首页> 外文期刊>aquaculture research >Effect of six photoperiod protocols on the spawning time of two rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum), populations in north‐west Greece

Effect of six photoperiod protocols on the spawning time of two rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum), populations in north‐west Greece

机译:6种光周期方案对希腊西北部2条虹鳟鱼(Oncorhynchus mykiss(Walbaum)产卵时间的影响



AbstractThe effect of four seasonally changing and two static light photoperiod regimes was investigated in two populations of rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss shasta and kamloops(Walbaum), kept under almost constant temperature, diet and management from 1981 to 1990 in Epirus, north‐west Greece (39,40′N, 20,51′E). We studied how different populations (determined according to the different spawning time) responded to the same artificial photocycles and how age influences that process (underyearling, 1 +, 2+ years old). Early sexual maturation with a 2 to 11‐week acceleration of the peak spawning time occurred in fish kept under protocol P1('long’spring days followed by light reduction during autumn).‘Long’days exposure of fish (≥14h light/day) from June (P3) or September (P4) had little (4 weeks) or no effect respectively in advancing spawning time. Trout kept under a‘reverse’(P2) photocycle attained the peak spawning time 4‐9 weeks later than the controls. An 18‐week delay in spawning time occurred in fish kept under P2from the fry stage. Static light regime P5(20 L:4 D to 15 May, then 4L:20D) advanced peak spawning by 6 weeks, while P6(4L:20D from March to August then 20L:4D) delayed spawning by 2‐4 weeks. Photoperiod also influenced the duration of spawning: the Pi protocol increased by spawning spread three times, while P2decreased it (time between the spawning of the first and last fish was 9‐12 days).No significant difference was observed in the percentage of mature females between tested and control groups, except of kamloops fish kept under P1(higher than control, P<0‐01), P2(lower than control, P<0‐05) for their second reproductive cycle. A higher percentage of early mature males occurred under protocol P2. Fecundity expressed as number of ova/kg of fish weight was similar between tested and control groups. Absolute fecundity (total number of ova/female) was lower in trout kept under the‘reverse’P2regime (P<0‐05). No statistical difference was found in egg diameter and weight. Hatching percentage of fertilized eggs was similar between test
机译:摘要 1981—1990年,希腊西北部伊庇鲁斯(39,40′N,20,51′E)以赤鳟鱼(Oncorhynchus mykiss shasta)和坎卢普斯(Walbaum)为研究对象,研究了4个季节变化和2个静态光周期制度对赤鳟鱼的影响。我们研究了不同的种群(根据不同的产卵时间确定)如何对相同的人工光周期做出反应,以及年龄如何影响该过程(未成年,1 +,2 +岁)。在P1协议下饲养的鱼类中,性成熟较早,产卵高峰期加快了2至11周(“漫长的春季,秋季的光照减少”)。从6月(P3)或9月(P4)开始,鱼类长时间暴露(≥14小时光/天)对提前产卵时间分别几乎没有影响(4周)或没有影响。在“反向”(P2)光循环下饲养的鳟鱼比对照组晚4-9周达到产卵高峰时间。从鱼苗阶段开始,P2下饲养的鱼产卵时间延迟了18周。静态光照状态P5(20 L:4 D至5月15日,然后是4L:20D)将产卵高峰提前了6周,而P6(3-8月为4L:20D,然后是20L:4D)将产卵高峰提前了2-4周。光周期也影响了产卵的持续时间:Pi协议通过产卵扩散增加三倍,而P2减少它(第一条鱼和最后一条鱼的产卵间隔时间为9-12天)。测试组和对照组的成熟雌性百分比没有显著差异,除了在P1(高于对照组,P<0-01),P2(低于对照,P<0-05)下饲养的第二个繁殖周期的坎卢普斯鱼。在方案P2下,早熟雄性的比例更高。测试组和对照组之间的繁殖力以卵数/千克鱼重表示相似。在“反向”P2制度下饲养的鳟鱼的绝对繁殖力(卵/雌鱼总数)较低(P<0-05)。卵子直径和重量无统计学差异。受精卵的孵化率在试验之间相似




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