首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endocrinological Investigation: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Endocrinology >Relationship between metabolic syndrome and multinodular non-toxic goiter in an inpatient population from a geographic area with moderate iodine deficiency

Relationship between metabolic syndrome and multinodular non-toxic goiter in an inpatient population from a geographic area with moderate iodine deficiency


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Background: Obesity and insulin resistance predispose individuals to the development of both metabolic syndrome and non-toxic nodular thyroid diseases. Aim: The aim of this observational, cross-sectional study is to evaluate the relationship between metabolic syndrome and multinodular nontoxic goiter in an inpatient population from a geographic area with moderate iodine deficiency. Subjects and methods: We examined 1422 Caucasian euthyroid inpatients. Thyroid volume was determined by ultrasound of the neck. A fine-needle aspiration biopsy was performed to evaluate single thyroid nodules and dominant nodules ≥15 mm in euthyroid multinodular goiter. The diagnosis of metabolic syndrome was made according to the criteria of the American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Results: Of the sample, 277 patients had clinical evidence of multinodular nontoxic goiter, 461 met the criteria for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome, and 132 were found to have both conditions. After adjusting for age, gender, body mass index, nicotinism, parity, alcohol intake, thyroid function, and metabolic syndrome-related pharmacological treatment, metabolic syndrome was found to be an independent risk factor for the occurrence of multinodular non-toxic goiter. The relationship between metabolic syndrome and multi nodular non-toxic goiter was apparent in both men and women. Conclusions: In this study of euthyroid inpatients, we demonstrate that metabolic syndrome is an independent risk factor for the occurrence of multinodular non-toxic goiter in a geographic area with moderate iodine deficiency. We propose that patients meeting the criteria for metabolic syndrome should be screened for the presence of multinodular non-toxic goiter.
机译:背景:肥胖和胰岛素抵抗使个体易患代谢综合征和非毒性结节性甲状腺疾病。目的:这项观察性横断面研究的目的是评估来自中度缺碘地理区域的住院患者人群的代谢综合征与多结节性无毒性甲状腺肿之间的关系。受试者和方法:我们检查了 1422 名高加索人甲状腺功能正常的住院患者。甲状腺体积通过颈部超声测定。进行细针穿刺活检以评估甲状腺功能正常多结节甲状腺肿中的单个甲状腺结节和显性结节≥15 mm。代谢综合征的诊断是根据美国心脏协会/国家心肺血液研究所的标准进行的。结果:样本中,277例患者有多结节性无毒性甲状腺肿的临床证据,461例符合代谢综合征诊断标准,132例同时存在这两种情况。经调整年龄、性别、体重指数、烟碱中毒、胎次、酒精摄入量、甲状腺功能、代谢综合征相关药物治疗后,发现代谢综合征是多结节性无毒性甲状腺肿发生的独立危险因素。代谢综合征与多结节性无毒性甲状腺肿之间的关系在男性和女性中都很明显。结论:在这项针对甲状腺功能正常住院患者的研究中,我们证明代谢综合征是中度碘缺乏地理区域发生多结节性无毒性甲状腺肿的独立危险因素。我们建议,对于符合代谢综合征标准的患者,应筛查是否存在多结节性无毒性甲状腺肿。




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