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Steroidal heterocycles: 2′-thiocyanatoandrosteno-3,2-dpyrimidines and -17,16-dpyrimidines




1618 J.C.S. Perkin I Steroidal Heterocycles : 2'-Thiocyanatoandrosteno-3,2-dpyrimidines and -I 7,16-dpyrimidines By Joginder S. Bajwa and Peter J. Sykes," Department of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JJ The preparation of steroidal heterocycles containing the 2'-thiocyanatopyrirnidine ring fused to the 2.3-position or 16.1 7-position of the steroid nucleus is described. These are prepared by the reaction of 2-arnino-l.3.4-thia-diazole with 2 -hydroxymethylene- 3-0x0 -steroids and 16 -hydroxymethylene-17-oxo-steroids. ITwas of interest to prepare fused steroidal pyrimidines since other heterocyclic fused steroids have been shown to exhibit modified or accentuated hormonal activities1 Various pyrimidine bases in the steroid series have already been obtained by reactions involving the con- densation of 2-hydroxymethylene-3-oxo-steroidswith guanidine, urea, and thiourea2 or by the treatment of ketones with trisformylaminomethane and cyano-g~anidine.~2 a-Cyano-3-oxo-steroids and their enol ethers have also been used as starting materials for the preparation of pyrimidine bases2 This paper describes another convenient synthesis of some androsteno-3,2-dpyrimidines and androstenol7,16-dpyrimidines by the reaction of 2-amino-l,3,4-thiadiazole(1) with steroidal p-diketones.The condensation of 17p-hydroxy-2-hydroxy-methylene-5a-androstan-3-one (2) with 2-amino-l,3,4-thiadiazole (1) in refluxing toluene in the presence of a catalytic amount of toluene-9-sulphonic acid gave 17 p-hydroxy-2'-thiocyanato-5a-androst-2-eno3,2-dpyrimi-dine (4) in 60 yield.The i.r. spectrum of this com- 1 R. E. Counsel1 and P. D. Klimstra, ' Medicinal Chemistry,' ed. by A. Burger, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1970, 3rd edn., Part 11, p. 923. P. de Ruggieri, C. Landolfi, and D. Chiaramonti, Gazzetla, 1962, 92, 768. 9 H. Bredereck, R. Gompper, and B. Geiger, Ber., 1960, 93, 1402. pound exhibited a strong band at 2 160 cm-l indicative of a thiocyanate group and also bands at 1 565, 1555infl, 1 545infl, 1415, 1365, and 755 cm-l characteristic of a pyrimidine ring. The lH n.m.r. spectrum showed a singlet at 6 8.25 confirming the 6'-hydrogen of the pyrimidine ring. It is apparent that the final dehydration of the initial condensation product (3) results in a rearrangement furnishing the thiocyanato-pyrimidine ring system.Indeed a similar rearrangement has been reported during the reaction between S-amino-l,3,4-thiadiazole and the simple 1,3-dicarbonyl compound, acetylacetone, resulting in the formation of 2-thiocyanato-4,6-dimethyl-pyrimidine. The intermediate condensation product (3) could not be isolated and it is, therefore, possible that it might have an isomeric structure based upon an initial reaction between the amino-group of (1)and the 3-carbonyl group of the steroid. However fission of the N-N bond in the dehydration step of either of the possible intermediates will yield the same product. The thiocyanate group is known to isomerise to the isothiocyanate structure on refluxing in acetonitrile, L.L. Smith, D. M. Teller, and T. H. Foell, J. Medicin. Clzem., 1963, 6, 330. R. F. Lauer and G. Zenchoff, J. Heterocyclic Chem., 1976, 13, 291. 1978 1619 benzene, and toluene.6 However, no such isomerisation 3-one (10) gave the expected 2’-thiocyanatopyrimidine was observed in the above synthesis, the 2’-thiocyanate (11) accompanied by a variable amount of 17,17-dime t h yl-2'-thioc yanat 0-18-norandros t-2,13-dieno- 3,2-dpyrimidine (12) depending upon the quantity of toluene-p-sulphonic acid used in the reaction. N -N The reaction was also successfully applied to two steroids with a A4-double bond, namely 17p-hydroxy-2- HoHcR2 +0 ~~2 hydroxymethyleneandrost-4-en-3-one and 2-hydroxy-H (2) R1=OH,R2xH (5) R)R~=H (7 1 R -c~H,,, R?= H (10) R’=OH ,R~=~i N* N0 HU $?i’(tOH (1) 1 k (3) i methylenecholest-4-en-3-one, but the yields of the products, 17 p-hydroxy-2‘-t hiocyanatoandrost -2 ,kdieno- 3,dpyrimidine (13) and 2’-thiocyanatocholest-2,4-dieno3,2-dpyrimidine (14) were lower, being in the range 3540.Analogously fused 3p-hydroxy-2‘-thiocyanato-5a-androst-l6-eno17,16-dpyrimidine (15), and 3-methoxy-2’- thioc yanato-oestra- 1,3,5 (lo), 16- tetra- enol7,16-dpyrimidine (17) were prepared from 3p-hydroxy-16-h ydrox ymethylene-5a-androstan- 17-one and 16-h ydroxy-methylene-3-met hoxyoestra-l,3,5( 10)-trien-17-one respectively.Acetylation of the 3-hydroxy-steroid (15) gave the corresponding acetyl derivative (16) whilst oxidation by Jones reagent furnished the 3-ox0 derivative (18). The reaction of 17p-hydroxy-2-ethoxycarbonyl-(hydroxy) meth ylene- 17a-methyl-5a-androst an-3-one with (1)under the same conditions furnished the expec- ted 17p-hydrox y-17a-met hyl-6‘-( 1,3,4-thiadiazol-2- ylcarbamoyl)-2‘-thiocyanato-5a-androst-2-eno3,2-d-pyrimidine (19). A further example of this reaction was illustrated by the conversion of 2-ethoxycarbonyl-(hydrox y)met hylene-5a-cholest an-3-one into 6’-(1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-ylcarbamoyl)-2’-t hiocyanat 0-5 a-cholest-2- eno3,2-dpyrimidine (20). Under the same reaction conditions 2a-acet yl-17p-.#R hydroxy-5a-androstan-3-onefailed to yield any con-NCSkN A N0 NCSk PI (9) SCN NR-N N/ NCSkN A (4)R’= OH R~=H (6) R’= R2= H (81 R’= CaH17,R2= H (11) R’= OH, RZ.M~ dR2 ti NC:< (13) R’=OH ,R?= H (151 R: OH ,R2=H (14)I?’= CaH,, ,R2s H (16) R= OAc ,R2= H (181R1R; 0 Me0SCN (17) N-N ..H 1(19) R=OH, R2=Me 2(20)R1=C,H,, ,R = H group remaining intact even after prolonged heating in refluxing xylene. A.bsence of isomerisation to isothio- cyanate was confirmed in that the product failed to react with a primary amine. In a similar manner 2’-thiocyanato-5a-androst-2-eno-3,2-dpyrimidine (6), 2’-thiocyanato-5a-cholest-2-eno-3,2-dpyrimidine (8), and 1l-oxo-2‘-thiocyanato-5a-spirostan-2-eno3,2-dpyrimidine(9) were prepared from the corresponding 2-hydroxymethylene-3-0x0-steroids (5), (7), and 2-hydroxymethylene-5a-spirostane-3,ll-dione respectively.Using the reaction conditions for the con-densation product, probably because ketones, in this densation reaction, a 2-hydroxymethylene-3-oxo-steroid the za-acetyl group, generally react with amines having a tertiary hydroxy-group at C-17, also undergoes a Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement. For l7P-6 U. Tonellato, 0.Rossetto, and A. Fava, J. Org. Chem., 1969,hydroxy-2-hydroxymethy1ene-17a-methy1-5a-androstan-34,4032. 1620 J.C.S. Perkin I much more slowly than aldehydes (the 2-formyl group) to 3,ll-dione (3.5 g, 66), m.p. 165-166. 1.r. (CHBr,) yield Schiff's bases.' vmX.2 930, 2 870, 1 700 (C=O), 1 640, 1 585 (COC=CHOH), 1 450, 1 385, and 1 375 cm-'; lH n.m.r. 6 0.72, 0.82,0.95,EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 1.00 (methyl groups), and 8.60 (s, 1 H, 2=CHO) (Found: C, M.p.s were determined on Gallenkamp apparatus and are 73.20;H, 8.91. Calc. for C,,H,,O,: C, 73.68; H, 8.77). uncorrected. 1.r.spectra were recorded in bromoform on a General Procedure for the Condensation Reaction.-A Perkin-Elmer 157 G Spectrometer. 'H N.m.r. spectra solution of steroidal P-diketone (0.001 mol), 2-amino-1,3,4- were recorded in deuteriated chloroform using tetramethyl- thiadiazole (0.0015 mol), and toluene-p-sulphonic acid (20 silane as an internal standard on a Nuclear Magnetic mg) in dry toluene (50 ml) was refluxed and stirred overnight. Resonance Ltd EM360 (60 MHz) or a Varian HA 100 (100 The reaction rnixture was cooled and the solvent was High resolution AnalysisYield M.p.mass spectrum Characteristic 'H N.m.r. (6) Found () Calculated (yo) () ("C) Found Calculated i.r. abs (v/cm l) 6'-H 18-CH. 19-CHa C H N C H N 60 213-215 383.202 537 383.203 123 2 160(SCN), . 8.20 0.75 -0.75 69.0 7.6 11.1 68.89 7.63 10.96 1565,755 85 210-212 367.205 933 367.207 136 2 160 ISCN). 8.30 0.70 0.75 71.7 8.0 11.65 71.89 7.96 11.44 1565,'755 " 70 159-160 479.331 357 479.333 404 2 160 (SCN), 8.30 75.3 9.45 8.55 75.10 9.46 8.76 1565,755 68 241-243 521.271 406 521.271 198 2 160 (SCN), 8.30 68.75 7.95 8.1 69.06 7.54 8.08 1695 (COI.i 565,'fG" 0.80 11 125-127 379.208 494 379.308 203 2 160 (SCN), 8.30 17-gem 1.00 72.75 7.85 10.5 72.78 7.71 10.71 1565,755 dimethyl41 185-187 381.186 086 381.187 474 2 160 (SCN).8.20 0.80 1.00 68.75 7.25 10.8 68.25 7.13 11.02 1620,'l 575; 750 38 184-186 477.316 335 477.317 754 2 160 (SCN), 8.20 75.25 8.9 8.5 75.42 9.08 8.80 1620,1565, 7 70 75 192-194 383.203 289 383.203 123 2 160 (SCN), 8.35 0.85 0.97 69.1 7.75 10.95 68.89 7.63 10.96 1580, 790 72 177-179 377.154 981 377.156 176 2 160 (SCN), 8.35 1.00 69.65 6.25 10.65 69.99 6.15 11.13 1605,1575, 780 80 226-228 381.187 281 381.187 474 2 160(SCN), 8.50 1.00 1.10 68.95 7.25 10.75 69.26 7.14 11.02 1700 lC0l. 1575,'790' 53 175-177 425.214 789 425.213 686 2 160 (SCN), 8.50 0.90 1.00 67.4 7.0 9.9 67.73 7.29 9.87 1720 (CO),1580,900 65 244-246 524.204 927 524.202 805 3 330 (NH), 8.90 0.77 0.87 59.7 4.2 16.2 59.51 4.41 16.09 2 160 (SCN), (6"-H), (1.20,1690 (CO), 12.0 (NH) 17-Me)1510, 745 71 311-314 606.317 398 606.317 434 3 330 (NH), 8.90 64.95 7.5 13.5 65.31 7.68 13.85 2 160 (SCN), (5"-H)1690 (CO), 12.00 (NH)1500,735 85 172-1 7 3 397.218 722 397.218 773 2 160 (SCN), 8.20 0.75 0.90 69.5 7.85 10.95 69.48 7.86 10.57 1565,755 (1.2017-Me) a Methylene chloride was used for the elution of these compounds over silica gel.Q Methylene chloride-ethanol (95 : 5) was used for elution of these compounds. MHz) spectrometer. Mass spectrometry was carried out on removed under reduced pressure to leave a residue which AEI MS 902 instrument. was chromatographed over silica gel (50 g; 80-200 mesh) All the starting materials except 2-hydroxymethylene-5a- using either methylene chloride or methylene chloride- spirostane-3,l l-dione, which has not been reported so far, ethanol (95 :5).A summary of results is given in the were prepared by the known literature methods. Table. Compounds (4) and (6) were recrystallised from 2-Hydroxymethylene-5a-spirostane-3,ll-dione.-Sodium benzene and acetone respectively whilst all other products hydride (1.5 g) was added to a solution of 5a-androstane-were recrystallised from ethanol. 3,l l-dione (5g) in benzene (100 ml) and ethyl formate (5 ml) 17p-Hydroxy- 1 7a-uutethyl-2'-thiocyanato-5u-androst-2-eno-and the reaction mixture was set aside under nitrogen for 3,2-d-pyrimidine ( 11) and 17,17-Dimebhyl-2'-thiocyanato-one day.Methanol (10 ml) was added to decompose the 18-narandrost-2,13-dieno3,2-dpyrimidine( 12) .-The crude excess of sodium hydride and the solution was diluted with product from the condensation reaction was chromato-water (300 ml). The layers were separated and the basic graphed over silica gel. Elution with methylene chloride solution was extracted with ether to remove the neutral gave the rearranged steroid ( 12) which was recrystallised material. The aqueous layer was then acidified with 3M- from ethanol whilst further elution with methylene chloride- hydrochloric acid (40 ml) and the liberated enol extracted ethanol (95 : 5) mixture gave the expected condensation with ether. The ether layer was washed with water and product ( 11) which was recrystallised from ethanol. saturated sodium chloride solution, dried (MgSO,), and 8/506 Received, 20th March, 1978)evaporated to dryness. The crude product was recrystal- lised from ethanol to give 2-hydroxymethylene-5a-spirostane-7 R.W. Hayes, Chem. Rev., 1963, 63,489.
机译:1618 J.C.S. Perkin I 甾体杂环:2'-硫氰酸雄甾烯基-[3,2-d]嘧啶和-[I 7,16-d]嘧啶 作者:Joginder S. Bajwa 和 Peter J. Sykes,“爱丁堡大学化学系,爱丁堡西主路,EH9 3JJ 描述了含有 2'-硫氰酸基嘧啶环融合到类固醇核的 2.3 位或 16.1 7 位的甾体杂环的制备。它们是通过2-阿尼基-l.3.4-硫代-二唑与2-羟亚甲基-3-0x0-类固醇和16-羟亚甲基-17-氧代类固醇反应制备的。制备融合甾体嘧啶是很有意义的,因为其他杂环融合类固醇已被证明表现出修饰或增强的激素活性1 类固醇系列中的各种嘧啶碱已经通过涉及 2-羟基亚甲基-3-氧代-类固醇与胍、尿素和硫脲2 的缩合反应或通过用三甲酰氨基甲烷和氰基 g~anidine 处理酮而获得.~2 a-氰基-3-氧代-类固醇及其烯醇醚也被用作制备嘧啶碱基的原料2 本文介绍了2-氨基-l,3,4-噻二唑(1)与甾体对二酮反应合成一些雄烯烯基-[3,2-d]嘧啶和雄烯并[l7,16-d]嘧啶的另一种方便方法。在催化量的甲苯-9-磺酸存在下,17p-羟基-2-羟基-亚甲基-5a-雄甾烷-3-酮(2)与2-氨基-l,3,4-噻二唑(1)在回流甲苯中缩合,得到17个对羟基-2'-硫氰酸基-5a-雄甾-2-烯并[3,2-d]嘧啶-(4),收率为60%。The i.r. spectrum of this com- 1 R. E. Counsel1 and P. D. Klimstra, 'Medicinal Chemistry' ed. by A. Burger, Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1970, 3rd edn., Part 11, p. 923.P. de Ruggieri、C. Landolfi 和 D. Chiaramonti,Gazzetla,1962 年,92 年,768 年。9 H. Bredereck, R. Gompper, and B. Geiger, Ber., 1960, 93, 1402.磅在2 160 cm-L处表现出强烈的条带,表明硫氰酸酯基团,在1 565、1555infl、1 545infl、1415、1365和755 cm-l处也表现出嘧啶环的特征。lH n.m.r.谱图显示,在6 8.25处有一个单线态,证实了嘧啶环的6'-氢。很明显,初始缩合产物 (3) 的最终脱水导致硫氰酸基嘧啶环系统的重排。事实上,在S-氨基-l,3,4-噻二唑与简单的1,3-二羰基化合物乙酰丙酮之间的反应过程中,已经报道了类似的重排,导致形成2-硫氰酸基-4,6-二甲基嘧啶。中间缩合产物(3)无法分离,因此,它可能具有基于(1)的氨基和类固醇的3-羰基之间的初始反应的异构体结构。然而,在任一可能的中间体的脱水步骤中,N-N键的裂变将产生相同的产物。已知硫氰酸酯基团在乙腈中回流时异构化为异硫氰酸酯结构,L.L. Smith, DM Teller, and T. H. Foell, J. Medicin.Clzem., 1963, 6, 330.R. F. Lauer 和 G. Zenchoff, J. 杂环化学, 1976, 13, 291.1978 1619 苯和甲苯.6 然而,在上述合成中没有观察到这种异构化 3-one (10) 给出预期的 2'-硫氰酸基嘧啶,2'-硫氰酸酯 (11) 伴随着可变量的 17,17-二 t h yl-2'-硫代亚纳特 0-18-norandros t-2,13-二烯基-[3,2-d]嘧啶 (12) 取决于反应中使用的甲苯对磺酸的量。N-N反应也成功地应用于两种具有A4-双键的类固醇,即17p-羟基-2-HoHc&R2+0~~2羟基亚甲基雄甾-4-烯-3-酮和2-羟基-H (2) R1=OH,R2xH (5) R)R~=H (7 1 R -c~H,,, R?= H (10) R'=OH ,R~=~i N* N0 胡 $?i'(tOH & (1) 1 k (3) i 亚甲基胆甾-4-烯-3-酮, 但产物17-对羟基-2'-T硫氰酸雄甾-2,kdieno-[3,%d]嘧啶(13)和2'-硫氰酸胆甾-2,4-二烯并[3,2-d]嘧啶(14)的收率较低,在3540%范围内。以3p-羟基-16-H-Ydrox-亚甲基-5a-雄甾-l6-烯并[17,16-d]嘧啶(15)和3-甲氧基-2'-硫代亚纳-1,3,5 (lo)、16-四-烯并[l7,16-d]嘧啶(17)分别由3p-羟基-16-H-Ydrox 亚甲基-5a-雄甾烷-17-酮和16-H-Ydroxy-亚甲基-3-甲基-Hoxyoestra-L,3,5(10)-三烯-17-酮)类似地制备了3p-羟基-2'-硫氰基-5a-雄甾烷-17-酮。3-羟基类固醇 (15) 的乙酰化得到相应的乙酰基衍生物 (16),而 Jones 试剂氧化得到 3-ox0 衍生物 (18)。在相同条件下,17p-羟基-2-乙氧羰基-(羟基)甲基-17a-甲基-5a-雄甾烷-3-酮与(1)反应得到17p-羟基y-17a-甲基hyl-6'-(1,3,4-噻二唑-2-基氨基甲酰基)-2'-硫氰酸基-5a-雄甾-2-烯并[3,2-d]-嘧啶(19)。该反应的另一个例子是将 2-乙氧羰基-(羟基 y)甲苓烯-5a-胆甾烷-3-酮转化为 6'-(1,3,4-噻二唑-2-基氨基甲酰基)-2'-t 硫氰酸 0-5 a-胆甾-2- 烯并[3,2-d]嘧啶 (20)。在相同的反应条件下,2a-乙酰基-17p-.#R 羟基-5a-雄甾烷-3-酮未能产生任何con-NCSkN A N0 NCSk PI (9) SCN NR-N N/ NCSkN A (4)R'= OH R~=H (6) R'= R2= H (81 R'= CaH17,R2= H (11) R'= OH, RZ.M~ d&R2 ti NC:<& (13) R'=OH ,R?= H (151 R: OH ,R2=H (14)I?'= CaH,, ,R2s H (16) R= OAc ,R2= H (181R1R; 0 Me0&SCN (17) N-N ..H 1(19) R=OH, R2=Me 2(20)R1=C,H,, ,R = H 基团即使在回流二甲苯中长时间加热后仍保持完整。一个。异硫代氰酸酯的异构化反应被证实,产物未能与伯胺反应。以类似的方式,分别由相应的2-羟基亚甲基-3-0x0-类固醇(5)、(7)和2-羟亚甲基-5a-螺固醇-3,ll-二酮制备了2'-硫氰酸基-5a-雄甾-2-烯-[3,2-d]嘧啶(6)、2'-硫氰酸基-5a-胆甾-2-烯-[3,2-d]嘧啶(8)和1l-氧代-2'-硫氰酸基-5a-螺甾烷-2-烯并[3,2-d]嘧啶(9)。使用缩合产物的反应条件,可能是因为酮,在这种致密反应中,2-羟亚甲基-3-氧代类固醇 za-乙酰基,通常与在 C-17 位点具有叔羟基的胺反应,也经历 Wagner-Meerwein 重排。对于 l7P-6 U. Tonellato, 0.Rossetto, and A. Fava, J. Org. Chem., 1969,hydroxy-2-hydroxymethy1ene-17a-methy1-5a-androstan-34,4032.1620 J.C.S. Perkin I 比醛(2-甲酰基)慢得多,到 3,ll-二酮(3.5 g,66%),M.P. 165-166。1.r. (CHBr,) 产生希夫碱基。 vmX.2 930, 2 870, 1 700 (C=O), 1 640, 1 585 (COC=CHOH), 1 450, 1 385, 和 1 375 cm-';lH n.m.r. 6 0.72, 0.82,0.95,实验部分 1.00 (甲基), 和 8.60 (s, 1 H, 2=CHO) (发现: C, M.p.s 在 Gallenkamp 仪器上测定,为 73.20;H,8.91。计算值 C,,H,,O,: C, 73.68;H,8.77%)。未。1.r.光谱在缩合反应的一般程序上以溴仿形式记录。'H N.M.R.使用四甲基噻二唑(0.0015 mol)记录甾体对二酮(0.001mol)、2-氨基-1,3,4-在氘代氯仿中的光谱溶液,并将甲苯-对磺酸(20硅烷作为核磁mg的内标)在干燥的甲苯(50 ml)中回流并搅拌过夜。Resonance Ltd EM360 (60 MHz) 或瓦里安 HA 100 (100 反应过程冷却,溶剂 高分辨率 分析产率 M.p.质谱 特性 'H N.m.r. (6) 发现 (%) 计算 (yo) (%) (“C) 发现 计算 i.r. abs (v/cm l) 6'-H 18-CH. 19-CHa C H N C H N 60 213-215 383.202 537 383.203 123 2 160(SCN), .8.20 0.75 -0.75 69.0 7.6 11.1 68.89 7.63 10.96 1565,755 85 210-212 367.205 933 367.207 136 2 160 ISCN)。8.30 0.70 0.75 71.7 8.0 11.65 71.89 7.96 11.44 1565,'755 “ 70 159-160 479.331 357 479.333 404 2 160 (SCN), 8.30 75.3 9.45 8.55 75.10 9.46 8.76 1565,755 68 241-243 521.271 406 521.271 198 2 160 (SCN), 8.30 68.75 7.95 8.1 69.06 7.54 8.08 1695 (COI.i 565,'fG” 0.80 11 125-127 379.208 494 379.308 203 2 160 (SCN), 8.30 17宝石 1.00 72.75 7.85 10.5 72.78 7.71 10.71 1565,755 二甲基41 185-187 381.186 086 381.187 474 2 160 (SCN).8.20 0.80 1.00 68.75 7.25 10.8 68.25 7.13 11.02 1620,'l 575;750 38 184-186 477.77.316 335 477.317 754 2 160 (SCN), 8.20 75.25 8.9 8.5 75.42 9.08 8.80 1620,1565, 7 70 75 192-194 383.203 289 383.203 123 2 160 (SCN), 8.35 0.85 0.97 69.1 7.75 10.95 68.89 7.63 10.96 1580, 790 72 177-179 377.154 981 377.156 176 2 160 (SCN), 8.35 1.00 69.65 6.25 10.65 69.99 6.15 11.13 1605,1575, 780 80 226-228 381.187 281 381.187 474 2 160(SCN), 8.50 1.00 1.10 68.95 7.25 10.75 69.26 7.14 11.02 1700 lC0l.1575,'790' 53 175-177 425.214 789 425.213 686 2 160 (SCN), 8.50 0.90 1.00 67.4 7.0 9.9 67.73 7.29 9.87 1720 (CO),1580,900 65 244-246 524.204 927 524.202 805 3 330 (NH), 8.90 0.77 0.87 59.7 4.2 16.2 59.51 4.41 16.09 2 160 (SCN), (6“-H), (1.20,1690 (CO), 12.0 (NH) 17-Me)1510, 745 71 311-314 606.317 398 606.317 434 3 330 (NH), 8.90 64.95 7.5 13.5 65.31 7.68 13.85 2 160 (SCN), (5“-H)1690 (CO), 12.00 (NH)1500,735 85 172-1 7 3 397.218 722 397.218 773 2 160 (SCN), 8.20 0.75 0.90 69.5 7.85 10.95 69.48 7.86 10.57 1565,755 (1.2017-Me) 二氯甲烷用于在硅胶上洗脱这些化合物。Q 二氯甲烷-乙醇 (95 : 5) 用于洗脱这些化合物。MHz)光谱仪。在减压下进行质谱分析,以除去残留物,AEI MS 902仪器。在硅胶(50克;80-200目)上色谱,除2-羟基亚甲基-5a-外,所有起始材料均使用二氯甲烷或二氯甲烷-螺骨烷-3,l-l-二酮,其迄今尚未报道乙醇(95:5)。结果的摘要是在通过已知的文献方法制备的。桌子。化合物(4)和(6)分别由2-羟亚甲基-5a-螺甾烷-3,ll-二酮-苯钠和丙酮重结晶,而所有其他产物氢化物(1.5 g)加入到由乙醇重结晶的5a-雄甾烷溶液中。3,L L-二酮(5g)在苯(100毫升)和甲酸乙酯(5毫升)中 17p-羟基-1,7a-uutethyl-2'-硫氰酸基-5u-雄甾-2-烯-反应混合物在氮气下放置[3,2-d]-嘧啶(11)和17,17-二甲基-2'-硫氰酸酯-1天。加入甲醇(10ml)分解18-纳雄司特-2,13-二烯并[3,2-d]嘧啶(12).-粗过量的氢化钠和溶液用缩合反应的产物稀释为色水(300ml)。将各层分开,并在硅胶上绘制基本图形。用二氯甲烷溶液洗脱,用乙醚萃取除去中性物质,得到重排的类固醇(12),其为重结晶物质。然后用3M-乙醇酸化水层,同时用二氯甲烷盐酸(40ml)和释放的烯醇提取乙醇(95:5)混合物进一步洗脱,得到预期的与乙醚缩合。乙醚层用水和由乙醇重结晶的产物(11)洗涤。饱和氯化钠溶液,干燥(MgSO,)和[8/506收稿日期,1978年3月20日]蒸发至干。粗产物用乙醇重结晶,得到2-羟基亚甲基-5a-螺骨烷-7 R.W. Hayes, Chem. Rev., 1963, 63,489。




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