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Intraspecific variability in life-history traits of a 'freshwater shrimp', Palaemonetes argentinus

机译:“淡水虾”(Palaemonetes argentinus)生活史性状的种内变异性

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Intraspecific variability in life-history traits was investigated comparing four geographically isolated populations of the shrimp Palaemonetes, argentinus (Crustacea, Caridea, Palaemonidae) in the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. One population inhabits a creek (Vivorata Creek, VC), which drains into the brackish coastal lagoon Mar Chiquita; three others live in inland lakes (Lakes Chascomus, LC; La Brava, LB; Los Padres, LP). Female size at the onset of sexual maturity, both realized and actual fecundity (i.e.. number of eggs in an early stage of embryonic development and number d freshly hatched larvae per female, respectively), as well as the size of freshly hatched larvae were consistently largest at VC, intermediate at LC and LB, and lowest at LP. The opposite pattern was found in egg loss (estimated as difference between realized and actual fecundity), being lowest at VC, highest at LP, and intermediate in the other two populations. Initial embryonic dry weight (W) was higher at VC than in all other populations. However, the W of freshly hatched larvae was similarly high at VC, LC and LB, but significantly lower at LP. Intraspecific variation in life-history traits, in particular between shrimps from VC (lotic, slightly brackish; highly variable salinities) and those from inland lakes (lentic; low but stable ion concentrations) are discussed in relation to local variation in hydrological and other ecological conditions that may wield differential selection pressures in the life-history evolution of a species with a wide range of ecological and geographic distribution.
机译:研究了阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯省阿根廷对虾Palaemonetes(甲壳纲、Caridea、Palaemonidae)的四个地理上孤立的种群,研究了生活史性状的种内变异性。一个种群栖息在一条小溪(Vivorata Creek,VC)中,该小溪流入咸水沿海泻湖Mar Chiquita;另外三只生活在内陆湖泊(Chascomus湖,LC;拉布拉瓦,LB;洛斯帕德雷斯,LP)。雌性在性成熟开始时的大小,包括实际和实际的繁殖力(即胚胎发育早期阶段的卵数和每个雌性新鲜孵化的幼虫数量),以及新鲜孵化的幼虫的大小在VC时始终最大,在LC和LB中处于中间,在LP中最低。在卵子损失(估计为实际繁殖力和实际繁殖力之间的差异)中发现了相反的模式,在VC中最低,在LP中最高,在其他两个种群中处于中间。VC的初始胚胎干重(W)高于所有其他群体。然而,新鲜孵化的幼虫的W在VC、LC和LB处同样高,但在LP处明显较低。讨论了生活史性状的种内变异,特别是来自VC的虾(微咸,盐度变化很大)和来自内陆湖泊的虾(扁豆,低但稳定的离子浓度)与水文和其他生态条件的局部变化有关,这些变化可能在具有广泛生态和地理分布的物种的生活史进化中施加不同的选择压力。




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