首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >18-Norandrosta-8,11,13-trienes. Part IV. 7-Hydroxy-derivatives

18-Norandrosta-8,11,13-trienes. Part IV. 7-Hydroxy-derivatives




336 J.C.S. Perkin I18-Norandrosta-8,l I ,I 3-trienes. Part 1V.l' 7-Hydroxy-derivativesBy Colin L. Hewett, Samuel G. Gibson, lain M. Gilbert, James Redpath,' David S. Savage, ThomasSleigh, and Robert Taylor, Scientific Development Group Organon, Organon Laboratories Ltd., Newhouse,Lanarkshire MLI 5SH, ScotlandDirect dehydrogenation of 18-norandrost-13-enes (1 a and b) with selenium dioxide gave the corresponding7~-hydroxy-18-norandrosta-8,11 ,I 3-trienes (2a and b) in one step. The corresponding 7a-acetates (2c and d)were obtained together with the epimeric 7P-acetates (9a and b) on treatment of the 18-norandrosta-7.13-dienes(8a and c) with mercury(i1) acetate. The mechanisms for both aromatisation processes are discussed.PREVIOUS papers described the formation of ring-c-aromatic steroids from 18-norandrost-13-enes, byusing bromination-dehydrobromination to introduce thetwo additional double bonds.In continuation of ourprogramme to evaluate the biological activities ofring-c-aromatic compounds the present paper describestwo useful routes to 18-norandrosta-8,11,13-trieneshydroxylated at position 7 : the reaction of 18-nor-androst-13-enes with selenium dioxide and the re-action of 18-norandrosta-7,13-dienes with mercury (11)acetate .The introduction of further double bonds into unsatur-ated steroids by using selenium dioxide is a well estab-lished technique,2 proceeding by allylic hydroxylation gfollowed by dehydration of the alcohol formed.2aygApplication of this reaction to the 18-norandrost-13-enes(la and b) gave, in one step, the 7a-hydroxy-18-nor-androsta-8,11,13-trienes (2a and b).The structureswere confirmed by the n.m.r. spectra of the acetates(2c and d), which show a quartet due to two aromaticprotons (6 7.02 and 7.27, JAB 8 Hz) and an equatorial7P-proton signal (6 5.9-6-0, Wi 6 Hz).The reaction is presumed to proceed as shown inScheme 1 by allylic hydroxylation of the 13,14-doublebond at either position 8 or position 12 to give the un-saturated alcohols (3) or (4). Since no products fromprocesses involving unsaturation or oxidation at position15 are isolated, it is assumed that no allylic attack occurs( 1 I a; R = H ( 2 I a; R ' = R ~ = Hb; R = O H b; R'=OH, RZ= Hd; R' = OAC, R2=AcC; R = OAc c; R' =H, R L A Cat that position.Under the conditions of the reactionboth alcohols (3) and (4) undergo dehydration with1 (a) Part 111, C. L. Hewett, S. G. Gibson, J. Redpath, andD. S. Savage, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1974, 1432; (b) Part 11, C. L.Hewett, I. M. Gilbert, J. Redpath, D. S. Savage, J. Strachan, T.Sleigh, and R. Taylor, ibid., p. 897.(a) N. Rabjohn, Org. Reactions, 1949, 5, 331; (b) J. C. Eckand E. W. Hollingsworth, .J. Amev. Chem. Soc., 1942, 64, 140;(c) A. L. Morrison and J. C. B. Simpson, J . Chem. SOC., 1932, 1710;(d) R. K. Callow and 0. Rosenheim, ibid., 1933, 387; ( e ) L.. J.Bellamy and C. DorCe, ibid., 1941, 176; (f) R. K. Callow, abzd..1936, 462; (g) L. F. Fieser and G. Ourisson, J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,1953, 75, 4404.allylic rearrangement, which appears to be the preferredmode of elimination,2 to give the dienes (5).Hydroxyl-ation of the dienes (5), again in the allylic positions,or I1SCHEME 1gives the 7,l l-diols (6), which lose the 1 l-hydroxy-groupalong with the 9a-proton, possibly also with allylicrearrangement within ring c, to give the 7a-hydroxy-18-norandrosta-8,11,13-trienes (2a and b) . * Some acid-catalysed dehydration also occurs, due to the presence ofthe selenous acid, and small amounts of 18-norandrosta-6,8,11,13-tetraenes (7a and b) can be detected in thecrude products.The introduction of a further double bond 2b,3 or of anallylic acetoxy-group into an olefinic compound byusing mercury(I1) acetate is a well known reaction,believed to occur by electrophilic attack of mercury(I1)3 (a) W.V. Ruyle, T. A. Jacob, J. M. Chemerda, E. M.Chamberlin, D. W. Rosenburg, G. E. Sita, R. L. Erickson, L. 11.Aliminosa, and M. Tishler, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1963, 75, 2604;(b) .A. Ziircher, €3. Heusser, 0. Jeger, and P. Geistlich, Helv.Chzm. Acta, 1964, 37, 1662; (c) A. Windaus and 0. Linsert,Annalela, 1928, 485, 148; (d) A. Windaus, ibid., 1931, 4861, 91;( e ) A. Windaus, U. Riemann, and G. Ziihlsdorff, ibid., 1942, 552,135; (f) D. H. R. Barton and W. J. Kosenfelder, J . Chem. Soc.,1951, 2381; ( g ) G. Saucy, P. Geistlich, R. Helbling, and H.Heusser, Helv. Chim. Ada, 1954, 37, 250.4 (a) W. Troibs, G. Lucius, H. Kogler, and H. Breslauer,Annalen, 1953, 581, 59; (b) W. Treibs and H. Bast, ibid., 1949,561, 165; (c) W.Treibs and I. Weissenfels, Chem. Ber., 1960, 98,13741975 337acetate on the double bond to give a symmetrical ion:followed by elimination of a proton to form an inter-mediate with the mercury atom at the least substitutedposition.6 This undergoes solvolytic demurcuration togive an allylic acetate, either by a concerted attack3for via an allylic carb~cation.~" With unstable allylicacetates the elements of acetic acid are lost to introducea second double bond. It seemed probable thereforethat treatment of an 18-norandrost-13-ene with mercury-(11) acetate would give either an allylic acetate or adiene, and that a subsequent similar step might reason-ably be expected to give an aromatic product. How-ever, the 18-norandrost-13-enes (la and c) wererecovered after treatment with mercury(I1) acetate, aresult probably due to steric hindrance associated withthe 13,14-double bond.Treatment of the 18-norandrosta-7,13-dienes l b (8aand c) with mercury@) acetate, however, resulted in amixture of the corresponding 7a- and 7P-acetoxy-18-norandrosta-8,11,13-trienes (2c and d) and (9a and( 7 ) a ; R = H ( 8 ) a; R = Hb; R =OHC ; R = OACb; R = OHC; R =OAc( 9 ) a ; R = Hb; R = OAcb), respectively. The reaction is believed to involveformation of the ion (10) by electrophilic attack acrossthe 7,8-double bond as shown in Scheme 2.A protonis eliminated to give an organomercurial intermediate(1 1), which undergoes demercuration via a delocalisedcarbocation (12) to the 7-acetate (13).A similarelectrophilic attack on this diene (13) by mercury@)acetate gives the aromatic 7a- and 7P-acetates. Ifthe reaction is carried out at reflux temperature orfor a prolonged period, the presence of the correspondingtetraenes (7a and c) in the reaction mixtures can bedemonstrated.The pure 7a-acetate (2d) isolated from the epimencmixture was identical with the product obtained viaselenium dioxide. The 7P-epimer (9b) could not be(a) I<. B. Wiberg and S. D. Nielsen, J. Urg. Chem., 1964, 29,3363; (b) 2. Rappoport, P. D. Sleezer, S. Winstein, and W. G.Young, Tetrahedron Letters, 1966, 3719; (c) 2. Rappoport, S.Winstein, and W. G. Young, J. Amev. Chem. Soc., 1972,@4, 2320;(d) 2. Rappoport, L. K. Dyau, S.Winstein, and W. G. Young,Tetrahedron Letters, 1970, 3483. * P. D. Sleezer, Ph.D. Thesis, U.C.L.A., 1963, cited in ref. Sb.obtained pure.the epimers (Bc) and (9a)I could be achieved.In the other series no separation ofH( 10 1 ( 1 1 1( 13 1 (12 1SCHEME 2 R=HorOAcThe 18-norandrosta-6,8,11,13-tetraenes (7a and b)could be obtained in good yield by treatment of thealcohols (2a and b), the acetates (2c and d), or the epi-meric mixtures with sulphuric acid. The assignmentof the additional double bond to position 6 is confirmedby the n.m.r. spectra of the compounds, which show boththe 6- and 7-proton signals as quartets (6 5.64 and 6.53,respectively) because of coupling with the adjacent5a-proton ( J 2-3 Hz). This confirms that the originalacetate group is at position 7 and discounts the possi-bility that the products from the mercury(I1) acetatearomatisation could be 15-acetates since these wouldbe deacetoxylated to give A16-compounds which wouldshow both 15- and 16-proton signals as doublets in then.m.r. spectra.Additional evidence on this point isprovided by the ketones (14a and b) produced on oxid-ation of the alcohols (2a and b). The i.r. absorption ofthe 7-carbonyl group occurs at 1667-1677 cm-l (typicalfor an a-tetralone 7, whereas the 15-ketone would beexpected7 to show i.r. absorption characteristic of anindanone at 1705-1715 cm-l.EXPERIMENTALM.p.s were determined with a Kofler hot-stage apparatus.1.r. spectra were determined with a Perkin-Elmer 457spectrometer.U.V. spectra were determined with a7 (a) L. J. Bellamy, The Infrared Spectra of ComplexMolecules,' Methuen, London, 2nd edn., pp. 137-138; (b) D. C.Gutsche, J. -4wzer. Chem. SOC., 1951, 73, 786J.C.S. Perkin IPerkin-Elmer 402 spectroineter and are for solutions inethanol. Optical rotations were measured for solutionsin chloroform at room temperature unless otherwisestated. G.1.c. was performed with a Pye-Argon chromato-graph. N.m.r. spectra (solvent CDC1,) were determinedat 60 Hz with a Varian A60 or a Perkin-Elmer R12 Bspectrometer, with tetramethylsilane as internal standard.Light petroleum refers to the fraction of b.p. 40-60".Unless otherwise stated, products were isolated bydiluting the reaction mixture with water, extracting withether, washing the extract with sodium hydrogen carbonatesolution and water until neutral, drying (IL'a,SO,), andremoving the solvent under vacuum.17,17-DimethyZ-18-no~-5a-androst- 13-ene (la) .-A sus-pension of 17a-methyl-5a-androstan- 17p-01 (25.0 g) in98-100~o formic acid (80 ml) was boiled under refluxfor 15 min, cooled, diluted with water, and filtered. Thesolid was washed neutral with water, dried in vacuo, andrecrystallised from acetone to give 17,17-dimethyZ-l8-nor-5a-androst-13-e~e (la) (20.6 g) as prisms, m.p.58-60',a, -39' (c lel), A, 214 nm (c 2700), 6 0.76 (3H, s, IO-Me)and 0.93 (6H, s, 17,17-hte2) (Found: C, 87.9; H, 11.6.C,,H,, requires C, 88.2; H, 11.8).17,17-DiunetJzyl-l8-nor-5a-androsta-7,13-diene (8a) .-Bro-mine (42 ml) in methylene chloride (40 ml) was addedslowly to a solution of 17,17-dimethyl-l8-nor-5a-androst-13-ene (la) (137 g) in ether (840 ml) and methylene chloride(I40 ml) at -70".The temperature of the solution wasthen allowed to rise to -15". Sodium iodide (160 g) inacetone (1.1 1) was added slowly, and the solution washeated to reflux temperature, boiled for 45 min, cooled,diluted with ether (1-5 l), washed in turn withaqueous sodium sulphite, water, and brine, and dried.The solvent was evaporated off and the residue was dis-solved in acetone (200 ml) ; the product was precipitatedby addition of aqueous sodium sulphite at 0". The solidwas filtered off, redissolved in acetone, and reprecipitatedwith aqueous sodium sulphite.The product was isolatedand dissolved in ether; the solution was filtered through acolumn of acid-washed alumina (1 kg), which was theneluted with ether. Evaporation of the eluate and crystal-lisatioii of the residue from ether-methanol a t 0 - 5 O gavethe 7,13-diene (8a) (1 18 a). Recrystallisation from thesame solvent furnished a sample of m.p. 46--50°, a,- 192" (c 2.2), Amxe 24'7 nni (E lS,SOO), S 0.93 (3H, s, 10-Me),0-99 (6H, s, 17,17-Me2), and 5.38 (lH, m, 7-H) (Found:C, 89.0; H, 11.3. C,,H,, requires C, 88.8; H, 11.2).17,17-DinzethyZ-l8-nor-5a-androst~-8,11,13-trien-7a-ol(2a).--,4 solution of 17,17-dimethyl- 18-nor-5a-androst- 13-ene(la) (20 g) in dioxan (100 ml) and water (20 ml) was heateduntil it was almost boiling, selenium dioxide (30 a) wasadded, and the mixture was boiled under reflux for 20 min,cooled, and filtered.The filtrate was diluted with waterand the product (22.0 g) was isolated and dissolved inlight petroleum (40 nil). The solution was filtered down acolumn (3 x 1 in) of alumina. EIution with light petrol-eum (150 ml) yielded a fraction (18.1 g) which was re-chromatographed in light petroleum on a column (10 x2.5 in) of alumina. Elution with light petroleum (1-2 1)and benzene (1.4 1) yielded impure fractions which werediscarded; further elution with benzene (1.0 1) and diethylether (1-2 1) yielded a fraction (9.3 g) which was crystal-lised from light petroleum to give 17,17-dimethyZ-l8-nor-5ct-* The more downfield signal is assigned to the 1 l-H by analogywith the l-oxo- and l-hydroxy-analognes.laandrosta-8,11, 13-trien-7u-oZ (2a) as prisms, m.p.118-121.5', aID +13O (c l-O), vmx, (KC1) 3400 (OH) and 818cm-l (aromatic), 1- 270 (E 1150) and 278 nm (1260)(Found: C, 84.3; H, 10.0. C,,H2,0 requires C, 84.45,H, 9.9).. Treatment of the corresponding 7,13-dienes (8) withselenium dioxide under the same conditions gave in-tractable mixtures.Tcc-Ace#oxy-17,1'7-dimethyl- 18-nor-6ol-and~osta-8,11,13-tri-ene (2c) .-Acetylation of 17,l 7-dimethyl- 18-nor-5a-andro-~ta-8,11,13-trien-7a-ol (2a) (1.22 g) in pyridine (5 ml) andacetic anhydride (5 ml) overnight at room temperaturegave the 7u-acetate (2c), which crystallised from acetoneas prisms (800 mg), m.p. 113-115.5", a, +43" (c 1-07),vms (CH,Cl,) 1725 and 1240 (3-OAc) and 824 cm-1 (aro-matic), 6 1.02 (3H, s, 10-Me), 1-19 and 1.26 (6H, 2s, 17,17-Me,), 2.04 (3H, s, 7a-OAc), 2.7 (2H, m, 15-H,), 5.9 (lH, m,7P-H), 7.02 (lH, d, J 8 Hz, 12-H), and 7-27 (lH, d, J 8 Hz,ll-H) (Found: C, 81-1; H, 9.4.C22H3002 requires C,8049; M, 9.3).Treatment of 17,l'I-DimethyZ- 18-nor-5u-androsta-7,13-d2-ene (8a) with Mercuvy(I1) Acetate.-A solution of the diem(8a) (100 g) in dioxan (250 ml) and acetic acid (750 ml) wasstirred with a suspension of mercury(I1) acetate (200 g)a t 70' for 40 h. The solution was filtered through Dicalite,cooled, and diluted with water (10 1). The product wasisolated by extraction and the residue (108 g), dissolvedin dry ether (1 l), was added carefully to a stirred suspensionof lithium aluminium hydride (36 h) in dry ether (1.2 1).The suspension was stirred at room temperature for 20min, diluted carefully with aqueous ether (3 l), and filteredthrough Dicalite.The solution was dried (MgSO,),concentrated, and chromatographed on a column of acid-washed alumina 8 (1.5 kg). Elution with cyclohexanegave starting material (12.0 g). Further elution withether gave a mixture of 7a- and 7p-epimers of 17,17-di-methy1-18-nor-5a-androsta-8,11,13-trien-7-o1 (68 g), 6 1-01(3H, s, IO-Me), 1.25 (6H, s, 17,17-Me2), 1.68 (lH, s, 7-OH),3.0 (ZH, m, 15-H), 4.77 (W, 5 Hz, 7P-H), 5.0 (Wa 7 Hz,7a-H), and 7.02 and 7.23 (2H, q, J 8 Hz, 11- and 12-H).17,17-Dimethyl-l8-nor-5a-androst- 13-ene (la), treatedwith mercury(I1) acetate in a similar manner, was un-changed.17,13-DimelhyZ-18-nor-5a-androsta-6,8,11,13-tetraene (7a).-(a) A solution of 17,17-dimethyl-I 8-nor-Sa-androsta-8,11,13-trien-7a-01 (2a) (1.0 g) (prepared by using seleniumdioxide) in dioxan (10 ml) was heated under reflux withsulphuric acid ( 1 0 ~ ; 0.05 ml) for 20 min, then cooled;the product was isolated by the normal procedure andcrystallised from ether-propan-2-01 to give the tetraene (7a)(337 mg), m.p.57-59-5, .ID -153" (c l-O), vmx. (KC1)3040 and 823 cm-1 (aromatic), Amx. 273 nm (c 9600) (Found :C, 90.1; H, 9.8.(b) A solution of a mixture of 7a- and 7P-epimers of17,1'7-dimethy1-18-nor-5a-androsta-8,11,13-trien-7-ol (10 g)(2a) and (9a) prepared by using mercury(r1) acetate washeated under reflux in dioxan (100 m1) with sulphuric acid(ION; 10 ml) for 15 min.The product was isolated andcrystallised twice from methanol-ether to give the tetraene(7a) (7.8 g), m.p. 55-57", 6 0.97 (3H, s. 10-Me), 1.26 (3H,s, 17-Me), 1.30 (3H, s, 17-Me), 6.64 (lH, q, J 10 and 2 Hz,6-H), 6.63 (IH, q, J 10 and 3 Hz, 7-H), 6-92 (lH, d, J 8Hz, 12-H), and 7.09 (LH, d, J 8 Hz, Ll-H) (Found: C ,8 I<. K. Farrar, J . C. Hamlet, H. B. Henbest, and E. R. H.Jones, J . Chem. SOC., 1952, 2867.C,,H,, requires C, 90.2; H, 9.8)1975 33990.3; H, 9.8), identical (u.v. and i.r. spectra and t.1.c.)with the sample prepared before.(14a).-Jones reagent (60 ml) was added slowly at 20"to a solution of 17,17-dimethy1-18-nor-5a-androsta-8,11,13-trien-7~- and -7p-01 (68 g) in acetone (650 ml) andstirring was then continued for 10 min.The product wasisolated and crystallised from methanol-water to give the"-ketone (14a) (51 g). Recrystallisation from the samesolvent gave a sample of m.p. 66-67', a, +68' (c 1-22),vn= (KCl) 1670 (7-ketone) and 830 cm-I (aromatic), vmX.CCH2C1,) 1667 and 830 cm-l, A,,, 257 (c 10,500) and 314 nm(3500), 6 1.15 (3H, s, 10-Me), 1.22 (6H, s, 17,17-Me2), 2.41(2H, m, 6-H2), 3.29 (ZH, m, 15-H,), and 7-2 (2H, t, J 8 Hz,11- and 12-H) (Found: C, 85.1; H, 9-3. C,oH,,O requiresC , 85.1; H, 9.3).3p, 7a-Diacetoxy-17,17-dimethy1-18-nor-5a-androsta-8,11,-13-triene (2d) .-(a) A solution of 3P-hydroxy- 17,17-di-methyl- 18-nor-5a-androst- 13-ene ( 1 b) lb ( 18 g) in dioxan(90 ml) and water (18 ml) was heated until i t was almostboiling, then selenium dioxide (27 g) was added.Themixture was boiled under reflux for 5 min, filtered to removeselenium, and cooled; the product (19.5 g) was thenisolated and dissolved in ether. The solution was filteredthrough a column (5 x 14 in) of alumina. Elution withether followed by ethyl acetate gave a reddish brown gum(14.7 g) which was acetylated with pyridine (22-5 ml)and acetic anhydride (22.5 ml) on a water-bath for 2 h.The product was extracted into ether and the extract waswashed with ammonium hydrogen sulphate solution andwater, dried (Na,S04), and evaporated to dryness. Trit-uration of the residue (16.1 g) with ether yielded the3p, 7a-diacetoxy-triene (2d) (4.5 g) .Two recrystallisationsfrom ether furnished a sample of m.p. 208-5", a, +14O(c 0-8), vlllRX (KCl) 1723 and 1245 (3-OAc) and 832 cm-1(aromatic), A,, 223 (E 10,300), 272 (1780), and 280 nm(1780) (Found: C, 75.0; H, 8.3. C,,H,,O, requires C,75.0; H, 8.4).(b) Mercury(r1) acetate (160 g ) was added to a stirred,boiling solution of 3~-acetoxy-17,17-dimethy1-18-nor-5a-androsta-7,13-diene (8c) lb (80 g) in glacial acetic acid(800 ml) and heating under reflus was continued for 10 min.The solution was cooled and filtered through Dicalite, andthe product was isolated and crystallised from ether-hexane giving the 3P,7a-diacetoxy-triene (2d) (27 g). Re-crystallisation from ether gave a sample of m.p. 202-206",a, +6.5 (c 0.89), vmx. (KC1) 3070, 3030, and 1725 and1240 cm-l (OAc), vmax.(CH,Cl,) 1730 and 1225 (OAc),and 830 cm-l (aromatic), 6 1.10 (3H, s, 10-Me), 1.23 (3H, s,17-Me), 1.26 (3H, s, 17-Me), 2-08 (3H, s, OAc), 2-09 (3H,s, OAc), 2-83 (2H, m, 15-H,), 4.80 (lH, m, 3a-H), 5.99(lH, m, W4 6 Hz, 7P-H), 7.02 (lH, d, J 8 Hz, 12-H), and7.27 (IH, d, J 9 Hz, ll-H) (Found: C, 75.4; H, 8-7),identical (i.r. spectrum and t.1.c.) with the sample pre-viously prepared. Recrystallisation (ether-hexane) ofthe material from the mother liquors gave a second crop(21 g ) containing a mixture of the 3P,7a-diacetate (2d)and the 3/3,7@-diacetate (9b). The mother liquors slowlysolidified; trituration with methanol gave a solid whichcrystallised from ether-petroleum to yield 3P-acetoxy- 17,17-dimethyl- 18-nor-5a-androsta-6,8,11,13-tetraene (7c) (3.4 g),m.p.144-145', a, -114" (c 14), vmx. (KCl) 1725 and1230 cm-l (acetate), 6 1.0 (3H, s, 10-Me), 1.21 (3H, s, 17-Me),1.24 (3H, s, 17-Me), 2.03 (3H, s, OAc), 2-83 (3H, m, 5a-Hand 15-H,), 4.80 (lH, m, 3a-H), 5-64 (lH, q, 9.5 and 2 Hz,17,17-Dimethy,?- 18-nor-5a-androsta-8,11,13-trien-7-one6-H), 6.55 (IH, q, J 9.3 and 2 Hz, 7-H), and 7.0 (ZH, t,J 8 Hz, 11- and 12-H) (Found: C, 81.5; H, 8.9. CZ2H,,O,requires C, 814; H, 8.7).dime (14b) .-(a) A mixture of 3p, 7a- and 3p, 7P-diacetoxy-17,17-dimethyl-18-nor-5a-androsta-8,11,13-triene (Zd) and(9b)l (2 g) prepared by using mercury(I1) acetate, in ether(50 ml), was added slowly to a suspension of lithiumaluminium hydride (1 g) in ether (30 ml), and stirringwas continued a t room temperature for 4 h.Aqueousethyl acetate was added carefully and the solution wasfiltered through Dicalite and dried (Na,SO,) . The solventwas evaporated off to give 17,17-dimethyl- 18-nor-5a-androsta-8,11,13-triene-3p,7-diol (1.7 g) as an epimericmixture which could not be crystallised. The material(1.4 g) was dissolved in acetone (2.5 ml) (redistilled overpotassium permanganate), Jones reagent 9 (2 mi) wasadded slowly a t room temperature, and stirring wascontinued for 10 min. Isolation of the product andcrystallisation from ether-light petroleum gave the 3,7-dione (14b) (1.01 g) as needles. Recrystallisation fromether-light petroleum gave a sample of m.p. 150-152",a}, +SO" (c O - S S ) , vmx.(KC1) 3060, 1713 (3-ketone), 1677(7-ketone), and 830 cm-1 (aromatic), v,,, (CH,Cl,) 1710,1670, and 830 cm-l, A,, 258 (E 11,200) and 314 nm (3600),6 1.26 (6H, s, 17,1i'-Me,), 1.42 (3H, s, 10-Me), 3.33 (ZH, m,15-H,), and 7.33 (2H, t , J 10 Hz, 11- and 12-H) (Found:C, 81-3; H, 8-1. C2OH24OZ requires C, 81-0; H, 8.2).(6) Hydrolysis of 3p, 7a-diacetoxy- 17,17-dimethyl-1 €?-nor-5a-androsta-8,11,13-triene (2d) (0.9 g) (prepared by usingselenium dioxide), in methanol (9 nil), with aqueous potas-sium hydroxide ( 1 0 ~ ; 1 ml) gave the diol (2b) as a non-crystalline residue (0-74 g). Kiliani's reagent 10 (6 mi)was added to a solution of the diol (0.7 g) in acetic acid(5.0 ml) and the solution was stirred a t room temperaturefor 45 min.The product (0.5 g) was isolated and crystal-lised from ether to give the 3,7-diketone (14b) as needles,m.p. 148-152', aID +58' (c 1-1), identical (i.r. spectrumand t.1.c.) with the sample prepared before.17,17-DimethyZ-18-nor-5a-androsta-6,8,11,13-tetraen-3~-ol(7b).--A solution of 3~,7a-diacetoxy-17,17-dimethyl-18-nor-5a-androsta-8,11,13-triene (2d) (10 g) in dioxan (600 ml)containing sulphuric acid ( 1 0 ~ ; 25 ml) was heated underreflux for 2 h, concentrated (50 ml), and cooled. Theproduct (7.5 g) was isolated, transferred as a solution inether onto a column of deactivated alumina 8 (200 g),and eluted with ethyl acetate. Concentration of theeluate and crystallisation from light petroleum gave thealcohol (7b) (5.1 g). Recrystallisation from light petrol-eum gave a sample of m.p. 99-l0lo, a}, -138" (G 0-42),vmax. (KC1) 3280 (OH) and 820 cm-l (aromatic), vmx.(CH,Cl,) 3600 and 825 cm-l, Amx. 273 nm ( E 11,400), 6 1.02(3H, s, 10-Me), 1.23 (3H, s, 17-Me), 1-27 (3H, s, 17-Me),2.87 (2H, m, 15-H,), 3.7 (lH, m, 3a-H), 5-65 (lH, q, J 9.3and 2 Hz, 6-H), 6-55 (lH, q, J 9.3 and 2 Hz, 7-H), and7.0 (2H, t, J 8 Hz, 11- and 12-H) (Found: C, 85.3; H,9.5.17,17-Dimethyl- 18-nor-5u-androsta-6,8,11,13-tetraen-3-one.-Jones reagent (6 ml) was added slowly a t room tem-perature to a stirred solution of 17,l'l-dimethyI- 18-nor-5a-androsta-6,8,11,13-tetraen-3~-01 (7b) (4 g) in redistilledacetone (40 ml) and stirring was then continued for 10 min.17,17-DimethyZ- 18-nor-5a-androsta-8,11,13-t~iene-3,7-CZoH2,O requires C, 85.1; H, 9.3).K. Bowden, I. M. Heilbron, E. R. H. Jones, and B. C. L.Weedon, J . Chem. SOC., 1946, 39.lo H. Kiliani, Ber., 1901, 84, 3664340 J.C.S. Perkin IIsolation of the product and crystallisation from ether- 17-Me), 2.9 (2H, m, 15-H2), 5.6 (lH, q, J 9 and 1 Hz, 6-H),hexane gave 17,17-d~rnetlzyl-l8-nor-5~-un~~osta-6,8,11,13- 6.62 (lH, q, J 9 and 2 Hz, 7-H), 6-97 (lH, d, J 8 Hz, lBH),tetraea-3-one (2.8 g). Recrystallisation from ether-hexane and 7.13 (lH, d, J 8 Hz, 11-H) (Found: C, 85.9; H, 8.7.furnished a sample of m.p. 155-157°, vmx. (KCl) 3030, 1720 C,,H2,0 requires C, 85.7; H, 8.6).(ketone), and 820 cm-l (aromatic), 274 nm ( E 9900),6 1.20 (3H, s, 10-Me), 1-23 (3H, s, 17-Me), 1-26 (3H, s, 411763 Received, 21st August, 1974
机译:336 J.C.S. Perkin I18-去甲雄甾-8,l I ,I 3-三烯。Part 1V.l' 7-羟基衍生物作者:Colin L. Hewett、Samuel G. Gibson、lain M. Gilbert、James Redpath,' David S. Savage、ThomasSleigh 和 Robert Taylor,Scientific Development Group Organon, Organon Laboratories Ltd., Newhouse,Lanarkshire MLI 5SH, Scotland18-去甲雄甾-13-烯(1 a和b)与二氧化硒直接脱氢得到相应的7~-羟基-18-去甲雄甾-8,11 ,I 3-三烯(2a和b)。用乙酸汞(i1)处理18-去甲雄甾-7.13-二烯(8a和c)时,得到相应的7a-乙酸盐(2c和d)和差向异构体7P-乙酸盐(9a和b)。讨论了两种芳构化过程的机理。以前的论文描述了从18-去甲雄甾-13-烯形成环-c-芳香族类固醇,通过使用溴化-脱氢溴化引入两个额外的双键。为了继续我们的计划,以评估环-c-芳香族化合物的生物活性,本文描述了在7位18-去甲雄甾-8,11,13-三烯羟基化的两种有用途径:18-去甲雄甾-13-烯与二氧化硒的反应和18-去甲雄甾-7,13-二烯与汞(11)乙酸酯的再反应。通过使用二氧化硒将进一步的双键引入未饱和类固醇中是一种成熟的技术,2 通过烯丙基羟基化 %g 进行,然后对形成的醇进行脱水。2ayg该反应对18-去甲雄甾-13-烯(la和b)的应用,一步得到7a-羟基-18-去甲雄甾-8,11,13-三烯(2a和b)。乙酸盐(2c和d)的n.m.r.谱证实了这些结构,该光谱显示了由于两个芳香质子(6 7.02和7.27,JAB 8 Hz)和一个赤道7P质子信号(6 5.9-6-0,Wi 6 Hz)而产生的四重奏。假设反应如方案 1 所示,在位置 8 或位置 12 处对 13,14-双键进行烯丙基羟基化,得到不饱和醇 (3) 或 (4)。由于没有分离出涉及位置 15 不饱和或氧化的过程的产物,因此假设不会发生烯丙基攻击( 1 I a;R = H ( 2 I a;R ' = R ~ = 血红蛋白;R = O H b;R'=OH,RZ=Hd;R' = OAC,R2=AcC;R = OAc c;R' =H, R L A Cat 那个位置。在反应条件下,醇 (3) 和 (4) 都与 1 (a) 第 111 部分、CL Hewett、SG Gibson、J. Redpath 和 D 一起脱水。S. Savage, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1974, 1432;(b) 第11部分,C.L.Hewett、I.M.Gilbert、J.Redpath、D.S.Savage、J.Strachan、T.Sleigh和R.Taylor,同上,第897页。(a) N. Rabjohn, Org. Reactions, 1949, 5, 331;(b) J.C.埃坎德、E.W.霍林斯沃思、.J.阿梅夫。化学学报, 1942, 64, 140;(c) A.L.莫里森和J.C.B.辛普森,J.化学 SOC., 1932, 1710;(d) R. K. Callow和0.Rosenheim, 同上, 1933, 387;( e ) L..J.Bellamy和C.DorCe,同上,1941年,第176页;(f) R. K. Callow, abzd..1936, 462;(g) L. F. Fieser 和 G. Ourisson, J .Amer. Chem. SOC.,1953, 75, 4404.烯丙基重排,这似乎是首选的消除模式,2 得到二烯 (5).二烯烃 (5) 的羟基化反应,再次处于烯丙基位置,或 I1SCHEME 1 得到 7,l l-二醇 (6),它失去了 1 l-羟基和 9a-质子,可能还具有环 c 内的烯丙基重排,得到 7a-羟基-18-去甲雄甾-8,11,13-三烯 (2a 和 b) 。* 由于硒酸的存在,也会发生一些酸催化的脱水,并且在粗产品中可以检测到少量的 18-去甲雄甾-6,8,11,13-四烯(7a 和 b)。通过使用乙酸汞(I1)将进一步的双键2b,3或烯丙基乙酰氧基引入烯烃化合物中是一个众所周知的反应,据信是通过汞(I1)3的亲电攻击而发生的 (a) W.V. Ruyle, T. A. Jacob, J. M. Chemerda, E. M. Chamberlin, D. W. Rosenburg, GE Sita, R. L. Erickson, L. 11.Aliminosa, and M. Tishler, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1963, 75, 2604;(b) .A. Ziircher,3欧元。Heusser,0。Jeger 和 P. Geistlich,Helv.Chzm。学报, 1964, 37, 1662;(c) A. Windaus 和 0.Linsert,Annalela,1928,485,148;(d) A. Windaus,同上,1931年,第4861页,第91页;( e ) A. Windaus, U. Riemann, and G. Ziihlsdorff, 同上, 1942, 552,135;(f) D. H. R. Barton和W. J. Kosenfelder, J.化学学报,1951, 2381;( g ) G. Saucy, P. Geistlich, R. Helbling, 和 H.Heusser, Helv.噗噗。Ada, 1954, 37, 250.4 (a) W. Troibs, G. Lucius, H. Kogler, and H. Breslauer,Annalen, 1953, 581, 59;(b) W.Treibs和H. Bast,同上,1949,561,165;(c) W.Treibs and &I. Weissenfels, Chem. Ber., 1960, 98,13741975 337乙酸酯在双键上得到对称离子:然后消除质子以在至少取代位置与汞原子形成中间体.6 这经历溶剂分解以得到烯丙基乙酸盐,要么通过协同攻击3for通过烯丙基碳水化合物~阳离子.~“ 对于不稳定的烯丙基乙酸盐,乙酸的元素丢失以引入第二个双键。因此,似乎有可能用乙酸汞-(11)处理18-去甲雄甾-13-烯会得到烯丙基乙酸盐或己二烯,并且随后的类似步骤可能会得到芳香族产物。然而,18-去甲雄甾-13-烯(la和c)在用醋酸汞(I1)处理后被回收,这可能是由于与13,14双键相关的空间位阻。然而,用mercury@)乙酸盐处理18-去甲雄甾-7,13-二烯l b(8a和c)导致相应的7a-和7P-乙酰氧基-18-去甲雄甾-8,11,13-三烯(2c和d)和(9a和(7)a的混合物;R = H ( 8 ) a;R = 血红蛋白;R =OHC ;R = OACb;R = OHC;R =OAc( 9 ) 一 ;R = 血红蛋白;R = OAcb)。该反应被认为涉及离子 (10) 的亲电攻击穿过 7,8 双键,如方案 2 所示。消除质子以产生有机汞中间体 (1 1),该中间体通过离域碳正离子 (12) 到 7-乙酸酯 (13) 进行脱汞。mercury@)乙酸盐对这种二烯(13)的类似亲电攻击得到芳香族7a-和7P-乙酸盐。如果反应在回流温度下进行或长时间进行,则可以证明反应混合物中存在相应的四烯(7a和c)。从表邑混合物中分离出的纯7a-乙酸酯(2d)与获得的二氧化硒的产物相同。7P-差向异构体(9b)不能是(a)I<。B. Wiberg 和 SD Nielsen,J. Urg。化学, 1964, 29,3363;(二) 2.Rappoport、PD Sleezer、S. Winstein 和 W. G.Young,Tetrahedron Letters,1966 年,3719 页;(三) 2.Rappoport、S.Winstein 和 W. G. Young、J. Amev。Chem. Soc., 1972,@4, 2320;(d) 2.Rappoport, L. K. Dyau, S.Winstein, and W. G. Young,Tetrahedron Letters,1970,3483。* P. D. Sleezer, Ph.D. Thesis, U.C.L.A., 1963, 引自参考文献 Sb.obtained pure.the epimers [(Bc) and (9a)I could be achieved.在另一系列中,H( 10 1 ( 1 1 1( 13 1 ( 12 1SCHEME 2 R=HorOAc通过处理醇类(2a和b)、乙酸盐(2c和d)或差向异构体混合物与硫酸处理,可以获得良好的收率。化合物的 nmr 谱证实了附加双键对位置 6 的分配,该谱图将 6 质子和 7 质子信号显示为四重奏(6 5.64 和 6。53),因为与相邻的5a-质子(J 2-3 Hz)耦合。这证实了原始乙酸基团位于位置 7,并降低了来自汞 (I1) 乙酰硬脂酸化的产物可能是 15-乙酸盐的可能性,因为它们将被脱乙酰氧基化以产生 A16 化合物,这些化合物将同时显示 15 和 16 质子信号作为双峰。光谱。醇(2a和b)氧化时产生的酮(14a和b)提供了关于这一点的其他证据。7-羰基的 i.r. 吸收发生在 1667-1677 cm-l 处(通常为 a-四氢萘酮 7,而 15-酮预计 7 在 1705-1715 cm-l 处显示茚酮的 i.r. 吸收特征。EXPERIMENTALM.p.s是用Kofler热台仪测定的.1.r.用 Perkin-Elmer 457spectrometer.U.V. 光谱用 a7 测定 (a) L. J. Bellamy, The Infrared Spectra of ComplexMolecules,' Methuen, London, 2nd edn., pp. 137-138;(b) D.C.Gutsche, J. -4wzer。Chem. SOC., 1951, 73, 786J.C.S. Perkin IPerkin-Elmer 402 光谱仪,用于溶液乙醇。除非另有说明,否则在室温下测量氯仿溶液的旋光度。G.1.c.使用Pye-Gas色谱图进行。使用瓦里安 A60 或 Perkin-Elmer R12 光谱仪在 60 Hz 下测定 N.m.r. 光谱(溶剂 CDC1),以四甲基硅烷为内标。轻质石油是指 b.p. 40-60“ 的分数。除另有说明外,将反应混合物用水稀释,用乙醚萃取,用碳酸氢钠溶液和水洗涤提取液至中性,干燥(IL'a,SO,),并在真空下除去溶剂.17,17-二甲基-18-no~-5a-雄甾-13-烯(la).-17a-甲基-5a-雄甾烷-17p-01(25.0g)在98-100~o甲酸(80ml)中回流煮沸15 min, 冷却,用水稀释,过滤。将固体用水洗涤至中性,真空干燥,用丙酮重结晶,得到17,17-二甲基Z-l8-去甲-5a-雄甾-13-e~e(la)(20.6g)为棱镜,熔点58-60',[a],-39'(c lel),A,214nm(c 2700),6 0.76(3H,s,IO-Me)和0.93(6H,s,17,17-hte2)(发现:C,87.9;H,11.6.C,,H,,,需要C,88.2;H, 11.8%).17,17-二烯基-l8-nor-5a-雄甾-7,13-二烯(8a).-溴胺(42 ml)的二氯甲烷溶液(40 ml)缓慢加入到17,17-二甲基-l8-nor-5a-雄甾-13-烯(la)(137 g)的乙醚(840 ml)和二氯甲烷(I40 ml)的-70“溶液中。然后让溶液的温度上升到-15”。缓慢加入碘化钠(160g)丙酮(1.1 1),将溶液加热至回流温度,煮沸45 min,冷却,用乙醚(1-5 l)稀释,依次用亚硫酸钠水、水、盐水洗涤,干燥。将溶剂蒸去,残留物溶于丙酮(200ml)中;在0“处加入亚硫酸钠水溶液析出产物。滤去固体,重新溶于丙酮,用亚硫酸钠水溶液沉淀。将产物分离溶于乙醚中;将溶液通过酸洗氧化铝柱(1 kg)过滤,然后用乙醚洗脱。从醚甲醇中蒸发洗脱液和残留物的晶体-lisatioii,得到7,13-二烯(8a)(1,18a)。用同一溶剂重结晶得到的样品熔点为46--50°,[a],-192“(c 2.2),Amxe 24'7 nni(E lS,SOO),S 0.93(3H,s,10-Me),0-99(6H,s,17,17-Me2)和5.38(lH,m,7-H)(Found:C,89.0;H,11.3。C,,H,,需要C,88.8;H, 11.2%).17,17-DinzethyZ-l8-nor-5a-雄甾~-8,11,13-三烯-7a-醇(2a).--,4 17,17-二甲基-18-nor-5a-雄甾-13-烯(la)(20 g)在二氧六烷(100 ml)和水(20 ml)中的溶液加热至几乎沸腾,加入二氧化硒(30 A),将混合物回流煮沸20 min,冷却,过滤.滤液用水稀释,分离产物(22.0g)溶解在轻油(40无)中。将溶液过滤到氧化铝柱(3 x 1英寸)中。EIution用轻汽油-eum(150ml)产生部分(18.1g),在氧化铝柱(10 x2.5英寸)上用轻质石油重新色谱。用轻质石油(1-2,1)和苯(1.4,1)洗脱得到不纯的馏分,这些馏分被丢弃;进一步用苯(1.0 1)和乙醚(1-2 1)洗脱得到馏分(9.3 g),从轻质石油中结晶得到 17,17-二甲基Z-l8-nor-5ct-* 更多的下场信号通过类比给 1 l-H 和 l-羟基类似物.laandrosta-8,11, 13-trien-7u-oZ (2a) 作为棱镜,m.p.118-121.5',[aID +13O (c l-O),vmx,(KC1) 3400 (OH) 和 818cm-l(芳香族),1- 270 (E 1150) 和 278 nm (1260)(发现:C, 84.3;H,10.0。C,,H2,0需要C,84.45,H,9.9%)。在相同条件下用二氧化硒处理相应的7,13-二烯(8)得到难以处理的混合物。TCC-Ace#氧基-17,1'7-二甲基-18-nor-6ol-and~osta-8,11,13-tri-ene (2c) .-17,l 7-dimethyl- 18-nor-5a-andro-~ta-8,11,13-trien-7a-ol (2a) (1.22 g) 在吡啶 (5 ml) 和乙酸酐 (5 ml) 中过夜,得到 7U-乙酸酯 (2C),由丙酮棱镜 (800 mg) 结晶, 熔点113-115.5“, [a],+43” (c 1-07),vms (CH,Cl,) 1725 和 1240 (3-OAc) 和 824 cm-1 (芳香), 6 1.02 (3H, s, 10-Me), 1-19 和 1.26 (6H, 2s, 17,17-Me,), 2.04 (3H, s, 7a-OAc), 2.7 (2H, m, 15-H,), 5.9 (lH, m,7P-H), 7.02 (lH, d, J 8 Hz, 12-H) 和 7-27 (lH, d, J 8 Hz,ll-H) (发现: C, 81-1;H, 9.4.C22H3002 需要 C,8049;M,9.3%)。用乙酸Mercuvy(I1)处理17,l'I-二甲基Z-18-nor-5u-雄甾-7,13-d2-烯(8a).将二(8a)(100g)在二恶烷(250ml)和乙酸(750ml)中的溶液与乙酸汞(I1)悬浮液(200g)a t 70'搅拌40小时。溶液通过Dicalite过滤,冷却,并用水稀释(10 1)。通过萃取分离产物,并将残留物(108g)溶解在干醚(1l)中,小心地加入到氢化铝锂在干醚(1.2 1)中的搅拌悬浮液(36小时)中。将悬浮液在室温下搅拌20min,用乙醚水溶液(3 l)小心稀释,经Dicalite过滤,将溶液干燥(MgSO),浓缩,并在酸洗氧化铝8(1.5 kg)柱上色谱。用环己烷起始原料(12.0g)洗脱。进一步用乙醚洗脱得到17,17-二甲基1-18-去甲-5a-雄甾-8,11,13-三烯-7-o1(68 g)、6 1-01(3H,s,IO-Me)、1.25(6H,s,17,17-Me2)、1.68(lH,s,7-OH)、3.0(ZH,m,15-H)、4.77(W,5 Hz,7P-H)、5.0(Wa 7 Hz,7a-H)和7.02和7.23(2H,q,J 8 Hz, 11-和12-H).17,17-二甲基-l8-nor-5a-雄甾-13-烯(la),以类似的方式用乙酸汞(I1)处理,保持不变.17,13-二甲基-18-nor-5a-雄甾-6,8,11,13-四烯(7a).-(a)将17,17-二甲基-I 8-nor-Sa-雄甾-8,11,13-三烯-7a-01(2a)(1.0g)(用二氧化硒制备)在二氧六烷(10ml)中用硫酸(1 0~;0.05ml)回流加热20分钟, 然后冷却;通过正常方法分离产物,并从乙醚-丙烷-2-01中结晶,得到四烯(7a)(337mg),M.P.57-59-5,[.ID -153“(c l-O),vmx。(KC1)3040 和 823 cm-1(芳香族),Amx。273 nm (c 9600) (发现:C, 90.1;H,9.8。(b)将17,1'7-二甲基1-18-去甲-5a-雄甾-8,11,13-三烯-7-醇(10 g)(2a)和(9a)[使用乙酸汞(R1)制备]的7a-和7P-差向异构体的混合物溶液在二恶烷(100 m1)中用硫酸(ION;10 ml)回流加热15分钟。将产物从甲醇醚中分离并结晶两次,得到四烯(7a)(7.8 g),熔点55-57“,6 0.97(3H,s.10-Me),1.26(3H,s,17-Me),1.30(3H,s,17-Me),6.64(lH,q,J 10和2 Hz,6-H),6.63(IH,q,J 10和3 Hz,7-Hz),6-92(lH,d, J 8Hz, 12-H) 和 7.09 (LH, d, J 8 Hz, Ll-H) (Found: C ,8 I<. K. Farrar, J. C. Hamlet, H. B. Henbest, 和 E. R. H.Jones, J . Chem. SOC., 1952, 2867.C,,H,, , 需要 C, 90.2;H, 9.8%)1975 33990.3;H,9.8%),相同(u.v.和i.r.光谱和t.1.c.)与之前准备好的样品。(14a).-Jones试剂(60ml)在20“处缓慢加入到17,17-二甲基1-18-去甲-5a-雄甾-8,11,13-三烯-7~-和-7P-01(68g)的丙酮(650ml)溶液中,然后继续搅拌10分钟。将产物从甲醇水中分离结晶,得到“酮(14a)(51g)。用同一溶剂重结晶得到的样品为m.p. 66-67', [a], +68' (c 1-22),vn= (KCl) 1670 (7-酮)和830 cm-I (芳香族), vmX.CCH2C1,) 1667 和 830 cm-l, A,,, 257 (c 10,500) 和 314 nm(3500), 6 1.15 (3H, s, 10-Me), 1.22 (6H, s, 17,17-Me2), 2.41(2H, m, 6-H2), 3.29 (ZH, m, 15-H,)和7-2(2H,t,J 8 Hz,11-和12-H)(发现:C,85.1;H,9-3。C,oH,,O要求C,85.1;H, 9.3%).3p, 7a-二乙酰氧基-17,17-二甲基1-18-去甲-5a-雄甾-8,11,-13-三烯 (2d) .-(a) 将 3P-羟基-17,17-二甲基-18-nor-5a-雄甾-13-烯 ( 1 b) lb ( 18 g) 在二氧六环 (90 ml) 和水 (18 ml) 中的溶液加热至几乎沸腾,然后加入二氧化硒 (27 g)。将混合物回流煮沸5分钟,过滤除去硒,冷却;然后分离产物(19.5g)并溶于乙醚中。溶液通过氧化铝柱(5 x 14 in)过滤。用乙醚洗脱,然后用乙酸乙酯洗脱,得到红褐色胶质(14.7 g),用吡啶(22-5 ml)和乙酸酐(22.5 ml)在水浴中乙酰化2 h,将产物萃取成乙醚,用硫酸氢铵溶液和水洗涤提取液,干燥(Na,S04),蒸干。残留物(16.1 g)与乙醚的三聚乙烯反应得到3p,7a-二乙酰氧基三烯(2d)(4.5 g)。来自乙醚的两次重结晶提供了熔点为 208-5“、[a]、+14O(c 0-8)、vlllRX (KCl) 1723 和 1245 (3-OAc) 和 832 cm-1(芳香族)、A,、223 (E 10,300)、272 (1780) 和 280 nm(1780) 的样品(发现:C,75.0;H,8.3。C,,H,,O,需要 C,75.0;H,8.4%)。(b)将乙酸汞(r1)加入到3~-乙酰氧基-17,17-二甲基-1-18-去甲-5a-雄甾-7,13-二烯(80g)的冰醋酸(800 ml)搅拌沸腾溶液中,在再氟化下继续加热10分钟。将溶液冷却并通过 Dicalite 过滤,并将产物从醚己烷中分离并结晶,得到 3P,7a-二乙酰氧基三烯 (2d) (27 g)。从乙醚重结晶得到的样品为m.p.202-206“,[a],+6.5(c 0.89),vmx。(KC1) 3070、3030 和 1725 和 1240 cm-l (OAc),vmax。(CH,Cl,) 1730 和 1225 (OAc),和 830 cm-l (芳香族), 6 1.10 (3H, s, 10-Me), 1.23 (3H, s,17-Me), 1.26 (3H, s, 17-Me), 2-08 (3H, s, OAc), 2-09 (3H,s, OAc), 2-83 (2H, m, 15-H,), 4.80 (lH, m, 3a-H), 5.99(lH, m, W4 6 Hz, 7P-H), 7.02 (lH, d, J 8 Hz, 12-H)和7.27(IH,d,J 9 Hz,ll-H)(发现:C,75.4;H,8-7%),与预先制备的样品相同(i.r.光谱和t.1.c.)。母液中材料的重结晶(醚己烷)得到第二种作物(21 g),含有3P,7a-二乙酸酯(2d)和3/3,7@-二乙酸酯(9b)的混合物。母液慢慢凝固;用甲醇研磨得到固体,该固体由醚-石油结晶,生成3P-乙酰氧基-17,17-二甲基-18-nor-5a-雄甾-6,8,11,13-四烯(7c)(3.4 g),M.P.144-145',[a],-114“(c 14),vmx。(KCl) 1725 和 1230 cm-l (醋酸纤维), 6 1.0 (3H, s, 10-Me), 1.21 (3H, s, 17-Me),1.24 (3H, s, 17-Me), 2.03 (3H, s, OAc), 2-83 (3H, m, 5a-Hand 15-H,), 4.80 (lH, m, 3a-H), 5-64 (lH, q, 9.5 and 2 Hz,17,17-二甲基,?- 18-nor-5a-雄甾-8,11,13-三烯-7-酮6-H),6.55(IH,q,J 9.3和2Hz, 7-H)和7.0(ZH,t,J 8 Hz,11-和12-H)(发现:C,81.5;H,8.9。CZ2H,,O,需要 C,814;H, 8.7%).dime (14b) .-(a)将3p,7a-和3p,7P-二乙酰氧基-17,17-二甲基-18-去甲-5a-雄甾-8,11,13-三烯[(Zd)和(9b)l(2g)[用醋酸汞(I1)制备]的混合物,在乙醚(50ml)中缓慢加入到氢化锂(1g)的乙醚(30ml)悬浮液中,并在室温下继续搅拌4小时。所以,)。将溶剂蒸去,得到17,17-二甲基-18-去甲-5a-雄甾-8,11,13-三烯-3p,7-二醇(1.7g),作为不能结晶的表列异构混合物。将材料(1.4g)溶于丙酮(2.5ml)(再蒸馏过锰酸钾)中,在室温下缓慢加入Jones试剂9(2mi),并继续搅拌10分钟。从醚轻质石油中分离产物和结晶得到 3,7-二酮 (14b) (1.01 g) 作为针。用醚轻质石油再结晶得到的样品为m.p.150-152“,[a},+SO” (c O - S S ) , vmx。(KC1) 3060, 1713 (3-酮), 1677 (7-酮), 和 830 cm-1 (芳香族), v,,, (CH,Cl,) 1710,1670, 和 830 cm-l, A,, 258 (E 11,200) 和 314 nm (3600),6 1.26 (6H, s, 17,1i'-Me,), 1.42 (3H, s, 10-Me), 3.33 (ZH, m,15-H,) 和 7.33 (2H, t , J 10 Hz, 11- 和 12-H) (Found:C, 81-3;H,8-1。C2OH24OZ需要C,81-0;H,8.2%)。(6)水解3p,7a-二乙酰氧基-17,17-二甲基-1€?-nor-5a-雄甾-8,11,13-三烯(2d) (0.9 g) (用二氧化硒制备),在甲醇(9 nil)中,用氢氧化钾水溶液(1 0~;1 ml)得到二醇(2b)作为非结晶残留物(0-74 g)。将Kiliani试剂10(6 mi)加入到乙酸(5.0ml)中的二醇(0.7g)溶液中,并将溶液在室温下搅拌45分钟。将产物(0.5 g)从乙醚中分离并结晶,得到3,7-二酮(14b)作为针,熔点148-152',[aID +58'(c 1-1),与之前制备的样品相同(i.r.光谱和t.1.c..).17,17-二甲基Z-18-去甲-5a-雄甾-6,8,11,13-四烯-3~-醇(7b).--将3~,7a-二乙酰氧基-17,17-二甲基-18-去甲-5a-雄甾-8,11,13-三烯(2d)(10 g)在含硫酸(1 0~;25 ml)的二恶烷(600 ml)中加热回流2 h, 浓缩(50毫升),并冷却。分离产物(7.5 g),以乙醚溶液形式转移到失活氧化铝8 (200 g)柱上,并用乙酸乙酯洗脱。洗脱液的浓度和轻质石油的结晶得到醇(7b)(5.1g)。轻质汽油重结晶得到的样品为m.p. 99-l0lo, [a}, -138“ (G 0-42),vmax。(KC1) 3280 (OH) 和 820 cm-l (芳香族), vmx.(CH,Cl,) 3600 和 825 cm-l, Amx.273 nm ( E 11,400), 6 1.02 (3H, s, 10-Me), 1.23 (3H, s, 17-Me), 1-27 (3H, s, 17-Me), 2.87 (2H, m, 15-H,), 3.7 (lH, m, 3a-H), 5-65 (lH, q, J 9.3 和 2 Hz, 6-H), 6-55 (lH, q, J 9.3 和 2 Hz, 7-H) 和 7.0 (2H, t, J 8 Hz, 11- 和 12-H) (发现: C,85.3;H,9.5。将17,17-二甲基-18-去甲-5u-雄甾-6,8,11,13-四烯-3-酮.-琼斯试剂(6毫升)缓慢加入到17,l'l-二甲基I-18-去甲-5a-雄甾-6,8,11,13-四烯-3~-01(7b)(4g)的再蒸馏丙酮(40毫升)中,然后继续搅拌10分钟.17,17-二甲基Z-18-去甲-5a-雄甾-8,11,13-t~iene-3,7-CZoH2,O需要C,85.1;H, 9.3%).K. Bowden, I. M. Heilbron, E. R. H. Jones, and B. C. L.Weedon, J .Chem. SOC., 1946, 39.lo H. Kiliani, Ber., 1901, 84, 3664340 J.C.S. Perkin IIsolation of the product and wallification from ether-17-Me), 2.9 (2H, m, 15-H2), 5.6 (lH, q, J 9 and 1 Hz, 6-Hz),己烷得到17,17-d~rnetlzyl-l8-nor-5~-un~~osta-6,8,11,13- 6.62 (lH, q, J 9 and 2 Hz, 7-Hz), 6-97(lH,d,J 8Hz,lBH),四聚α-3-酮(2.8g)。由醚己烷和 7.13 (lH, d, J 8 Hz, 11-H) 重结晶(发现:C, 85.9;H, 8.7.提供熔点155-157°的样品,vmx。(KCl) 3030, 1720 C,,H2,0 需要 C, 85.7;H,8.6%)。(酮)和 820 cm-l (芳香族), & 274 nm ( E 9900),6 1.20 (3H, s, 10-Me), 1-23 (3H, s, 17-Me), 1-26 (3H, s, 411763 收稿日期, 21日 八月, 1974




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