首页> 外文期刊>Palaontologische Zeitschrift >New discoveries in the frog Latonia seyfriedi (Anura: Alytidae) and their impact on taxonomy of the genus Latonia

New discoveries in the frog Latonia seyfriedi (Anura: Alytidae) and their impact on taxonomy of the genus Latonia

机译:青蛙Latonia seyfriedi(Anura:Alytidae)的新发现及其对Latonia属分类学的影响

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Latonia seyfriedi, the type species of the genus Latonia, was described by von Meyer (1843) based on an articulated skeleton from the middle Miocene (Serravallian) of ohningen, Germany. Besides the holotype, four additional articulated skeletons are known from the type locality; all display only the ventral aspect. A similar frog reported by Lartet (1851) from the middle Miocene of Sansan, France was later assigned to the genus Latonia as L. gigantea based on disarticulated skull roof bones covered with sculpture. In the course of time, similar bones were recovered from numerous localities, but, because the dorsal surface of the cranial roof was not known for L. seyfriedi, they were mostly identified as L. gigantea. The crucial question of whether the skull roof bones of L. seyfriedi, especially the frontoparietal and maxilla, bear sculpture or not remained unresolved until recently, when specimen TMH 8438 from ohningen was made available for micro-computed tomography (CT) investigations. The present study reveals that the frontoparietal is covered by pustular sculpture as in the L. gigantea neotype, and that the sculpture on the maxillae is similar in both taxa. Since other bones are also similar, we suggest that L. gigantea is a junior synonym of L. seyfriedi. Micro-CT scanning of TMH 8438 made it possible to reconstruct the original positions of the bones. It turned out that the nasals are sculptured and overlapped with the frontal processes of the maxillae as well as with the anterior end of the frontoparietal. This allowed us to reconstruct the shape and proportions of the skull.
机译:Latonia seyfriedi是Latonia属的典型物种,由von Meyer(1843)根据德国ohningen的中新世中期(Serravallian)的关节骨架进行了描述。除了全型之外,从类型位置已知还有四个额外的关节骨架;都只显示腹侧。Lartet(1851)报道的来自法国Sansan中新世中期的类似青蛙后来被归类为Latonia属,称为L. gigantea,其依据是覆盖着雕塑的脱节头骨。随着时间的流逝,从许多地方发现了类似的骨头,但是,由于颅顶的背面并不知道 L. seyfriedi,它们大多被鉴定为 L. gigantea。L. seyfriedi的头盖骨,特别是额顶骨和上颌骨,是否具有熊雕塑的关键问题一直悬而未决,直到最近,来自ohningen的标本TMH 8438可用于显微计算机断层扫描(CT)研究。本研究表明,额顶叶被脓疱雕塑覆盖,就像L. gigantea新型一样,并且上颌骨上的雕塑在两个分类群中是相似的。由于其他骨骼也相似,我们认为 L. gigantea 是 L. seyfriedi 的初级同义词。TMH 8438 的显微 CT 扫描使重建骨骼的原始位置成为可能。事实证明,鼻腔是雕刻的,并与上颌骨的额突以及额顶的前端重叠。这使我们能够重建头骨的形状和比例。




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