首页> 外文期刊>european neurology >Cerebral Glutamate, Neuroleptic Drugs and Schizophrenia: Increase of Cerebrospinal Fluid Glutamate Levels and Decrease of Striate Body Glutamate Levels following Sulpiride Treatment in Rats

Cerebral Glutamate, Neuroleptic Drugs and Schizophrenia: Increase of Cerebrospinal Fluid Glutamate Levels and Decrease of Striate Body Glutamate Levels following Sulpiride Treatment in Rats




Chronic (12 days) administration of sulpiride (50 mg/kg, i.p.) in rats resulted in a significant decrease in the glutamate contents of corpus striatum and hippocampus tissue and in an significant (12) increase in the glutamate contents of cerebrospinal fluid. Sulpiride had no effect on the GABA content of the brain areas investigated (frontal cortex, striatum, hippocampus and substantia nigra). Sulpiride is a neuroleptic drug which is believed to block especially the non-adenylate cyclase dopaminergic receptors which are supposed to be inhibitory axoaxonic receptors on glutamatergic corticostriatal terminals. The results are compatible with the hypothesis that glutamatergic hypofunction might be the primary defect in schizophrenia rather than hyperactivity of the dopamine synapses.
机译:在大鼠中长期(12天)施用舒必利(50mg / kg,ip)导致纹状体和海马组织的谷氨酸含量显着降低,脑脊液的谷氨酸含量显着增加(12%)。舒必利对所研究的大脑区域(额叶皮层、纹状体、海马体和黑质)的GABA含量没有影响。舒必利是一种抗精神病药物,被认为可以阻断非腺苷酸环化酶多巴胺能受体,这些受体应该是谷氨酸能皮质纹状体末端的抑制性轴突受体。结果与以下假设相符,即谷氨酸能功能减退可能是精神分裂症的主要缺陷,而不是多巴胺突触的过度活跃。




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