首页> 外文期刊>Transportation research, Part A. Policy and practice >Which road do I take? A learning-based model of route-choice behavior with real-time information

Which road do I take? A learning-based model of route-choice behavior with real-time information


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This paper presents a learning-based model of route-choice behavior when information is provided in real time. In a laboratory controlled experiment, participants made a long series of binary route-choice trials relying on real-time information and learning from their personal experience reinforced through feedback. A discrete choice model with a Mixed Logit specification, accounting for panel effects, was estimated based on the experiment's data. It was found that information and experience have a combined effect on drivers' route-choice behavior. Informed participants had faster learning rates and tended to base their decisions on memorization relating to previous outcomes whereas non-informed participants were slower in learning, required more exploration and tended to rely mostly on recent outcomes. Informed participants were more prone to risk-seeking and had greater sensitivity to travel time variability. In comparison, non-informed participants appeared to be more risk-averse and less sensitive to variability. These results have important policy implications on the design and implementation of ATIS initiatives. The advantage of incorporating insights from Prospect Theory and reinforced learning to improve the realism of travel behavior models is also discussed.
机译:本文提出了一个基于学习的实时信息提供时路线选择行为模型。在一项实验室对照实验中,参与者进行了一系列二元路线选择试验,这些试验依赖于实时信息,并通过反馈从他们的个人经验中学习。根据实验数据估计了一个具有混合 Logit 规范的离散选择模型,其中考虑了面板效应。研究发现,信息和经验对驾驶员的路线选择行为具有综合影响。知情的参与者有更快的学习速度,并倾向于根据与以前结果相关的记忆来做出决定,而不知情的参与者学习速度较慢,需要更多的探索,并且往往主要依赖最近的结果。知情的参与者更倾向于寻求风险,并且对旅行时间变化更敏感。相比之下,不知情的参与者似乎更厌恶风险,对变异性不太敏感。这些结果对ATIS倡议的设计和实施具有重要的政策意义。还讨论了结合前景理论的见解和强化学习来提高旅行行为模型的真实性的优势。




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