
Technology of escapes


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Alexey Novikov chronicles some truly ingenious escapes over, through, across and underneath the world's most sinister engineering structure - the Berlin Wall. FIFTEENTH AUGUST, 1961 was something of a big day for 19-year-old East German soldier Conrad Schumann, standing guard at the corner of Ruppiner Strasse and Bernauer Strasse in east Berlin. It was a mere three days after the start of construction of the Berlin Wall and, thus far, the results had been unimpressive. The Wall, which would become a universal symbol of the lengths to which the Soviets would go to contain and oppress, was still nothing but a stretch of barbed wire. Armed soldiers of the National People's Army (NVA) and the Combat Group of the Working Class (KdA) lined the fence of roughly 140km brandishing machine guns; their orders were to shoot all who dared cross.
机译:阿列克谢·诺维科夫(Alexey Novikov)记录了世界上最险恶的工程结构——柏林墙——的上空、穿越和下逃生。1961 年 8 月 15 日,对于 19 岁的东德士兵康拉德·舒曼 (Conrad Schumann) 来说是一个重要的日子,他在东柏林的 Ruppiner Strasse 和 Bernauer Strasse 的拐角处站岗。柏林墙开工仅三天,到目前为止,结果并不令人印象深刻。柏林墙将成为苏联人遏制和压迫的普遍象征,它仍然只不过是一段带刺的铁丝网。全国人民军(NVA)和工人阶级战斗小组(KdA)的武装士兵挥舞着机枪在大约140公里的围栏上排成一排;他们的命令是射杀所有敢于穿越的人。




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