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On the shape and motion of the Earth's bow shock


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Multipoint-measurements by the magnetic field Cluster-FGM (Flux Gate Magnetometer) are used to determine the local shock normal, and in turn allow the study of shock location shape and the velocity of the Earth's bow shock. The shock crossings cover orbits in which the spacecraft separation is of the order of ~600 km or less. A data selection of 133 bow shock crossings, ranging from quasi-steady perpendicular to moderately noisy oblique geometries, have been analyzed using a standard timing analysis. Prior to applying the timing technique, the magnetic field fluctuations, when present, are suppressed using low band-pass filtering. The present study contributes to similar studies conducted in the past and available in the literature through the inclusion of a larger data set. The shock standoff distance is determined conjointly with a paraboloid model and the results from a timing analysis. A statistical study reveals a standoff distance well in agreement with the standard gas dynamics model prediction for high Mach number M_A. We have also found that for about half the crossings, the timing shock normals agree, within 11°, with a conic-based shock model. Our results strongly indicate that the motion of the shock is predominantly along the Sun-Earth direction; a departure from this direction is not related to the shock-crossing location. Shock velocities below ~ 80 km/s satisfactorily follow a nearly Gaussian distribution with zero mean and a standard deviation of ~ 42 km/s. Finally, we show that high speed motions are correlated with sharp increases in the solar wind upstream ram pressure, and are consistent with gas dynamics model predictions.
机译:磁场Cluster-FGM(磁通门磁力计)的多点测量用于确定局部激波法线,进而允许研究激波位置形状和地球弓形激波的速度。激波交叉覆盖航天器间隔约为~600 km或更小的轨道。使用标准时序分析分析了 133 个船首激波交叉的数据,从准稳态垂直到中等噪声的倾斜几何形状。在应用定时技术之前,使用低带通滤波抑制磁场波动(如果存在)。本研究有助于过去进行的类似研究,并通过纳入更大的数据集在文献中可用。冲击对峙距离与抛物面模型和时序分析结果一起确定。一项统计研究显示,对峙距离与标准气体动力学模型对高马赫数M_A的预测非常吻合。我们还发现,对于大约一半的交叉口,正时冲击法线在 11° 以内与基于圆锥的冲击模型一致。我们的结果强烈表明,激波的运动主要沿着太阳-地球方向;偏离这个方向与冲击交叉位置无关。低于 ~ 80 km/s 的激波速度令人满意地遵循近高斯分布,均值为零,标准差为 ~ 42 km/s。最后,我们证明了高速运动与太阳风上游柱塞压力的急剧增加相关,并且与气体动力学模型预测一致。




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