首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer >Investigation of new band parameters with temperature dependence for self-broadened methane gas in the range 9000 to 14,000cm ~(-1) (0.71 to 1.1μm)

Investigation of new band parameters with temperature dependence for self-broadened methane gas in the range 9000 to 14,000cm ~(-1) (0.71 to 1.1μm)


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This paper describes new measurements and modelling of the absorption of methane gas, one of the most important gases observed in the atmospheres of the outer planets and Titan, between 9000 and 14,000cm ~(-1) (0.7 to 1.1μm) and compares them with current best available spectral models.A series of methane spectra were measured at the UK's Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Molecular Spectroscopy Facility (based at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxfordshire, UK) using a Brüker 125HR Fourier transform spectrometer. To approximate the conditions found in outer planet atmospheres, the spectra were measured over a wide range of pressures (5bar to 38mbar) and temperatures (290-100K) with path lengths of 19.3, 17.6, 16.0 and 14.4m. The spectra were recorded at a moderate resolution of 0.12cm ~(-1) and then averaged to 10cm ~(-1) resolution prior to fitting a series of increasingly complex band-models including temperature dependence. Using the most complex model, a Goody line distribution with a Voigt line shape and two lower energy state levels, the typical rms residual error in the fit is between 0.01 and 0.02 in the wings of the main absorption bands.The new spectral parameters were then compared with the measured spectra and spectra calculated using existing data and shown to be able to accurately reproduce the measured absorption. The improvement in the temperature dependence included in the model is demonstrated by comparison with existing cold methane spectral data for a typical Jovian path.
机译:本文描述了甲烷气体吸收的新测量和建模,甲烷气体是在外行星和土卫六大气中观察到的最重要的气体之一,在9000至14,000cm~(-1)(0.7至1.1μm)之间,并将它们与当前最佳可用的光谱模型进行比较。英国自然环境研究委员会(NERC)分子光谱设施(位于英国牛津郡卢瑟福阿普尔顿实验室)使用布鲁克125HR傅里叶变换光谱仪测量了一系列甲烷光谱。为了接近在外行星大气中发现的条件,在很宽的压力(5bar至38mbar)和温度(290-100K)范围内测量了光谱,光程长度为19.3,17.6,16.0和14.4m。以0.12cm ~(-1)的中等分辨率记录光谱,然后平均到10cm ~(-1)分辨率,然后拟合一系列日益复杂的波段模型,包括温度依赖性。使用最复杂的模型,即具有Voigt线形和两个较低能态能级的Goody线分布,在主吸收带的翼中,拟合中的典型均方根残差在0.01和0.02之间。然后将新的光谱参数与测量的光谱和使用现有数据计算的光谱进行比较,并显示能够准确再现测量的吸收。通过与典型的木星路径的现有冷甲烷光谱数据进行比较,证明了模型中包含的温度依赖性的改善。




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