首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endocrinological Investigation: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Endocrinology >Potassium perchlorate only temporarily restores euthyroidism in patients with amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism who continue amiodarone therapy.

Potassium perchlorate only temporarily restores euthyroidism in patients with amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism who continue amiodarone therapy.


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CONTEXT: Amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism (AIH) may occur in patients with or without underlying thyroid disorders. In the latter, restoration of euthyroidism, after amiodarone discontinuation, can be facilitated and accelerated by a short course of potassium perchlorate (KClO4). However, it is unknown whether KClO4 may exert similar effects on thyroid function of AIH patients if amiodarone treatment is continued. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effects of KClO4 on thyroid function in AIH patients (without underlying thyroid disease) while continuing amiodarone treatment. DESIGN AND PATIENTS: An open, prospective study of 10 consecutive AIH patients without underlying thyroid abnormalities referred to a tertiary referral center, and treated with KClO4 (600 mg/day) for a period of 26+/-13 days (range, 15-45 days). An additional, historical group of 12 consecutive patients with subclinical AIH left untreated while continuing or after withdrawing amiodarone was retrospectively evaluated as to the outcome of thyroid function. MEASUREMENT: Serum free T4, free T3, and TSH concentrations were measured at booking, during KClO4 treatment and after withdrawing the drug. RESULTS: In the prospective study, KClO4 treatment restored euthyroidism in all patients within 28+/-11 days (range, 15-45 days). After KClO4 withdrawal, however, all patients became hypothyroid again after 45+/-15 days (range, 30-60 days). Two patients developed mild leukopenia (1 case) or a slight increase in serum creatinine levels (1 case), which promptly normalized after KClO4 withdrawal. In the historical group, followed for at least 12 months, euthyroidism was spontaneously and stably achieved after an average of 6 months in 5 patients in whom amiodarone could be discontinued, while subclinical hypothyroidism persisted in 7 patients in whom amiodarone had to be continued. CONCLUSIONS: KClO4 very effectively restores normal thyroid function in AIH patients without underlying thyroid abnormalities, despite the fact that amiodarone therapy is continued. However, euthyroidism does not persist after KClO4 is withdrawn; in addition, spontaneous recovery of euthyroidism does not seem to occur in this subset of AIH patients, unless amiodarone is discontinued. Therefore, also in view of its potential side-effects, KClO4 cannot be recommended as a first-line treatment for AIH if amiodarone needs to be continued, while LT4 replacement is recommended under these circumstances, with periodical reassessment of thyroid function.
机译:背景:胺碘酮诱导的甲状腺功能减退症 (AIH) 可能发生在有或没有潜在甲状腺疾病的患者中。在后者中,停用胺碘酮后,可以通过短疗程的高氯酸钾 (KClO4) 促进和加速甲状腺功能正常的恢复。然而,如果继续胺碘酮治疗,KClO4 是否会对 AIH 患者的甲状腺功能产生类似的影响尚不清楚。目的:评价KClO4对AIH患者(无潜在甲状腺疾病)在继续胺碘酮治疗期间甲状腺功能的影响。设计和患者:一项针对 10 名连续无潜在甲状腺异常的 AIH 患者的开放性前瞻性研究转诊至三级转诊中心,并接受 KClO4(600 mg/天)治疗,为期 26+/-13 天(范围,15-45 天)。回顾性评估了另外 12 例连续 12 例亚临床 AIH 患者在继续或停用胺碘酮后未接受治疗的历史性组甲状腺功能结局。测量:在预订时、KClO4 治疗期间和停药后测量血清游离 T4、游离 T3 和 TSH 浓度。结果:在前瞻性研究中,KClO4 治疗在 28+/-11 天(范围 15-45 天)内恢复了所有患者的甲状腺功能正常。然而,在 KClO4 停药后,所有患者在 45+/-15 天(范围为 30-60 天)后再次出现甲状腺功能减退。2例患者出现轻度白细胞减少(1例)或血清肌酐水平略有升高(1例),停用KClO4后迅速恢复正常。在随访至少 12 个月的历史组中,5 例可以停用胺碘酮的患者平均在 6 个月后自发且稳定地实现甲状腺功能正常,而 7 例必须继续使用胺碘酮的患者持续存在亚临床甲状腺功能减退症。结论:尽管胺碘酮治疗仍在继续,但 KClO4 非常有效地恢复了没有潜在甲状腺异常的 AIH 患者的正常甲状腺功能。然而,停用 KClO4 后甲状腺功能正常不会持续;此外,除非停用胺碘酮,否则甲状腺功能正常的这一亚型肝炎患者似乎不会自发恢复。因此,鉴于其潜在的副作用,如果需要继续使用胺碘酮,则不建议将 KClO4 作为自身免疫性肝炎的一线治疗,而在这种情况下建议使用 LT4 替代治疗,并定期重新评估甲状腺功能。




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