首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endocrinological Investigation: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Endocrinology >BRAFV600E mutation in the pathogenesis of a large series of papillary thyroid carcinoma in Czech Republic.

BRAFV600E mutation in the pathogenesis of a large series of papillary thyroid carcinoma in Czech Republic.


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BACKGROUND: Activating point mutation of the BRAF gene, the most common genetic alteration reported in papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTC), has been associated with poor prognostic characteristics. AIM: Our objective was to determine the frequency of BRAFV600E mutation in PTC tumor tissues from the period 1960-2007 and to correlate it with clinicopathological parameters. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: DNAs were extracted from 242 PTCs, 23 sporadic medullary carcinomas, one anaplastic carcinoma and 6 poorly differentiated carcinomas. The presence of BRAFV600E mutation was determined using single strand conformation polymorphism method and verified by direct sequencing. RESULTS: BRAFV600E mutation was detected in 81 of 242 PTCs (33.5), in one of 6 poorly differentiated carcinomas (16.7) and in anaplastic carcinoma. BRAFV600E mutation was much less frequent in the follicular variant compared to classical variant and mixed follicular- classical variant of PTCs (p=0.001). BRAFV600E mutation was significantly associated with presence of nodal metastasis (p=0.029), more advanced TNM stage (p=0.014) and recurrence of disease (p=0.008). The mutation correlated with a higher age at diagnosis (p=0.049) and with a greater tumor size (p=0.041). Multivariate analysis confirmed these findings. The prevalence of BRAFV600E mutation before 1986 was significantly lower than after it (p=0.008). CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that BRAFV600E mutation is associated with high-risk clinicopathological characteristics of PTC and worse prognosis of patients. The frequency of the mutation significantly varied during the observed period but rather because of the different age distribution of patients in particular periods than as a consequence of Chernobyl accident.
机译:背景:BRAF 基因的激活点突变是甲状腺状癌 (PTC) 中最常见的遗传改变,与不良预后特征有关。目的:我们的目标是确定 1960-2007 年期间 PTC 肿瘤组织中 BRAFV600E 突变的频率,并将其与临床病理学参数相关联。研究对象及方法:从242例PTCs、23例散发性髓样癌、1例间变性癌和6例低分化癌中提取DNA。采用单链构象多态性法确定BRAFV600E突变的存在,并通过直接测序进行验证。结果:在 242 例 PTC 中的 81 例 (33.5%)、6 例低分化癌中的 1 例 (16.7%) 和间变癌中检测到 BRAFV600E 突变。与PTCs的经典变异和混合滤泡-经典变异相比,BRAFV600E突变在滤泡变异中的发生率要低得多(p = 0.001)。BRAFV600E突变与淋巴结转移(p=0.029)、更晚期的TNM分期(p=0.014)和疾病复发(p=0.008)显著相关。该突变与诊断时年龄较高 (p=0.049) 和肿瘤大小较大 (p=0.041) 相关。多因素分析证实了这些发现。1986年前BRAFV600E突变患病率显著低于1986年之后(p=0.008)。结论:我们的数据表明,BRAFV600E突变与PTC的高危临床病理特征和患者预后较差有关。突变的频率在观察期间有很大差异,但这是因为特定时期患者的年龄分布不同,而不是切尔诺贝利事故的结果。




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