首页> 外文期刊>Annales de Limnologie >Diel activity cycles of freshwater gastropods under natural light: Patterns and ecological implications

Diel activity cycles of freshwater gastropods under natural light: Patterns and ecological implications


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Though much is known about freshwater snail ecology, their circadian rhythms remain poorly investigated. Well-fed, stress-free, mid-size adults of six species common in central Italian lakes were exposed to natural sunlight and photoperiod, and their activity status was recorded at 3-h intervals during a 9-d indoor experiment. All species exhibited evident diurnal habits despite high individual variability, with middayto- early-afternoon activity peaks. Activity was correlated with diel light conditions but not with short-term changes in albedo. The prosobranch Bithynia (=Codiella) leachii and the pulmonates Physa (=Physella) acuta and Planorbis planorbis were the most active species and exhibited the longest-lasting response to daytime food addition. The prosobranch Valvata piscinalis exhibited long periods retracted in its shell with the operculum shut, and the remaining taxa (the pulmonates Galba (=Lymnaea) truncatula and Radix (=Lymnaea) auricularia) exhibited an intermediate degree of activity. P. acuta was the most active species at night and exhibited the quicker response to nighttime food addition. Alertedness to (diurnal) predators may be highest for the highly active P. acuta and P. planorbis, whose antipredator defenses are mainly behavioral. Diel activity patterns and other ecological characteristics suggest that P. acuta may be favored in food-rich habitats, while V. piscinalis may not be able to fully exploit food resources, especially if in limiting quantities. All snail species – and P. acuta in particular – may stimulate periphyton metabolism while keeping its biomass low by grazing mainly during the time of maximum photosynthesis.
机译:尽管人们对淡水蜗牛的生态学知之甚少,但它们的昼夜节律仍然很少研究。在意大利中部湖泊中常见的六个物种中,吃饱喝足,无压力的中型成虫暴露在自然阳光和光周期下,并在9天室内实验中以3小时的间隔记录其活动状态。尽管个体变异性高,但所有物种都表现出明显的昼夜习性,中午至傍晚的活动达到高峰。活性与光照条件相关,但与反照率的短期变化无关。Prosobranch Bithynia (=Codiella) leachii 和肺虫 Physa (=Physella) acuta 和 Planorbis planorbis 是最活跃的物种,对白天添加食物表现出最持久的反应。Prosobranch Valvata piscinalis 在鳃盖关闭的情况下表现出长时间缩回其壳中,其余分类群(肺类 Galba (=Lymnaea) truncatula 和 Radix (=Lymnaea) auricularia)表现出中等程度的活性。P. acuta是夜间最活跃的物种,对夜间食物添加的反应更快。对于高度活跃的 P. acuta 和 P. planorbis,对(昼夜)捕食者的警觉性可能最高,它们的反捕食者防御主要是行为性的。Diel活动模式和其他生态特征表明,P. acuta可能在食物丰富的生境中受到青睐,而V. piscinalis可能无法充分利用食物资源,特别是在数量有限的情况下。所有蜗牛物种,尤其是蜗牛,都可能刺激周围植物的新陈代谢,同时主要在光合作用达到最大值时通过放牧来保持其生物量低。




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