首页> 外文期刊>Journal of developmental and physical disabilities >Behavioral Phenotypes in Children With Down Syndrome, Prader-Willi Syndrome,or Angelman Syndrome

Behavioral Phenotypes in Children With Down Syndrome, Prader-Willi Syndrome,or Angelman Syndrome


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This study investigated the concept of behavioral phenotypes by comparing behavior ratings of 91 children with Down syndrome, 28 children with Prader-Willi syndrome, 68 children with Angelman syndrome, and 24 children with nonspecific mental retardation. Results supported distinctive behavioral profiles for the syndrome groups. The Down syndrome group showed good social skills and low ratings of problem behaviors including hyperactivity. Children with Prader-Willi syndrome exhibited a pattern of externalizing, obsessive-compulsive, anxious, and overly sensitive behaviors. A profile of a happy disposition, hand clapping, mouthing behaviors, and severe levels of hyperactivity and attention problems emerged for children with Angelman syndrome. Implications for clinical practice and future research were discussed.
机译:本研究通过比较 91 名唐氏综合症患儿、28 名普拉德-威利综合症患儿、68 名安格曼综合征患儿和 24 名非特异性智力低下患儿的行为评分,调查了行为表型的概念。结果支持综合征组的独特行为特征。唐氏综合症组表现出良好的社交技能,对包括多动症在内的问题行为的评分较低。患有普拉德-威利综合征的儿童表现出外化、强迫症、焦虑和过度敏感的行为模式。对于患有天使综合征的儿童,出现了快乐的性格、拍手、张嘴行为以及严重的多动症和注意力问题。讨论了对临床实践和未来研究的影响。




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