首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Spirans. Part 11. A new method for generatingo-quinone methides, and its applications to the synthesis of spirochromans. A note on the autoxidation of a naphthol derivative

Spirans. Part 11. A new method for generatingo-quinone methides, and its applications to the synthesis of spirochromans. A note on the autoxidation of a naphthol derivative

机译:斯皮兰斯。第 11 部分。一种生成邻醌甲醌的新方法及其在螺色素合成中的应用.关于萘酚衍生物自氧化的说明



1977 2289Spirans. Part 11 .l A New Method for Generating o-Quinone Methides,and its Applications to the Synthesis of Spirochromans. A Note on theAutoxidation of a Naphthol DerivativeBy Francis M. Dean and David A. Matkin, The Robert Robinson Laboratories, The University of Liverpool,The adducts ( 5 ) and (9) formed from quinonyl carbanions and tetramethyl-1.4-benzoquinone are reduced by zincin acetic acid giving the component phenols. It is considered that o-quinone methides are intermediates, aromatis-ation of the quinonoid ring being the driving force (Scheme I ) . The corresponding ethers (6). ( 7 ) , and (10) giveo-quinone methides that are either readily trapped by acetate ion giving phenolic benzyl acetates (1 3) and (1 7) ordimerise giving the bisnaphthol (25) via the spiran (24).The benzylic acetates form excellent substrates for con-version into spirans such as (4) by standard methods; the spiran (24) can be regenerated from the bisnaphthol byoxidative cyclisation.The naphthol derivative (23) obtained as a by-product is rapidly oxidised by air to give the hydroperoxide (26).Liverpool L69 3BXTHE oxidation of tocopherol and related chromans (1)produces o-quinone methides (2) that rapidly dimerise tothe spirans (3). These have unusual properties, be-having as fluxional molecules and being sensitive to re-duction by ascorbic acid.3 In order to obtain inform-ation as to what extent such properties are determinedby substitution patterns and/or ring fusions we haveprepared several related compounds. We describe herea new method for generating o-quinone methides and itsapplication to the synthesis of the spiran (4) and twoothers.The xanthen derivative (5), ' diduroquinone,' is veryeasily obtained by treating duroquinone (8) with alkali;one molecule of quinone forms a carbanion that appearsto undergo a cycloaddition to a Smith, Tess,and Ullyot studied the reduction of this xanthen withzinc in acetic acid and obtained tetramethylquinol as thesole product.Various methods of reduction failed toproduce any useful result when applied to the ethyl etherof the xanthen. In our earlier work we caused a naph-thoquinonyl carbanion to add to duroquinone (8) givingthe xanthen derivative (9), and found that zinc and aceticacid reduced it to tetramethylquinol and 2,3-dimethyl-naphthalene-1 ,4-dioL6 Evidently both xanthens arecleaved across the heterocycle.A stepwise mechanismPart 10, A. W. Dick, F. M. Dean, D. A. Matkin, and M. L.Robinson, J . C S . Perkin I , 1977, 2204.D. R. Kelan and C. D. Robeson, J . Amer. Chem. SOC., 1962,84, 2963; P. Schudel, H. Mayer, J. Metzger, R. Ruegg, and 0.Isler, Helv. Chim. Acta, 1963, 46, 636; D. McHale and J. Green,Chem. and Ind., 1964, 366; J. L. G. Nilsson, Acta Pharm.SuPcica, 1969, 6, 1 ; J . L. G. Nilsson, J.-0. Bransted, and H.Sjevertsson, ibzd., 1968, 5, 509.was suggested originally,6 but while the reduction of etherlinks adjacent to carbonyl groups is well known, a simi-lar cleavage of carbon-carbon links is rare and does notseem to have been observed for zinc reductions.Wetherefore prefer to regard the cleavage as initiated byreduction of the enedione grouping (Scheme 1) followedby (or perhaps synchronous with) an electrocyclic re-version to quinol (from ring B) and quinone methide(from ring A). If the starting material is the phenol ( 5 ) ,then the quinone methide (11) can tautomerise to aquinone and will therefore also give tetramethylquinol.This accounts for the observations made by Smith et aZ.*and by US.^ I t is clear, however, that if the startingmaterial is the ether (6), the fate of the quinone methidewould be modified. In fact, and in contrast to the re-port by Smith et aZ.,4 the reduction of the methyl ethergave the benzylic acetate (13), derived by the nucleo-philic addition of acetate ion to (12) (Scheme 1).Wetherefore hoped that, by withholding nucleophiles, wewould allow the quinone methide (12) time enough todimerise to the desired spiran (4), but zinc and trifluoro-acetic acid merely reduced it to the quinol derivative(14).H. A. Lloyd, E. A. Sokoloski, B. S. Strauch, and H. M.Fales, Chem. Comm., 1969, 299; W. A. Skinner and P. A. Alau-povic, J . Org. Chem., 1963, 28, 2854; M. S. Chauhan, F. M. Dean,and M. L. Robinson, Chem. Comm., 1971, 1141.L. I. Smith, R. W. H. Tess, and G. E. Cllyot, J . Amer. Chem.SOC., 1944, 66, 1320.K. Chandrasenan and R. H. Thomson, J . Chem. SOC. ( C ) ,1966, 123.F. M. Dean and L. E. Houghton, J . Chem. SOC. ( C ) , 1968,10602290 J.C.S.Perkin IFortunately, the benzylic acetate (13) is itself a suit-able starting material for quinone methide production.When heated in mesitylene (or in the mass spectrometer)it rapidly collapsed by loss of acetic acid to form (12),which then gave the trimer corresponding to theaddition of a third quinone methide molecule to theinto quinone methides, higher temperatures favour trimerf o r r n a t i ~ n , ~ ~ ~ so a low temperature reaction was investi-gated. Reduction of the benzyl acetate with lithiumMe MeORMeMeHO al k y (Me Me( 5 ) R = H( 6 ) R = MeMe 1 MeOMe MeMeMe ' MeOMeCH2( 1 1 ) R = H( 1 2 ) R = Me 02a l k y l Me ( 3 )Me0 M$MeMeORMe H O G M eMe OHMe0Me Me$:: HO MeC H ~ O A C( 1 3 1SCHEME 1( 5 ) R = H(6) R = Me(7) R = Me2CHaluminium hydride gave the alcohol (15), and suddentreatment with hydrogen chloride converted this into thehalide (16).Nucleophilic displacement with sodiumOR MeoMe Me ' CH2XOHMeMeMeMe( 1 3 ) R = Me,X = OAc( 1 4 ) R = Me,X = H( 1 5 ) R = Me,X = OH( 1 6 ) R = Me,X = CL( 1 7 ) R = Me2CH, X = O A c( 1 8 ) R = MeZCH, X = OH( 1 9 ) R = Me2CH, X = C IMeMeMe0MePhPh OMespiro-dimer (4). This trimer is (very tentatively) as-signed structure (20) on the basis of analogy and consis-tent n.m.r. and other spectroscopic result^.^.^ trans-Stilbene trapped the quinone methide as the chromanderivative (21). Since spirans can themselves dissociateS. B. Cavitt, H. Sarrafizadeh, K.Gardner, and P. D.Gardner, J . Org. Chem., 1962, 27, 1211; A. Merijan, B. A. Shoul-ders, and P. T), Gardner, ihid, 1963. 28, 2148.hydrogen carbonate gave the yellow quinone methide (12)which dimerised almost at once to the desired spiran (4).In the same way the xanthen (5) was converted into* Part 9, M. S. Chauhan, F. M. Dean, S. McDonald, and M. L.Part 8, M. S. Chauhan, F. M. Dean, z). Matkin, and M. I,.Robinson, J.C.S. Pevkin I , 1973, 310.Rohinson, T.C.S. Perkin T , 1973. 1201977the isopropyl ether (7), which was carried through thesequence terminating in the halide (19). Treatment withbase again gave the desired spiran (4 ; Me,CHO for MeO) .During the conversion of the alcohol (18) into the halide(19) there seemed to be little loss caused by acid-catalysedremoval of the isopropyl group.In contrast, this lossdominated the pyrolysis of the acetate (17) in mesitylene,for instead of a dimer or trimer the sole product wasduroquinone (8) ; evidently the quinone methide (1 1) andisopropyl acetate are formed, but in the absence of anucleophile or a reducing agent, tautomerism as in theScheme leads to the quinone and there is no furtherreaction.A somewhat different result attended the reduction ofthe naphthalene derivative (10) with zinc. Tetramethyl-quinol was formed as before, but the quinone methide(22) appeared to be partitioned between two sequences,one terminating in the naphthol (23) and the other in thebisnaphthol (25) (Scheme 2).2291the desired spiran, but suffers reduction by zinc to thebisnaphthol.It is readily regenerated by oxidation ofthe bisnaphthol with hexacyanoferrate(I1x) (Scheme 2).Under the same conditions the benzoquinone methidewill tend to make an early capture of any nucleophileprovided. In the reaction in trifluoroacetic acid itaromatised by reduction before it had time to dimerise.Quinone methides have been generated by oxidation loand several other techniques l1 but not previously byreductive methods. The new method also offers a simplemeans of procuring selective asymmetric substitutionpatterns in quinol derivatives when only symmetricalprecursors are mailable. An alternative and more gen-eral solution to this problem has been described recentlybut requires facilities for anodic oxidation.12Note on the Na9hthoZ (23) .-Solutions of this compoundin hydrocarbons proved difficult to handle because of anunusually rapid reaction with air.For this reason thecompound was isolated and characterised as the acetate.0MeMeMeOMeMeHI_I__)B o M e Me HI___)SCHEME 2Me(23 1Thus the naphthoquinone methide dimerises but doesnot add acetate, while the benzoquinone methide addsacetate but does not dimerise. This marked differencecould arise from the relative aromatic stabilisation ener-gies, restitution of aromaticity being less important forthe naphthalene than for the benzene system. Hence thenaphthoquinone methide (22) must be a relatively stableone capable of surviving long enough to dimerise in thereaction medium giving the spiran (24).Indeed, this islo D. A. Bolon, J. Org. Chem., 1970, 35, 715, 3666.l1 A. B. Turner, Quart. Rev., 1964, 18, 347; D. Creed, J.C.S.Chem. Comm., 1976, 121; W. W. Sullivan, D. TTllman, and H.Schechter, TPtrnh,edron Lettrrs, 1969, 457.Left in air, the naphthol itself changed into a compoundassigned structure (26) mainly on spectroscopic grounds.The i.r. spectrum indicated hydroxylic and double con-jugated carbonyl functions; the n.m.r. spectrum indi-cated two vinylic methyl groups (subject to slight long-range coupling) together with a methoxy methyl groupresonating a t rather high fields because it has to rotatethrough the shielding cone of the benzene ring. In 2-naphthol derivatives, hydroperoxidation has been asso-ciated with steric hindrance to planarity of the aromaticl2 M.J . Manning, D. R. Henton, and J. S. Swenton, Tetra-h.edron LettPrs, 1977, 16792292 J.C.S. Perkin Iring induced by a single large substituent such as t - b ~ t y 1 . l ~The present case is essentially similar. Four serried(26)substituents must tend to buckle a ring already of rela-tively low aromaticity thus promoting the change tosp3 hybridisation at one position.EXPERIMENTALI .r. spectra were normally determined on mulls in paraffin ;only the strongest bands are noted. U.V. spectra were de-termined upon ethanolic 10-3-10-4~-sol~tions. N.ni.r.spectra given in the text were recorded under the sameconditions as those in the Tables. Mass spectra were meas-ured a t about 70 eV with a source temperature near 200 "C;m/e values for molecular ions only are noted.Light petro-leum had b.p. 60-80 "C.TABLE 1lH N.ni.r. spectra ( T scale)a of polycyclic quinolderivatives (in CDCl, at 100 MHz)CompoundAssignment (6)ArOCH, 6.46Vinyl OCH,Me,CHOCHAHA 7.087.64CHCH,PhCH.0ArCH, 7.86ArCH, 7.91Vinyl CH, 8.03Vinyl CH,ArCH,CH,ArCH,.CH,ArCH, 7.99Vinyl CH, 8.03CH,C(O.) (CO.) 8.60CH,C(CH,*) (CO.) 8.79(CH3) 2CH(7)6.06-6.286.887.687.827.917.998.358.358.728.90-8.91(4; PriOfor(4) MeO) (2l)c6.39 6.376.456.10-6.34ca. 7.0e7.80 7.96 7.787.88 7.96 7.857.88 8.06 7.877.98 8.298.06 8.298.14 8.297.43- 7.60-7.73 7.887.95- 8.008.25 g 8.30s6.05 f9.0Coupling constants in Hz.All bands had the appropriaterelative intensities. In chlorobenzene. ArH; complexoverlapping multiplets near T 3. J 17 Hz. I11 resolvedmultiplet. f J 8 Hz. g Partially obscured by other bands.J 6 H z .(7sR,* llaS *)-7a,lla-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-6,7a,9,10, l l a -pentamethyl-7H-benzo aIxnnthen-S, 1 1-dione (9) .-The folIow-ing method gave a superior yield to that described previouslyThe requisite tetrahydroindazole (3.0 g), dissolved in tri-chloromethane (34 ml) and methanol (135 ml), was addeddropwise during 2 h to tetramethyl-1,4-benzoquinone (9.1 g ;i.e. a large excess) and sodium acetate trihydrate (2.2 g) inmethanol (330 ml) stirred under nitrogen. After 1 h morethe mixture was cooled to 0 "C and the orange precipitateremoved, washed with cold methanol, and crystxllised frombenzene-trichloromethane to give the xanthendione asorange needles (4.14 g, 85y0), m.p.220". The excess of thetetramethylbenzoquinone was readily retrieved from thesolutions and purified for repeated use.TABLE 2lH N.m.r. spectra. (7 scale) of simple quinol derivatives(in CDCl, at 100 MHz) aCompound - Assign- ~ Ament (13) (14)ArCH,X 5.16Me0 6.66 6.64ArCH, 7.78 7.90ArCH, 7.78 7.90ArCH, 7.92 8.08ArCH, 8.08Me,CHAcO 8.58ArOHCH,OH(CH3)2CH(15) (16) (17) (18) (19)5.1ab 5.26 5.16 5.26b 5.196.42 6.39 6.20e 6.1OC 6.06c7.81 7.68 7.78 7.86 7.727.86 7.78 7.78 7.90 7.847.91 7.94 8.06 7.888.91d 8.78d 8.75d6.20e 6.10 6.06 e8.642.34 f i g 2.307.34 gph 7.04 ggJba Coupling constants in Hz.All bands had the appropriaterelative intensities. Broad ; sharp after contact with D,O.Me,CHO; septet. d, J 6 Hz. m, J 6 Hz. f Relativelysharp; H-bonded. Removed by D,O. Very broad.The methyl ether (10) was obtained from the xanthendione(3.0 g) by treatment with dimethyl sulphate ( 1 ml) andpotassium carbonate (20 g) in refluxing acetone (150 ml) for4 11, and formed yellow needles (from benzene-light petro-leum) (2.8 g), m.p. 161.5-162.5", v,,,. 1675 cm-l (conj.C : 0) (Found: C, 75.8; H, 6.550/6; M+, 364. C,requires C, 75.8; H, 6.6; M , 364).Reduction of the Xunthendione (10) by Zinc.--Zinc dust(10 g) was slowly stirred into a solution of the methoxyxan-thendione (10) (1.0 g) in acetic acid (20 nil) heated on a steam-bath.After about 20 min. the mixture became colourlessand was filtered hot. The residue was extracted with alittle hot acetic acid; the combined solutions on coolinggave a crystalline mass of tetramethylquinone (280 mg).The mother liquor was poured into brine (100 ml) and kepta t 0 "C under carbon dioxide for 2 h. A pink solid separatedwhich was washed with water, dried in uucuo (P205), andpurified from benzene-light petroleum to give 4,4'-di-nzethoxy-3,3'-dimethyZ-2,2'-ethylenebis- 1-naphthol (25) asplates (cu. 180 mg), m.p. 206", vInBx. 3 400br, 1 592, 1 360, and765 cm-l (Found: C, 77.3; H, 6.4; M', 402. C2,H2,04requires C, 77.6; H, 6.5; M , 402.)The benzene-ligh t petroleum mother liquors contained4-methoxy-2,3-dimethyl- 1-naphthol (22) but this deterior-ated when attempts were made to isolate it.In anotherexperiment, these liquors were concentrated in vncuo, theoily residue was treated with acetic anhydride and pyridine,and the product was chromatographed on silica with ben-zene. The chief fraction was an oil that slowly crystallisedfrom benzene, giving 4-methoxy-2,3-dimethyl- 1-nuphthylacetate as needles, m.p. 55", vmax. 1 745, 1 350, 1226, 1081,1025, and 761 cm-l (Found: C , 73.8; H, 6.8; M+, 224.C,,H,,O, requires C, 73.75; H, 6.604, ; M , 244).In a third experiment the benzene--light petroleum motherliquors were left in air to allow the deterioration to continue.During 30 h a solid (130 mg) separated which readily crys-tallised from ether-light petroleum giving 4-hydroperoxy-4-methoxy-2,3-dinzethyZnaphthalen- 1 (4H)-one (26) as needles,l3 P.A . Rradyand J. Carnduff, J.C.S. CAem. Com.m.., 1974, 81619771ii.p. 122 I , v , , ~ , ~ ~ . 3 350 and 1 655 cni- 2 (Found: iL1 ' , 234.0888.C13Hl,04 requires M , 234.0920).chromen-2-spiro- 2 '-naphthaZen- 1 '-one (24) .-The ethylenebisnaphtliol (25) (100 nig) in benzene (20 ml) was slowlyadded to a stirred solution of potassium hexacyanoferrate(II1)(1.0 g ) in water (20 ml), and after 1 h the benzene layer wasseparated, washed with water, and dried (Na,CO,). Thematerial left after evaporation was chroniatographed onsilica from benzene-trichloroniethane (1 : 1) and the chieffraction was purified further from benzene-trichloromethane( I : I), yielding the spivan as yellow plates (50 mg), m.p.180-181.5", v ~ , ; ~ ~ , 1 688, 1595, 1380, 1361, 1090, 783, and775 cm-l (Found: C, 77.4; H, 6.1; I+, 400.16836.C,,$4 requires C, 78.0; H, 6.0; M , 400.16745).3,4-Dihydro-4', 6-dinzethoxy-3', 5-dirnethyl-2H-benzoh -needles (1.66 g), 1ii.y.132", w , , ~ ~ ~ . 1 688, 1 670, 1 655, 1 120,and 945 cm-l (Found: C, 74.8; H , 8.1, M+, 370. C,,H,,-0, requires C, 74.6; H, 8.1; M , 370).Reduction of the Xnnthenedione (6) with Zinc.--(i) Inacetic acid. The methoxy-xanthendione (6) (2.0 g) wasreduced with zince dust in acetic acid, and tetramethyl-quinol removed as described for the analogue (10). Afterremoval of tetramethylquinol, the acetic acid solution waspoured into water (200 nil) and extracted with ether (3 x 80fill).Processed in the conventional way, the extract sup-plied a pale yellow oil largely soluble in light petroleum; fil-tration and concentration supplied a product that graduallycrystallised giving 2-hydroxy-5-wtethoxy-3,4,6-trirnethyl-benzyl acetate (13) as needles (790 mg), m.p. 69-70", w,,,,,3 410, 1700, 1290, and 1082 cm-l (Found: (1, 65.7; H,TABLE 3lH N.m.r. spectra (T scale)' of compounds derived from naphthalene (in CDCl, a t 100 MHz)Compound,2ssignnient,4rH dArHArHCH,O .4rCH,O vinylCHAHsArCH,CH,ArArCH,CH, alkylArCH,*CH, alkylArCH,ArCH,Vinyl CH,Vinyl CH,CH,C(O-) ((20.)CH,C(CH,-) (CO)0 H(10) (24) (23)1.75- 1.93 1.70-1.90 1.84-2.041.93-2.15 1.90-2.26 2.24-2.4 26.45-2.80 2.26-2.76 2.44-2.686.22 6.20 6.166.306.85'7.517.787.98 98.02 98.488.717.16-7.507.66-8.027.74 7.667.637.96fl Coupling constants in Hz. All bands had the appropriate relative intensities.L2H,dimethyl sulphoxide. a-Proton; J ca. 8 and ca. 1 Hz.homoallylic coupling. Removed by contact with D,O.(25) (26)1.71-1.92 1.86-2.101.92-2.17 2.16-2.403.51-3.01 2.40-2.706.23 !J8.02 g6.43 (2 H) i 1.49* As the acetate; T (AcO) 7.79. With 1e p-Proton; overlapping multiplets. J 17 Hz. g Broadened byOxidation of this spiran (40 mg) with iron(II1) chloride(200 mg) in absolute ethanol (15 ml) heated on the steam-bath for 2 h gave a dark solution that was kept for 12 h thenpoured into water (30 ml) and extracted with chloroform(2 x 25 nil).Isolated from the extract in the usual way,the product separated from chloroform as yellow needles,m.p. 277-278", indistinguishable from authentic 3,3'-di-methy-2,2'-ethylene- 1,4-naphthoquinone.14Ethers of 4a, 9a-Dihydro-7-hydroxy-2,3,4a, 5,6,8,9a-hepta-nzetlzylxanthen- 1,4-dZone.-The hydroxy-dione ( 5 ) (di-duroquinone) ( 5 g) was methylated in the same way as theanalogue ( ! I ) but for 24 h. The product separated fromlight petroleum giving the methyl ether (6) as lemon-yellowneedles ( 5 g), m.p. 130--131.5", w,,,. 1670, 1690sh, 1257,and 1 210 cm-l (Found: C, 73.6; H, 7.90/,; M+, 342. C21-H,@, requires C, 73.7; €1, 7.776; M , 342).The reaction of the hydroxy-dione with 2-iodopropane inrefluxing acetone containing potassium carbonate gave therequired ether but less effectively than the followingmethod.The hydroxy-dione (2.0 g) was dissolved inabsolute ethanol ( 13 ml) containing potassium hydroxide(0.4 g) and heated with 2-iodopropane in absolute ethanol(32 ml) for 4.5 11. The mixture was concentrated to halfits bulk and added t o water (250 nil), and the products wereextracted into ether (3 x 50 ml) and isolated in the usualway as a yellow mass. I'urification of this from lightpetroleum supplied the isopropyl ether (7) as lemon-yellow7.9; M+, 238. C13H1@4 requires C, 65.5; H, 7.6; M ,238).Reduction of the methoxyxan-then (6) (1.0 g) was conducted as in (i) but with tetrahydro-furan (20 ml) and trifluoroacetic acid (4 ml) as cosolventsinstead of acetic acid.The reaction appeared to be com-plete within 5 inin. The hot mixture was filtered and theresidue washed with a little hot tetrahydrofuran. The com-bined filtrates were concentrated to half their bulk and di-luted with light petroleum ( 15 ml) to precipitate tetraniethyl-quinol (370 mg). After removal of this, the solution wasconcentrated to a small volume and mixed with water (25ml) to precipitate the crude product (571 mg) which, afterintensive drying in uucuo (PZO5), was extracted with ben-zene. Concentration of the benzene extract and dilutionwith light petroleum furnished 4-methoxy-2,3,5,6-tetra-methylphenol (14) as needles, m.p. 115" (1it.,l5 116*), wmax.3 390br, 1 258, 1085, and 1015 cm-l.Thwmolysis of the Beizzyl Acetate (1 3) .-In neat mesitykne.The benzyl acetate (0.2 g) was heated in refluxing mesitylene(dried over sodium and re-distilled; 20 ml) through whichoxygen-free nitrogen was blown to remove acetic acid con-tinuously.When acetic acid could no longer be detectedin the effluent (about 1 h), the solution was concentratedl4 F. M. Dean, P. G. Jones, R. B. Morton, and P. Sidisunthorn,J . Chem. SOC., 1963, 5336.l5 H. Eilingsfeld and C. Martius, Annulen, 1957, 607, 159.(ii) In trifluoroacetic acidJ.C.S. Perkin 1under reduced pressure to a gum, transformed by additionof light petroleum into a yellowish powder. This crystal-lised from light petroleum to give the trimer (20),3',4',9,9a-tetrahydro-6', 7,9a-trimethoxy- 1,2,4a,5,5',6,7,7',8,8'-nonamethyl-3H-xanthen-4(4aH)-spiro-2'-chromerz-3-one, aslight yellow needles (0.1 g), m.p.190°, vInax. 1 670, 1410, 1 260,1 092, 1 065, and 1 010 cm-l, T (benzene) 6.53 (3 H, s, OMe)6.67 (6 H, s, OMe), 7.71 (3 H, s, ArCH,) 7.75 (6 H, s, ArCH,),7.80 (3H, 2, ArCH,), 7.88 (3 H, s, ArCH,), 7.89 (3 H, s,ArCH,), 8.39 (6 H, s, vinylic Me), 8.58 (3 H, s, angular Me),6.8-7.2 (multiplets overlapped by other bands, ring CH,).(Found: C, 74.15; H, 8.2; M+, 534. C33H4206 requiresC, 74.1; H, 7.9; M , 534).The experiment in(i) was repeated except for the presence of trans-stilbene(2 g). A similar work-up gave a gum that was chromato-graphed on silica from benzene-light petroleum (1 : 1) toremove the excess of stilbene (ca.1.9 g). Elution with neatbenzene then gave the product, which separated from lightpetroleum to furnish trans-6-unethoxy-5,7,8-trimethyl-2,3-di-phenylchroman (21) as needles (20 mg), m.p. 185"; vmax.1 498, 1 410, 1 240, 1096, 777, and 710 cm-l (Found: M+,358.1917. C2,H2,02 requires M , 358.1932). Elution wascompleted using benzene-ether (1 : 1) and supplied the tri-mer (20) (82 mg).Preparation and Thermolysis of 2-Hydroxy-5-isopropoxy-3,4,6-trimethylbenzyl Acetate (17) .-The reduction of the iso-propyl ether (7) in acetic acid occurred exactly as describedfor the methyl ether except that the product was muchmore soluble in the usual organic solvents and was thereforecrystallised from light petroleum by slowly chilling the solu-tion to about -10 "C.Thus obtained, the isopropoxy-acetate formed needles, m.p. 70", vmax. 3 360, 1 700, 1282,1082, and 970 cm-l (Found: C, 67.5; H, 8.5; M+, 266.C15H2,04 requires C, 67.6; H, 8.3; M , 266).Thermolysis of this acetate in a variety of solvents in-cluding xylene, mesitylene, and 2,4,6-trimethylpyridinegave tetramethyl- 1,4-benzoquinone as the only isolableproduct.2-Chloromethyl-4-methoxy-3,5,6-t~imethyl~henol ( 16) .-Themethoxybenzyl acetate (13) (3 g) in ether (sodium-dry; 50ml) was added gradually to a stirred slurry of lithium alu-minium hydride (500 mg) in ether (20 ml) at 0 "C. After afurther 20 min the mixture was quenched with saturatedaqueous sodium potassium tartrate.After the aqueouslayer had been adjusted to neutrality i t was discarded andthe product obtained from the ethereal solution in the usualmanner. The gummy solid crystallised from light petro-leum giving 2-hydroxymethy1-4-rnethoxy-3,5,6-trimethyl-phenol (15) as leaflets (1.1 g), m.p. 123-124"; v, 3 420,1 408, 1002, 825, and 715 cm-l (Found: C, 67.4; H, 8.4;M+, 196. C,lHl,O, requires C, 67.3; H, 8.2; M , 196).Hydrogen chloride was bubbled through sulphuric acidand then into a solution a t 0 "C of the hydroxymethylphenol(ii) I n mesitylene containing stilbene.(0.5 g) in ether (sodiuiii-dry ; 40 1711) containing molecularsieve and protected by a calcium chloride guard-tube. Theflow was kept as rapid as convenience allowed for 40 min,then the mixture was kept at 0 "C for 15 min, and finally per-mitted to reach room temperature.The ether was decantedand the molecular sieve washed with ether (3 x 5 ml). Thecombined ether solutions were concentrated under reducedpressure, the temperature being kept below 5 "C. The pro-duct (0.48 g) which crystallised out during this process waspure enough for further synthetic work. For analysis, theproduct was purified by sublimation (68' and 1.0 mmHg),giving the chloromethylphenol as needles, m.p. 95", v,,,. 3 400,1612, 1280, 1252, 1 165, 1094, 1003, 935, 865, 820, 778,and 721 cm-l (Found: C, 61.8; H, 7.3; C1, 16.9; M+,216/214. CllH,,CIO, requires C, 61.5; H, 7.3; C1, 16.5 ;M , 216/214).5', 6-Dimethoxy-3', 4', 5,6', 7,8-hexamethylchrouan- 2-spiro-1 '-cyclohexa- 3 ', 5'-dien-2'-one (4) .-The chlorome thylphenol(16) (420 mg) in ether (250 nil) was shaken with saturatedaqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate.The ether turneddeep yellow a t once; eventually this colour faded to lime-green and changed no further. Concentration of the ether-eal layer supplied a gum that crystallised from hexanefurnishing the spirodienone as yellow needles (280 mg), m.p.137-138", Amax. 228, 280sh, 286, and 325 nm (log E 4.05,3.56, 3.60, and 3.60), v,,,. 1 663, 1 649sh, I 581, 1 255, 1 098,1 008, and 885 cm-l (Found: C, 74.1; H, 7.7; M f , 356.C22H,,O4 requires C, 74.1 ; H, 7.9 ; M , 356).spiro- 1'-cyclohexa-3', 5'-dien-2'-one (4 ; Me2CH0 for MeO) .-2-Hydroxy-5-isopropoxy-3,4,6-trimethylbenzyl acetate (1 7)(3 g) was reduced with lithium aluminium hydride as des-cribed for the methoxy-analogut:. Obtained thus, 2-hy-droxymethyl-4-isopropoxy- 3,5,6-trinrethylphenol ( 1 8) separ-ated from light petroleum as leaflets (1.0 g), m.p. 97-98",v,,,. 3 500, 1 260, 1 090, and 1 000 cm-l (Found: C, 69.5; H,8.9; M f , 224. Cl,H,,O, requires C, 69.6; H, 9.0; M ,224).Prepared from this phenol by the method described forthe methoxy analogue and in similar yields, 2-chloromethyl-4-isopropoxy-3,5,6-trimethylphenol (19) sublimed (76' and1.5 mmHg) giving needles, m.p. 84-85", v,,,,. 3 460, 1 604,1 248, 1 110, 1 082, 952,846, 810, 765, and 705 cm-l (Found:C, 64.6; 7.7; M+, 244/242. C,,Hl,C1O, requires C,64.3; 7.9; M , 2441242).Treated with sodium hydrogen carbonate in the sameway as the methoxy analogue, the chloromethylphenol (19)(0.5 g) supplied the spirodienone which crystallised fromhexane as yellow needles (0.24 g), m.p. 133", 228, 281sh,287, and 330 nm (log E 4.05, 3.52, 3.56, and 3.53), vmax. 1 665,1 648sh, 1 582, 1 378, 1 329, 1 248, 1 175, 1 092, and 991 cm-l(Found: C, 75.3; H, 8.8; M+, 412.25973. C,#4 re-quires C, 75.7; 8.8; M , 412.26134).5', 6-Di-isopropoxy-3',4', 5,6', 7,8-hexamethyEchroman-2-7/939 Received, 1st June, 1977
机译:1977 2289斯皮兰人。Part 11 .l 一种生成邻醌三甲醌的新方法及其在螺色素合成中的应用.关于萘酚衍生物自氧化的说明作者:Francis M. Dean 和 David A. Matkin,利物浦大学罗伯特罗宾逊实验室,由喹啉基碳阴离子和四甲基-1.4-苯醌形成的加合物 (5) 和 (9) 被醋酸锌还原,得到组分酚。据认为,邻醌二甲醌是中间体,醌环的芳香化是驱动力(方案I)。相应的醚 (6)。( 7 ) 和 (10) 二甲醌 二甲醚 容易被乙酸根离子捕获,产生酚类乙酸苄酯 (1 3) 和 (1 7) 二聚物,通过螺聚糖 (24) 产生双茚酚 (25)。苄基乙酸酯形成优良的底物,可转化成螺旋体,如(4)通过标准方法;spiran (24) 可以通过氧化环化从双纳苯酚再生。作为副产物获得的萘酚衍生物 (23) 被空气迅速氧化,得到氢过氧化物 (26)。利物浦 L69 3BX生育酚和相关色度 (1) 的氧化产生邻醌二甲化物 (2),其迅速二甲基化为螺聚糖 (3)。它们具有不寻常的特性,表现为通量分子,并且对抗坏血酸的还原敏感。3 为了获得有关这些性质在多大程度上由取代模式和/或环融合决定的信息,我们制备了几种相关化合物。我们在这里描述了一种产生邻醌二甲酮的新方法及其在螺聚糖(4)和其他两种化合物合成中的应用。黄原衍生物 (5),'二尿醌',很容易通过用碱处理硬醌 (8) 获得;一分子醌形成碳负离子,似乎与史密斯、苔丝和乌利奥特在醋酸中用锌还原这种黄蒽,并得到四甲基喹啉作为唯一产物。当应用于黄原的乙醚时,各种还原方法未能产生任何有用的结果。在我们早期的工作中,我们使萘-甲喹啉基碳负离子添加到硬醌 (8) 中,得到黄原衍生物 (9),并发现锌和乙酸将其还原为四甲基喹醇和 2,3-二甲基-萘-1,4-二烯6 显然,两种黄蒽都在杂环上裂解。逐步机制第 10 部分,A. W. Dick、F. M. Dean、D. A. Matkin 和 M. L.Robinson, J .C S .珀金一世 , 1977, 2204.D. R. Kelan 和 C. D. Robeson, J .美国化学SOC., 1962,84, 2963;P. Schudel、H. Mayer、J. Metzger、R. Ruegg 和 0.Isler、Helv。噗噗。学报, 1963, 46, 636;D. McHale 和 J. Green,Chem. and Ind., 1964, 366;J. L. G. Nilsson, 药学学报, 1969, 6, 1 ;J .LG尼尔森,J.-0。Bransted, and H.Sjevertsson, ibzd., 1968, 5, 509.最初有人提出,6 但是,虽然与羰基相邻的醚链的还原是众所周知的,但碳-碳键的类似裂解是罕见的,并且似乎没有观察到锌还原。因此,我们更倾向于将裂解视为通过烯二酮基团的还原(方案 1)开始,然后(或可能同步)电环重制为醌(来自环 B)和醌甲醇(来自环 A)的电环重变。如果起始原料是苯酚(5),则醌甲醚(11)可以互变异为喹啉,因此也会产生四甲基喹啉。这解释了Smith et aZ.*和US.^ 然而,很明显,如果起始材料是乙醚(6),那么醌二甲酯的命运将被改变。事实上,与Smith等人的重新移植相反,4甲基醚的还原产生了苄基乙酸酯(13),这是通过乙酸根离子的亲核加成而得到的(12)(方案1)。因此,我们希望通过保留亲核试剂,让醌甲醚 (12) 有足够的时间将二聚二聚体化为所需的螺兰 (4),但锌和三氟乙酸只是将其还原为喹醇衍生物 (14).H. A. Lloyd, E. A. Sokoloski, B. S. Strauch, and H. M.Fales, Chem. Comm., 1969, 299;W. A. Skinner 和 P. A. Alau-povic, J .Org. Chem., 1963, 28, 2854;M. S. Chauhan, F. M. Dean,and M. L. Robinson, Chem. Comm., 1971, 1141.L. I. Smith, R. W. H. Tess, and G. E. Cllyot, J .Amer. Chem.SOC., 1944, 66, 1320.K. Chandrasenan 和 R. H. Thomson, J .Chem. SOC. ( C ) ,1966, 123.F. M. Dean and L. E. Houghton, J .Chem. SOC. ( C ) , 1968,10602290 J.C.S.Perkin 在适当情况下,苄基乙酸酯 (13) 本身就是醌甲醚甲醚的合适原料。当在三甲苯(或质谱仪)中加热时,它因乙酸损失而迅速坍塌形成(12),然后得到对应于第三醌甲酯分子的三聚体加入到醌甲酯中,较高的温度有利于三聚体f o r r n a t i ~ n , ~ ~ ~ 因此研究了低温反应。用锂还原乙酸苄酯 MeORMeMeHO al k y ( Me Me( 5 ) R = H( 6 ) R = MeMe 1 Me&OMe MeMeMe ' MeOMeCH2( 1 1 ) R = H( 1 2 ) R = Me 02a l k y l Me ( 3 )Me0 M$MeMeORMe H O G M eMe OHMe0Me Me$:: HO MeC H ~ O A C( 1 3 1SCHEME 1( 5 ) R = H(6) R = Me(7) R = Me2CH氢化铝得到醇(15), 用氯化氢突然处理将其转化为卤化物 (16)。亲核置换与钠或MeoMe Me ' CH2XOHMeMeMeMe( 1 3 ) R = Me,X = OAc( 1 4 ) R = Me,X = H( 1 5 ) R = Me,X = OH( 1 6 ) R = Me,X = CL( 1 7 ) R = Me2CH, X = O A c( 1 8 ) R = MeZCH, X = OH( 1 9 ) R = Me2CH, X = C IMeMeMe0MePhPh OMespiro-dimer (4).该三聚体是(非常暂时的)符号结构 (20),基于类比和一致性 n.m.r. 和其他光谱结果^.^.^ 反式二苯乙烯捕获醌甲醌作为色导物 (21)。由于螺旋体本身可以解离。B. Cavitt、H. Sarrafizadeh、K.Gardner 和 PD Gardner,J .有机化学, 1962, 27, 1211;A. Merijan、B. A. Shoul-ders 和 P. T),Gardner,ihid,1963 年。28, 2148.碳酸氢得到黄色醌甲醚(12),其几乎立即二聚化为所需的螺兰(4)。以同样的方式,xanthen (5) 被转换为* Part 9, M. S. Chauhan, F. M. Dean, S. McDonald, and M. L.Part 8, M. S. Chauhan, F. M. Dean, z)。Matkin 和 M. I,。罗宾逊, J.C.S. Pevkin I , 1973, 310.Rohinson, T.C.S. Perkin T , 1973.罗宾逊, J.C.S. Pevkin I , 1973., 310.Rohinson, T.C.S. Perkin T , 1973.(罗宾逊, J.C.S. Pevkin I , 1973, 310.Rohinson, T.C.S. Perkin T , 1973.1201977异丙基醚(7),其通过终止于卤化物(19)的序列进行。再次用碱处理得到所需的螺素(4 ;Me,CHO for MeO)。在醇(18)转化为卤化物(19)的过程中,酸催化异丙基的去除似乎几乎没有损失。相反,这种损失在三甲苯中乙酸盐(17)的热解中占主导地位,因为唯一产物是杜罗醌(8),而不是二聚体或三聚体;显然,形成了醌甲酯(1,1)和乙酸异丙酯,但是在没有亲无核试剂或还原剂的情况下,方案中的互变异构导致醌,并且没有进一步的反应。萘衍生物(10)与锌的还原结果略有不同。四甲基-喹啉的形成与以前一样,但醌甲醚(22)似乎被划分为两个序列,一个终止于萘酚(23),另一个终止于双萘酚(25)(方案2).2291所需的螺,但被锌还原为双萘酚。它很容易通过用六氰基铁酸酯(I1x)氧化双呍酚而再生(方案2)。在相同的条件下,苯醌甲醌甲醌倾向于早期捕获任何亲核试剂。在反应中,在三氟乙酸中芳香化后,它才来得及二化。醌甲化物已经通过氧化法和其他几种技术l1生成,但以前没有通过还原法生成。新方法还提供了一种简单的方法,当只有对称的前体可邮寄时,在喹醇衍生物中获得选择性的不对称取代模式。最近已经描述了这个问题的替代和更通用的解决方案,但需要阳极氧化的设施.12关于Na9hthoZ(23)的注释.-由于与空气的异常快速反应,这种化合物在碳氢化合物中的溶液被证明难以处理。因此,该化合物被分离并表征为乙酸盐.0MeMeMeOMeMe[HI_I__)B o M e Me [HI___)SCHEME 2Me(23 1因此,萘醌甲醚甲醚二聚体化但不添加乙酸盐,而苯醌甲醌甲醌甲醌添加乙酸酯但不二甲化物。这种显著的差异可能源于相对芳香族稳定能量,芳香度的恢复对萘来说不如对苯体系重要。因此,萘醌甲醌甲醌 (22) 必须是一种相对稳定的甲醌,能够存活足够长的时间以在其中作用培养基中二甲基化,从而产生螺 (24)。事实上,这个 islo D. A. Bolon, J. Org. Chem., 1970, 35, 715, 3666.l1 A. B. Turner, Quart.修订版, 1964, 18, 347;D. Creed, J.C.S.Chem. Comm., 1976, 121;W. W. Sullivan, D. TTllman, and H.Schechter, TPtrnh,edron Lettrrs, 1969, 457.留在空气中,萘酚本身主要在光谱学上转变为复合结构(26)。i.r.谱图表明羟基和双共轭羰基官能团;N.M.R.光谱表明两个乙烯基甲基(受到轻微的长程耦合)以及一个甲氧基甲基共振一个相当高的场,因为它必须通过苯环的屏蔽锥旋转。在 2-萘酚衍生物中,氢过氧化反应与芳香族的平面性空间阻2 M.J 有关。Manning, D. R. Henton, and J. S. Swenton, Tetra-h.edron LettPrs, 1977, 16792292 J.C.S. Perkin Iring 由单个大取代基诱导,例如 t - b ~ t y 1 .l ~本案基本相似。四个锯齿状(26)取代基必须倾向于扣上已经具有相对低芳香度的环,从而促进一个位置的sp3杂交变化。EXPERIMENTALI .r.光谱通常在石蜡中的mull上测定;只注意到最强的条带。UV光谱在乙醇10-3-10-4~-溶胶~离子上终止。文中给出的N.ni.r.光谱是在与表中相同的条件下记录的。质谱测量约为 70 eV,源温度接近 200 “C;仅记录分子离子的 m/e 值。轻质石油有 b.p. 60-80 “C.TABLE 1lH N.ni.r.多环喹啉衍生物的光谱(T标度)(CDCl,100 MHz)CompoundAssignment (6)ArOCH, 6.46Vinyl OCH,Me,CHOCHAHA 7.087.64CHCH,PhCH.0ArCH, 7.86ArCH, 7.91Vinyl CH, 8.03Vinyl CH,ArCH,CH,ArCH,.CH,ArCH, 7.99乙烯基 CH, 8.03CH,C(O.) (CO.) 8.60CH,C(CH,*) (CO.) 8.79(CH3) 2CH(7)6.06-6.286.887.687.827.917.998.358.358.728.90-8.91(4;PriOfor(4) MeO) (2l)c6.39 6.376.456.10-6.34ca.7.0e7.80 7.96 7.787.88 7.96 7.857.88 8.06 7.877.98 8.298.06 8.298.14 8.297.43- 7.60-7.73 7.887.95- 8.008.25 g 8.30s6.05 f9.0耦合常数(以Hz为单位)。在氯苯中。ArH;T 3 附近的复合重叠多重。J 17 Hz. I11 已解决多重。f J 8 Hz. g 被其他波段部分遮挡。J 6 H z .(7sR,* llaS *)-7a,lla-二氢-5-羟基-6,7a,9,10, l l a -五甲基-7H-苯并 [aIxnnthen-S, 1 1-二酮 (9) .-叶下法的收率优于前面描述的必需的四氢吲唑 (3.0 g),溶于三氯甲烷(34 ml)和甲醇(135 ml)中,在氮气下搅拌,在2小时内滴加到四甲基-1,4-苯醌(9.1 g;即大量过量)和乙酸钠三水合物(2.2 g)甲醇(330 ml)中。再过1 h,将混合物冷却至0“C,除去橙子沉淀,用冷甲醇洗涤,从苯-三氯甲烷中提取,得到黄蒽二酮为橙针(4.14 g,85y0),m.p.220”。从溶液中提取过量的四甲基苯醌并纯化以重复使用。表2lH N.m.r.光谱。(7 尺度)的简单喹醇衍生物(在 CDCl 中,在 100 MHz 下) aCompound - Assign- ~ Ament (13) (14)ArCH,X 5.16Me0 6.66 6.64ArCH, 7.78 7.90ArCH, 7.78 7.90ArCH, 7.78 7.90ArCH, 7.92 8.08ArCH, 8.08Me,CHAcO 8.58ArOHCH,OH(CH3)2CH(15) (16) (17) (18) (19)5.1ab 5.26 5.16 5.26b 5.196.42 6.39 6.20e 6.1OC 6.06c7.81 7.68 7.78 7.86 7.727.86 7.78 7.78 7.90 7.847.91 7.94 8.06 7.888.91d 8.78d 8.75d6.20e 6.10 6.06 e8.642.34 f i g 2.307.34 gph 7.04 ggJba 耦合常数(Hz.All bands)具有适当的相对强度。广泛;与D,O.Me,CHO接触后尖锐;七分之一。d, J 6 Hz. m, J 6 Hz. f 相对尖锐;氢键。被 D,O. 删除。 非常广泛。甲醚(10)由黄蒽二酮(3.0 g)在回流丙酮(150 ml)中处理4 11,形成黄色针状(来自苯轻质石油)(2.8 g),熔点161.5-162.5“,v,,,.1675 cm-l (conj.C : 0) (找到: C, 75.8;高,6.550/6;M+,364页。C&&,要求 C, 75.8;H,6.6%;M,364)。用锌还原Xunthendione(10)--将锌粉(10g)缓慢搅拌到甲氧氧羰-乙烯二酮(10)(1.0g)在蒸气浴上加热的乙酸(20nil)中的溶液中。约20分钟后,混合物变为无色并热过滤。残渣用少许热醋酸萃取;冷却时的组合溶液得到结晶团的四甲基醌(280mg)。将母液倒入盐水(100ml)中,在二氧化碳下保持0“C2小时。分离出粉红色固体,用水洗涤,在uucuo(P205)中干燥,并用轻苯石油提纯,得到4,4'-二氮乙氧基-3,3'-二甲基Z-2,2'-乙烯双-1-萘酚(25)板(立方米180mg),熔点206“,vInBx。3 400br、1 592、1 360 和 765 cm-l(发现:C,77.3;H,6.4%;M',402。C2,H2,04要求C,77.6;H,6.5%;米,402。苯-轻质石油母液含有4-甲氧基-2,3-二甲基-1-萘酚(22),但当试图分离它时,这种情况恶化了。在另一项实验中,将这些液浓缩在vncuo中,用醋酐和吡啶处理油状残留物,并用苯二氧化硅对产物进行色谱。主要部分是一种油,它从苯中缓慢结晶,得到4-甲氧基-2,3-二甲基-1-核乙酸酯作为针状,熔点55“,vmax。1 745、1 350、1226、1081、1025 和 761 cm-l (发现: C , 73.8;H, 6.8%;M+, 224.C,,H,,O, 要求 C, 73.75;H, 6.604, ;M,244)。在第三个实验中,将苯-轻质石油母液留在空气中,以使劣化继续。在30小时内,从乙醚轻石油中分离出易于哭泣的固体(130mg),得到4-氢过氧基-4-甲氧基-2,3-二氮杂萘-1(4H)-酮(26)作为针头,l3 P.A.Rradyand J. Carnduff, J.C.S. CAem.Com.m.., 1974, 81619771ii.p.122 I , v , , ~ , ~ ~ .3 350 和 1 655 cni- 2 (Found: iL1 ' , 234.0888.C13Hl,04 requires M , 234.0920).苯并吡喃-2-螺-2'-石脑油-1'-酮 (24) .-将苯(20 ml)中的乙烯联三醇(25)(100 nig)缓慢加入到六氰基铁酸钾(II1)(1.0 g)的水溶液(20 ml)中,1 h后分离苯层,用水洗涤, 并干燥(Na,CO,)。蒸发后留下的物质从苯-三氯甲烷(1:1)中测年测定,从苯-三氯甲烷(I:I)中进一步纯化主馏分,得到黄板(50 mg),熔点180-181.5“,v~,;~ ~ , 1 688, 1595, 1380, 1361, 1090, 783, 和 775 cm-l (发现: C, 77.4;H,6.1%;&I+, 400.16836.C,,$&4 需要 C, 78.0;H,6.0%;M , 400.16745).3,4-二氢-4', 6-二氮氧基-3', 5-二乙基-2H-苯并[h]-针 (1.66 g), 1ii.y.132“, w , , ~ ~ ~ .1 688、1 670、1 655、1 120 和 945 cm-l (发现:C,74.8;H , 8.1%, M+, 370.C,,H,,-0,要求C,74.6;H,8.1%;M,370)。用锌还原Xnnthenedione(6)。--(i) 乙酸。甲氧基氧杂蒽酮(6)(2.0g)在乙酸中用锌粉还原,并如类似物(10)所述除去四甲基-喹醇。除去四甲基喹啉后,将乙酸溶液倒入水(200无)中,并用乙醚(3×80填充)萃取。以传统方式加工,提取物提供一种淡黄色油,主要溶于轻质石油;过滤和浓缩得到逐渐结晶的产物,得到2-羟基-5-wtethoxy-3,4,6-三乙基-乙酸苄酯(13)作为针(790mg),熔点69-70“,w,,,,,3 410、1700、1290和1082 cm-l(发现:(1,65.7;H,表 3lH N.m.r. 萘衍生化合物的光谱(T 标度)'& (CDCl, a t 100 MHz)化合物,2ssignnient,4rH dArHArHCH,O .4rCH,O 乙烯基CHAHsArCH,CH,ArArCH,CH,烷基ArCH,*CH,烷基ArCH,ArCH,乙烯基CH,乙烯基CH,CH,C(O-) ((20.)CH,C(CH,-) (CO)0 H(10) (24) (23)1.75- 1.93 1.70-1.90 1.84-2.041.93-2.15 1.90-2.26 2.24-2.4 26.45-2.80 2.26-2.76 2.44-2.686.22 6.20 6.166.306.85'7.517.787.98 98.02 98.488.717.16-7.507.66-8.027.74 7.667.637.96fl 耦合常数,单位为 Hz.所有波段都具有适当的相对强度。L2H,]二甲基亚砜。a-质子;J 约 8 和约 1 Hz.均烯丙基偶联。通过接触D,O.(25) (26)1.71-1.92 1.86-2.101.92-2.17 2.16-2.403.51-3.01 2.40-2.706.23 !J8.02 g6.43 (2 H) i 1.49* 作为醋酸盐;T(AcO)7.79。含 1%e p-质子;重叠的倍数。J 17 赫兹。g 通过将该螺兰(40mg)与氯化铁(II1)氯化铁(200mg)在无水乙醇(15ml)中氧化,在蒸汽浴上加热2小时,得到深色溶液,保持12小时,然后倒入水(30ml)中并用氯仿(2×25无)提取。以通常的方式从提取物中分离出来,从氯仿中分离出黄色针状物,熔点277-278“,与正宗的3,3'-二甲基]-2,2'-乙烯-1,4-萘醌无法区分.14a,9a-二氢-7-羟基-2,3,4a,5,6,8,9a-庚-nzetlzylxanthen-1,4-dZone.-羟基二酮(5)(二对苯醌)(5g)的甲基化方式与类似物( !I)但持续24小时。产物从轻质石油中分离出来,得到甲醚(6)为柠檬黄针状(5克),熔点130--131.5“,w,,,.1670、1690sh、1257 和 1 210 cm-l (发现: C, 73.6;高, 7.90/,;M+,第342页。C21-H,@,需要C,73.7;€1, 7.776;M,342)。羟基二酮与含碳酸钾的2-碘丙烷回流丙酮反应得到所需的乙醚,但效果不如以下方法。将羟基二酮(2.0g)溶解在含氢氧化钾(0.4g)的无水乙醇(13ml)中,并用2-碘丙烷在无水乙醇(32ml)中加热4.5 11.将混合物浓缩至其体积的一半并加入水(250 nil),并将产物提取成乙醚(3 x 50 ml)并以通常的方式分离为黄色物质。I'urification of this from lightpetroleum 提供异丙醚 (7) 为柠檬黄 7.9%;M+,第238页。C13H1@4 要求 C,65.5;H,7.6;M,238)。甲氧氧烷-然后(6)(1.0g)的还原与(i)相同,但使用四氢呋喃(20ml)和三氟乙酸(4ml)作为助溶剂而不是乙酸。反应似乎在 5 inin 内完成。将热混合物过滤,并用少许热的四氢呋喃洗涤。将合并的滤液浓缩至其体积的一半,并用轻质石油(15ml)稀释以沉淀四乙基醌(370mg)。除去后,将溶液浓缩至小体积,与水(25ml)混合,析出粗产物(571mg),在uucuo(PZO5)中强烈干燥后,用苯萃取。苯提取物的浓度和稀释液用轻石油提供的4-甲氧基-2,3,5,6-四甲基苯酚(14)作为针,熔点115“(1it.,l5 116*),wmax.3 390br,1 258,1085和1015 cm-l。乙酸 Beizzyl 的 Thwmolysis (1 3) .-在整齐的 mesitykne 中。将乙酸苄酯(0.2g)在回流的中三甲苯中加热(用钠干燥并重新蒸馏;20ml),通过无氧氮气吹气以连续除去乙酸。当在流出物中无法再检测到乙酸时(约1 h),将溶液浓缩dl4 F. M. Dean, P. G. Jones, R. B. Morton, and P. Sidisunthorn,J .Chem. SOC., 1963, 5336.l5 H. Eilingsfeld and C.Martius,Annulen,1957 年,607 年,159 年。(ii) 在三氟乙酸中J.C.S.Perkin 1在减压下转化为胶质,通过加入轻质石油转化为淡黄色粉末。该晶体由轻质石油制成三聚体(20),3',4',9,9a-四氢-6',7,9a-三甲氧基-1,2,4a,5,5',6,7,7',8,8'-壬甲基-3H-氧杂蒽-4(4aH)-螺-2'-苯并吡喃-3-酮,淡黄色针状(0.1g),熔点190°,vInax。1 670, 1410, 1 260,1 092, 1 065, 和 1 010 cm-l, T (苯) 6.53 (3 H, s, OMe)6.67 (6 H, s, OMe), 7.71 (3 H, s, ArCH,) 7.75 (6 H, s, ArCH,),7.80 (3H, 2, ArCH,), 7.88 (3 H, s, ArCH,), 7.89 (3 H, s,ArCH,), 8.39 (6 H, s, 乙烯基 Me), 8.58 (3 H, s, 角 Me),6.8-7.2 (与其他条带重叠的多重,环 CH,)。(发现: C, 74.15;H,8.2%;M+,第534页。C33H4206要求C,74.1;H,7.9%;M,534)。重复(i)中的实验,但存在反式二苯乙烯(2g)。类似的检查结果得到了一种胶,该胶在苯轻石油(1:1)的二氧化硅上绘制了色谱图,以去除过量的二苯乙烯(约1.9克)。然后用纯苯洗脱得到产物,该产物从轻质石油中分离出来,以提供反式-6-不乙氧基-5,7,8-三甲基-2,3-二苯基苯并二氢吡喃(21)作为针(20mg),熔点185“;vmax.1 498、1 410、1 240、1096、777 和 710 cm-l(发现:M+,358.1917。C2,H2,02 需要 M , 358.1932)。使用苯醚(1:1)完成洗脱,并提供三聚体(20)(82mg)。2-羟基-5-异丙氧基-3,4,6-三甲基苄基乙酸酯的制备和热解 (17) .-异丙基醚(7)在乙酸中的还原与甲醚的还原完全相同,只是产物在通常的有机溶剂中更易溶解,因此通过缓慢冷却溶解物至约-10“C.由此得到,异丙氧基乙酸酯形成针,熔点70”,vmax。3 360、1 700、1282、1082 和 970 cm-l(发现:C,67.5;H,8.5%;M+, 266.C15H2,04 需要 C, 67.6;H,8.3%;M,266)。将这种乙酸盐在包括二甲苯、三甲苯和2,4,6-三甲基吡啶在内的多种溶剂中热解,得到四甲基-1,4-苯醌作为唯一可分离产物.2-氯甲基-4-甲氧基-3,5,6-t~imethyl~henol ( 16) .-甲氧基乙氧基乙酸苄酯 (13) (3 g) 乙醚溶液 (钠干;50ml) 在0“C下逐渐加入到乙醚(20ml)中的铝钵锂(500mg)搅拌浆料中。再过20分钟,将混合物用饱和酒石酸钾钠淬灭。将水层调整至中性后,弃去,以通常的方式从空灵溶液中获得产物。软糖固体由轻质石油结晶而成,得到 2-羟甲基 1-4-rnethoxy-3,5,6-三甲基苯酚 (15) 作为小叶 (1.1 g),熔点为 123-124“;v, 3 420,1 408, 1002, 825, and 715 cm-l (发现: C, 67.4;H,8.4%;M+,第196页。C,lHl,O,要求C,67.3;H,8.2%;M,196)。氯化氢通过硫酸起泡,然后进入含有二苯乙烯的羟甲基苯酚(ii)I和三甲苯的溶液中。(0.5g)在含有分子筛的乙醚(Sodiuiii-dry;40 1711)中,并由氯化钙保护管保护。在方便的情况下保持快速流动40 min,然后将混合物保持在0“C下15 min,最后达到室温。将乙醚倒出并用乙醚(3×5ml)洗涤分子筛。将合并后的乙醚溶液在减压下浓缩,温度保持在5“C以下。在此过程中结晶出来的导膜(0.48 g)纯度足以进行进一步的合成工作。为了进行分析,通过升华(68'和1.0 mmHg)纯化产物,得到氯甲基苯酚作为针,熔点95“,v,,,.3 400、1612、1280、1252、1 165、1094、1003、935、865、820、778 和 721 cm-l(发现:C,61.8;H,7.3;C1,16.9%;M+,216/214.CllH,,CIO,要求 C,61.5;H,7.3;C1, 16.5% ;M , 216/214).5', 6-二甲氧基-3', 4', 5,6', 7,8-六甲基氯环-2-螺-1'-环己-3', 5'-二烯-2'-酮 (4) .-氯甲基苯酚(16) (420 mg)在乙醚(250 nil)中用饱和碳酸氢钠摇匀。乙醚一度变成深黄色;最终,这种颜色褪色为石灰绿色,不再改变。醚-eal层的浓度提供了一种胶,该胶由己烷结晶,螺二烯酮为黄色针状(280mg),m.p.137-138英寸,最大。228、280sh、286 和 325 nm(log E 4.05、3.56、3.60 和 3.60),v,,,.1 663、1 649sh、I 581、1 255、1 098、1 008 和 885 cm-l (发现:C,74.1;H,7.7%;M f , 356.C22H,,O4 需要 C, 74.1 ;H, 7.9% ;M , 356).螺-1'-环己-3', 5'-二烯-2'-酮 (4 ;MeO).-2-羟基-5-异丙氧基-3,4,6-三甲基乙酸苄酯(1,7)(3g)用氢化铝锂还原,如甲氧基类似物所述:。由此得到的2-羟基-4-异丙氧基-3,5,6-三乙基苯酚(1,8)从轻质石油中分离出来,作为小叶(1.0 g),熔点97-98“,v,,,.3 500、1 260、1 090 和 1 000 cm-l(发现:C,69.5;H,8.9%;MF , 224.Cl,H,,O,要求C,69.6;H,9.0%;M,224)。通过甲氧基类似物描述的方法从该苯酚制备,并以相似的收率,2-氯甲基-4-异丙氧基-3,5,6-三甲基苯酚(19)升华(76'和1.5mmHg)给针,熔点84-85“,v,,,,.3 460、1 604、1 248、1 110、1 082、952,846、810、765 和 705 cm-l (Found:C, 64.6; 7.7%;M+,第244/242页。C,,Hl,C1O,需要C,64.3;7.9%;M,2441242)。用碳酸氢钠以与甲氧基类似物相同的方式处理,氯甲基苯酚 (19)(0.5 g) 提供螺二烯酮,螺二烯酮从己烷结晶为黄色针状 (0.24 g),熔点为 133“、228、281sh、287 和 330 nm(log E 4.05、3.52、3.56 和 3.53),vmax。1 665,1 648sh, 1 582, 1 378, 1 329, 1 248, 1 175, 1 092, and 991 cm-l(发现: C, 75.3;H,8.8%;M+,412.25973。C,#&4 要求 C, 75.7;8.8%;M,412.26134)。5', 6-二异丙氧基-3',4', 5,6', 7,8-六甲硫基乙二苯并吡喃-2-[7/939 收稿日期, 1977年6月1日




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