首页> 外文期刊>Palaontologische Zeitschrift >Brachiopods from the Silberberg Formation (Late Eocene to Early Oligocene) of Atzendorf, Central Germany

Brachiopods from the Silberberg Formation (Late Eocene to Early Oligocene) of Atzendorf, Central Germany


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Six brachiopod species, i.e., Discradisca sp., Cryptopora sp., Pliothyrina sp. cf. P. grandis (Blumenbach, 1803), Terebratulina tenuistriata (Leymerie, 1846), Rhynchonellopsis nysti (Bosquet, 1862), and Orthothyris pectinoides (von Koenen, 1894), have been identified in the Late Eocene to Early Oligocene Silberberg Formation of Atzendorf, Central Germany. The species R. nysti and O. pectinoides dominate the studied assemblage. Rhynchonellopsis is here transferred from the family Cancellothyrididae to Chlidonophoridae because it has a loop without united crural processes. Orthothyris pectinoides has a brachial skeleton of chlidonophorid type, but its transverse band is incomplete. In species composition, the assemblage from Atzendorf differs from other Paleogene and Neogene European assemblages by the absence of megathyridids and dominance of chlidonophorids, indicating a relatively deep environment.
机译:在德国中部阿岑多夫的晚始新世至早渐新世Silberberg组中发现了6种腕足动物,即Discradisca sp.、Cryptopora sp.、Pliothyrina sp. cf. P. grandis (Blumenbach, 1803)、Terebratulina tenuistriata (Leymerie, 1846)、Rhynchonellopsis nysti (Bosquet, 1862)和Orthothyris pectinoides (von Koenen, 1894)。R. nysti 和 O. pectinoides 物种在所研究的组合中占主导地位。Rhynchonellopsis 在这里从 Cancellothyrididae 家族转移到 Chlidonophoridae,因为它有一个没有统一的脚突的环。Orthothyris pectinoides 具有 chlidonophorid 型的臂骨骼,但其横带不完整。在物种组成方面,Atzendorf的组合与其他古近纪和新近纪欧洲组合的不同之处在于没有巨甲虫和绿芥类的优势,表明环境相对较深。




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