rads./hr. Increasing temperature results in increasing methyl group content and a decrease in density to 0.91 g./cc. at 200°C. The polymers formed, over the entire range of experimental conditions, were completely soluble ino‐dichlorobenzene at 135°C. Intrinsic viscosities were determined and their dependence on temperature, pressure, intensity, and radiation dose are shown. An attempt was made to correlate melt index to molecular weight and molecular weight distri
机译:摘要研究了Co60γ辐射合成的聚乙烯的几种性能。聚合反应是在各种条件下进行的静态实验。测量包括分子量、分子量分布、密度、甲基含量、结晶熔点和熔融指数。在20°C下形成的聚乙烯密度为0.94 g./cc。该值似乎与 170 至 1700 个大气压的压力和从 0.58 × 105 到 4.7 × 105rads./hr 的辐射强度无关。温度升高导致甲基含量增加,密度在200°C时降低至0.91 g./cc。 在整个实验条件下,形成的聚合物在135°C下是完全可溶的ino-dichlorobenzene。 测定了特性粘度,并显示了它们对温度、压力、强度和辐射剂量的依赖性。试图将熔融指数与分子量和分子量分布相关联




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