首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Some chemistry of 4,5-dichloro-1,2,3-dithiazolium chloride and its derivatives

Some chemistry of 4,5-dichloro-1,2,3-dithiazolium chloride and its derivatives




J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. I 1995 Some chemistry of 4,5-dichloro-l,2,3-dithiazolium chloride and its derivatives Thierry Bessont and Charles W. Rees Department of Chemistry, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London S W7 2A K UK 4,5-Dichloro- 1,2,3-dithiazoliurn chloride 1 reacts with fluoroanilines (see Table 1) to give the imino- dithiazoles 5 in very high yield. Thermolysis of the latter gave the corresponding 2-cyanobenzothiazoles 6 together, in some cases, with the cyanoimidoyl chlorides 7.This reaction sequence provides modest yields of 2-cyanobenzothiazoles from the corresponding aniline, in two steps. Treatment of the iminodithiazoles with m-chloroperbenzoic acid in dichloromethane at or below room temperature opened the heterocyclic ring to give the N-arylcyanothioformamides(e.g.8 -lo), except for the p-nitrophenyl compound which gave p-nitrophenyl isothiocyanate 14 in high yield. 4,5-Dichloro- 1,2,3-dithiazolium chloride 1, which is readily prepared from chloroacetonitrile and disulfur dichloride, reacts rapidly with anilines in the presence of pyridine to give very stable, pale yellow to orange, N-arylimines 2. Previous work also showed that imino compounds 2cyclised when vigorously heated to give sulfur, hydrogen chloride and 2-cyanobenzothiazoles3.2An electron-releasing group (R = rn-OMe) favoured formation of the benzothiazole 3 whilst a strongly electron-withdrawing group (R = m-or p-NOz) reduced the yield of 3 dramatically, in favour of the cyano- imidoyl chloride 4, which became the major product.2 2 3 4 We have now explored further this new method for con- verting anilines into 2-cyanobenzothiazoles and cyanoimidoyl chlorides in two simple steps, with particular reference to fluoroanilines.The benzothiazoles 3 could, presumably, be formed by an electrocyclisation and fragmentation process, as shown in Scheme 1. The sulfur atom is presumably not extruded as such CI Scheme 1 but in some bimolecular process, possibly involving the nitrile sulfide. Imidoyl chloride formation involves the loss of both t Present address: Laboratoire de Gknie Proteique et Cellulaire, Chimie Organique et Biocatalyse, PBles des Sciences et Technologies, Universite de La Rochelle, Avenue Marillac, F-17042, La Rochelle Cedex 1, France.sulfur atoms and this could possibly occur by their direct loss as S2 to form the nitrilium chloride shown (Scheme 2) which collapses to the observed product. ci Scheme 2 Apart from the inherent interest of fluorinated derivatives of compounds 3 and 4, it was felt that fluoro substituents, being small and electron-withdrawing, would throw light on the factors controlling the alternative pathways of Schemes 1 and 2. The monofluoroanilines and 2,4- and 3,4-difluoroanilines all reacted cleanly with 4,5-dichloro- 1,2,3-dithiazolium chloride 1 (1 equiv.) in dichloromethane at room temperature for 2 h, followed by addition of pyridine (2 equiv.), to give the appro- priate iminodithiazole, 5a-e, in very high yield (Table 1). These products when heated neat at 250°C for 1 min gave black, messy reactions which were even more complex when con- ducted in a solvent.However all resulted in cyclisation to the corresponding 2-cyanobenzothiazole 6a-f, usually in modest yield, whilst three (5c, d, e) also gave some imidoyl chloride, 7. With 5e both possible benzothiazoles (6eand 6f) were formed together with a comparable amount of the imidoyl chloride 7e (Table 1). In general, the fluorines appear not to be sufficiently electron-withdrawing for the imidoyl chlorides to become dominant, and this simple reaction sequence still provides an acceptable route to fluorinated 2-cyanobenzothiazoles. m-Chloroperbenzoic acid reactions In view of the high temperature required for rearrangement of the iminodithiazoles 5 into benzothiazoles 6 and imidoyl chlorides 7, we decided to attempt S-oxidation of the dithiazole ring in the expectation that the less aromatic system so formed would decompose at a lower temperature.N-(4-Chloro-W- 1,2,3-dithiazol- 5-ylidene)-4-met hoxyaniline 82 was treated with m-chloroperbenzoic acid (1.1 equiv.) in dichloromethane at -20 "C and at room temperature; the Table 1 Prep ofthe iminodithiazoles S J. CHEM. soc. PERKIN TRANS. I 1995 Preparation aration and thermolysis Thermolysis Starting amine Product Yield of product () Products Yield of products () 2-Fluoroaniline Sa 98 6a:7a 50:O 3-Fluoroaniline 5b 99 6ba:7b 34:O CFluoroaniline 5c 92 :7c 34:10 2,4-Difluoroaniline 5d 90 6d:7d 11:2 3,4-Difluoroaniline 5e 91 6eb:6fc:7e 22: 3 :20 '5-Fluorobenzothiazole-2carbonitrile.5,6-Difluorobenzothiazole-2-carbonitrile.'6,7-Difluorobenzothiazole-2-carbonitrile. CI r CI 1 Jn 11 10 product isolated after chromatography proved to be N-(4-methoxypheny1)cyanothioformamide 10, in yields of 32 and 65 respectively.By analogy with the same oxidation of a similar iminodithiazole where the S,,,-oxide was isolated, we assume that the oxide 9 was formed but was readily hydrolysed on work-up to give the ring-opened product 10. Similar oxidation of 8, but with excess of m-chloroperbenzoic acid (3 equiv.) in refluxing dichloromethane gave the thioamide derivative 11 (72), presumably by oxidative hydration of the cyano group in 10.In a separate experiment, compound 10was shown to be converted into 11 (80) by treatment with m- chloroperbenzoic acid (2 equiv.) in refluxing dichloromethane.This efficient oxidative hydration of the cyano group of the cyanothioformamide 10,without oxidation of the thioamide group, is worthy of further investigation. The 2-fluoro- 5a and 4-fluoro-phenyl iminodithiazoles 5c were similarly treated with m-chloroperbenzoic acid to give the corresponding cyanothioformamides in 59 and 37 yields, respectively. It was also shown, though by TLC evidence only, that all of the cyanothioformamides made in this work could be reconverted into the starting iminodithiazoles by treatment with sulfur dichloride in dichloromethane at room temperature Cwn.(1)l. SClz ArNwc'IUArNH-CS-CN CI 13 14 Experimental Mps were determined using a Kofler hot-stage apparatus and are uncorrected. IR spectra were recorded on Perkin-Elmer 1710 instrument. 'H NMR spectra were recorded on a JEOL GSX 270 spectrometer. I3C NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker WM 250 operating at 63 MHz. J values in Hz. Mass spectra were recorded on a AE MS12 or a VG micromass 7070B mass spectrometer; M refers to the isotopomer with the most abundant isotopes (35CI and 32S).Elemental .microanalyses were carried out in the Department of Chemistry, Imperial College by the Organic Micro-Analytical Laboratory. Column chromatography was on silica gel (C60).Light petroleum refers to the fraction bp 40-60 "C. N-(CChloro-5H-1,2,3-ditbiazol-5-ylidene)anilinederivatives: general procedure To a solution of the substituted aniline (2.33 rnmol) in di- chloromethane (1 0 cm3) was added 4,Sdichloro- 1,2,3-dithia- zolium chloride 1 (2.33 mmol). The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 2 h after which pyridine (4.66 mmol) was added to it to give a red solution. This was stirred for a further 2 h, filtered and the product isolated by flash column chroma- tography with light petroleumaiethyl ether (7 :3) as eluent. N-(4-Chloro-SH-1,2,3-dithiazol-5-ylidene)-2-fluoroaniline 5a. Treatment of 2-fluoroaniline (0.26 g, 2.33 mmol) with 1(0.485 g, 2.33 mmol) and pyridine (0.387 cm3, 4.66 mmol) in di- chloromethane (10 cm3), followed by column chromatography gave the title compound 5a (0.567 g, 98) as yellow needles, mp 69 "C (from light petroleum-dichloromethane) (Found: M+, 245.9536.C8H4ClFN2S2 requires M 245.9488); v,,,-(CCl,)/cm-' 1698, 1654, 1606, 1582, 1488, 1453, 1271, 1252, 1215, 1198 and 1164; SH(270 MHz, CDCl,) 7.18-7.23 (4 H, m); m/z (240 "C) 246 (M+, 38), 185 (M+ -S,, 32), 147 (M+ -S,, Cl, 1 l), 121 (M+ -S,-N=C-CI, 22) and 64 (S2+,100). 4-(1) N-(CChloro-SH-l,2,3-dithiazol-5-ylidene~~fluoroaniline5b.MCPBA 12a, b 9,b a, Ar = 2-fluorophenyl; b, Ar = 4-fluorophenyl Replacement of the methoxy group in 8 by a nitro group led to a very different, and unexpected, product on similar oxidation with m-chloroperbenzoic acid (1.1 equiv.) in dichloro- methane at room temperature. p-Nitrophenyl isothiocyanate 14 was formed very cleanly (90).Possibly the S-oxide 13was formed, as before (cf. ref. 3), followed rapidly by fragmentation as shown. Treatment of 3-fluoroaniline (0.26 g, 2.33 mmol) with 1 (0.485 g, 2.33 mmol) and pyridine (0.387 cm3, 4.66 mmol) in dichloro- methane (10 cm3), followed by column chromatography gave the title compound 5b (0.570 g, 99) as a yellow gum (Found: M+, 245.9528. C,H,ClFN,S, requires M 245.9488); v,,,-(CClJcm-' 1693,1663,1582,1544,1479,1448,1262 and 1166; SH(27O MHz, CDCl,) 6.88-7.05 (1 H, m) and 7.37-7.46 (3 H, m); m/~(240 "C) 246 (M+, 3373, 185 (M+ -S,, 31), 147 (M+ -S,, Cl, 9), 121 (M' -S,-N=C-CI, 17) and 64 (S,', 100).N-(4-Chlor0-5H-l,2,3-dithiazol-5-ylidene)fluoroaniline 5c. Treatment of 4-fluoroaniline (0.26 g, 2.33 mmol) with 1(0.485 g, 2.33 mmol) and pyridine (0.387 cm3, 4.66 mmol) in dichloro- J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1995 methane (10 cm3), followed by column chromatography gave the title compound5c (0.553 g, 92) as yellow needles, mp 53 "C (fromlight petroleum-dichloromethane) (Found: M ',245.9536. C,H,ClFN,S, requires kf 245.9488); v,,,(CC~,)/cm-' 1694, 1664, 1606, 1588,1498, 1464,1289,1232, 1210, 1161 and 1164; 6,(270MHz, CDCl,)7.1 1-7.25 (4H,m);m/z(220 "C)246(M+, 40), 185 (M+ -S2, 33), 147 (M' -S,, Cl, 15), 121 (M' -S,-N=C-Cl, 45) and 64 (S,', 100). N-(4-Chloro-SH-1,2,3-di thiazol-5-ylidene)-2,4difluoroaniline 5d. Treatment of 2,4-difluoroaniline (0.30 g, 2.33 mmol) with 1 (0.485 g, 2.33 mmol) and pyridine (0.387 cm', 4.66 mmol) in dichloromethane (1 0 cm3), followed by column chromatogra- phy gave the title compound5d (0.554 g, 90) as yellow needles, mp 92 "C (from light petroleum-dichloromethane) (Found: C, 36.3; H, 1.1; N, 10.5.C8H,C1F,N,S, requires C, 36.3; H, 1.1; N, 10.6); v,,,(CCI,)/cm-' 1591, 1552, 1506, 1265 and 1210; 6,(270 MHz, CDCl,) 6.93-7.01 (2 H, m) and 7.15-7.24 (1 H, m); m/z 264 (M', 24), 203 (M' -Cl, CN, 21), 171 (M' -Cl, CN, S, 38), 139 (M+ -Cl, CN, SJ, 27), 125 (CICNS,', 7) 113 (M' -Cl, CN, S,, 01, 24) and 64 (S,', 100). N(4-C hloro-5H- 1,2,3di thiazol-5-ylidene)-3,4difluoroaniline 5e. Treatment of 3,4-difluoroaniline (0.30 g, 2.33 mmol) with 1 (0.485 g, 2.33 mmol) and pyridine (0.387 cm3, 4.66 mmol), followed by column chromatography gave the title compound5e (0.530g, 91 )as yellow needles, mp 55 "C (fromlight petroleum- dichloromethane) (Found: C, 36.1; H, 1.0; N, 10.5.C,H,Cl- F,N,S, requiresc, 36.3; H, 1.1; N, 10.6); v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 1591, 1552, 1506, 1425, 1294, 1265 and 1210; 6,(270 MHz, CDCl,) 6.9c7.30 (3 H, m); rn/z 264 (M+, 30),203 (M+ -Cl, CN, 20), 171 (M+ -Cl,CN, S,23), 139(M' -Cl,CN, SJ, 17), +125 (ClCNS, + , lo), 1 13 (M -Cl, CN, S,, 01, 34) and 64 (S, +,100). Benzothiazole-2-carbonitrilederivatives: general procedure N-(4-Chloro-SH-1,2,3-dithiazo1-5-ylidene)anilineswere heated under nitrogen at 250 "C for 1 min. The product was isolated by flash column chromatography.Light petroleum-diethyl ether eluted sulfur and then the following products. 4-Fluorobenzothiazole-2-carbonitrile6a. Thermolysis of 5a (0.1 g, 0.406 mmol) and purification by column chromatography with light petroleum-diethyl ether (6 :4) as eluent afforded the title compound 6a (0.036 g, 50) as pale yellow needles, mp 1 14 "C (from light petroleumdichloromethane) (Found: M+, 178.0008. C,H,FN,S requires M, 178.0001); ~,,,(CC~,)/crn-' 2235 (CN), 1624, 1599, 1562,1474, 1445, 1325, 1310, 1276 and 1253; 6,(270 MHz, CDCl,) 7.35 (1 H, ddd, J0.98, 7.99, 9.02), 7.62(1 H,dd,J4.64,8.15)and7.76(1H,d,J8.30);m/z(22O0C) 178 (M', 100)and 126 (M' -m=C-CN, 20). 5-Fluorobenzothiazole-2-carbonitrile6b.Thermolysis of 5b (0.1 g, 0.406 mmol) and purification by column chroma- tography with light petroleum-diethyl ether (6:4) as eluent afforded the title compound 6b (0.024 g, 34) as pale yellow needles, mp 1 10 "C (from light petroleum-dichloromethane) (Found: M', 178.0013. C,H,FN,S requires M, 178.0001); ~,,,(CC1~)/cm-' 2233 (CN), 1611, 1585, 1559, 1472, 1320, 1247 and 1204; 6,(270 MHz, CDCl,) 7.42 (1 H, dt, J 2.44, 8.55) and 7.82-7.97 (2 H, m); m/z (220°C) 178 (M', 100) and 126 (M' -N=C-CN,40). 6-Fluorobenzothiazole-2-carbonitrile6c. Thermolysis of 5c (0.1g, 0.406 mmol) and purification by column chromatography with light petroleum-diethyl ether (8 :2) as eluent afforded the title compound 6c (0.024 g, 34) as pale yellow needles, mp 112 "C (from light petroleumdichloromethane) (Found: M', 178.0008.C,H,FN,S requires M, 178.0001); v,,,(CCl,)/cm~' 2233 (CN), 1624,1599,1562,1473,1445,1412,1325,1310,1276 and 1253; 6,(270 MHz, CDCl,) 7.41 (1 H, dt, J2.69,8.89), 7.66 (1 H, dd, J 2.57, 7.68) and 8.20 (1 H, q, J 4.50); m/z (220 "C) 178 (M', 100) and 126 (M' -m=C-CN, 35) and N-chlorocyanomethylidene4fluoroaniline 7c (0.008 g, 10) as a colourless oil; v,,,,,(CCl,)/~m-~ 2241, 1578, 1510, 1430 and 1294; 6,(270 MHz, CDCl,) 7.12-7.18 (2 H, m) and 7.25-7.32 (2 H, m).4,6-Difluorobenzothiazole-Z-carbonitrile6d. Thermolysis of 5d (0.1 g, 0.406 mmol) followed by column chromatography with light petroleum-diethyl ether (8 :2) as eluent afforded the title compound 6d (0.012 g, 11) as pale yellow needles, mp 154 "C (from light petroleum-dichloromethane); vmax(CC14)/ cm-' 2238 (CN), 1580,1498, 1445,1422,1298 and 1266; 6,(270 MHz, CDCI,) 7.20 (1 H, dt, J2.32, 6.94) and 7.49 (1 H, dd, J 1.22, 7.34); m/z (24OOC) 196 (M+, 100) and 144 (M' -WS-CN, 26) and N-chlorocyanomethylidene-2,Cdifluoro-aniline 7d as a colourless oil (0.004 g, 2); v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 2243, 1647, 1606, 1578, 1510, 1429, 1294, 1259 and 1210; m/z (220°C) 200 (M', 26), 165 (M' -C1, 77) and 113 (M' -PS-CN, Cl, 100).5,6-Difluorobenzothiazole-~rbo~~le6e.Thermol ysis of 5e (0.1 g, 0.406 mmol) and purification by column chromatography with light petroleum-diethyl ether (8 :2) as eluent afforded the title compound 6e (0.048 g, 22) as pale yellow needles, mp 124 "C (from light petroleum-dichloromethane) (Found: M ', 195.9929.C8H2F2N2S requires M, 195.9906); v,,,(CCl,)/cm-l 2237 (CN), 1570,1489,1454,1422,1299,1266 and 12 12; 6,(270 MHz, CDCl,) 7.35-7.81 (1 H, m) and 8.01-8.05 (1 H, m); m/z (220 "C) 196 (M+, 100) and 144 (M' -m=C-CN, 33), 6,7-difluorobenzothiazole-Zcarbonitrile6f (0.005 g, 3) as a pale yellow solid, mp 86 "C (from light petroleum-dichloromethane) (Found: M+, 195.9922. C,H,F,N,S requires M, 195.9906); v,,,(CCl,)/cm~' 2237 (CN), 1579, 1500, 1426, 1291 and 1266; 6,(270 MHz, CDCl,) 6.94-7.01 (1 H, m) and 7.18-7.27 (I H, m); m/z (22OOC) 196 (M', loo), 144 (M' -m=C-CN, 48), and N-chlorocyanomethylidene-3,4-difluoroaniline7e (0.045 g, 20) as a colourless oil; v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 2243,1647,1606,1578, 1510, 1429, 1294, 1259 and 1213; 6,(270 MHz, CDCl,) 6.94- 7.02 (1 H, m), 7.13-7.27 (1 H, m) and 7.47-7.52 (1 H, m); m/z (220°C) 200 (M', 26), 165 (M' -Cl, 77) and 113 (M' -PS-CN, Cl, 100).N-(4-Methoxyphenyl)cyanothioforrnamide 10. To a cooled (0 "C) solution of the iminodithiazole 8 (0.1 g, 0.39 mmol) in dichloromethane (10 cm3)was added rn-chloroperbenzoic acid (0.075 g, 0.43 mmol). The mixture was stirred at 0 "C for 3 h then warmed to room temperature for 15 h. Purification by column chromatography with light petroleum4iethyl ether (7 :3) as eluent afforded the title compound 10 as an orange solid (0.06 g, 81), mp 112 "C (from light petroleum-dichloromethane) (Found: M+, 192.0378. C9H8N,0S requires M, 192.0357); v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 2229 (CN), 1608, 15 10, 1462, 1441, 1427, 1305 and 1255; 6,(270 MHz, CDCl,) 3.85 (3 H, s, OCH,) 6.88-7.01 (2 H, m), 7.31 (1 H, t, J 7.40), 7.73 (1 H, d, J 7.40) and 9.40 (I H, s, NH); rn/z 192 (M', 21), 165 (M+ -CN, HI, loo), 150 (M' -CN, H, Me, 70) and 122 (M' -s--C-CN, 51).N-Carbamoylthiocarbonyl41nethoxyaniline11. To a solution of the iminodithiazole 8 (0.1 g, 0.39 mmol) in dichloromethane (1 0 cm3) was added m-chloroperbenzoic acid (0.2 g, 1.16 mmol). The mixture was stirred at reflux for 15 h after which puri- fication by column chromatography with light petroleum- diethyl ether (8:2) as eluent afforded the title compound 11 as a yellow solid (0.042 g, 72), mp 186 "C (from light petroleumdichloromethane) (Found: M , 2 10.048 1.C9H 1+ N,O,S requires M, 210.0462); ~,,,(CCl,)/cm 1623, 1601, 1588, 1517, 1446, 1395, 1343, 1312 and 1277; 6,(270 MHz, CDCl,) 3.95 (3 H, s, OCH,), 7.13 (2 H, d, J 9.04), 7.19 (1 H, s, NH), 8.21 (2 H, d, J 9.04) and 8.28 (2 H, s, NH,); m/z 210 (M' , 98), 166 (M' -CONHJ, loo), 135 (M+ -CONH,, OMe, 9) and 118 (M+ -CONH,, S, 4). N-(Nuorophenyl)cyanothioformamides: general procedure To a cooled (0 "C) solution of the iminodithiazoles 5a and 5c (0.1 g, 0.405 mmol) in dichloromethane (10 cm3)was added m-chloroperbenzoic acid (0.07 g, 0.405 mmol). The mixture was stirred at 0°C for 30 min then allowed to warm to room temperature over 15 h. Column chromatography with light petroleum-diethyl ether (6 :4) as eluent afforded the following compounds.N-(2-Fluorophenyl)cyanothioformamide 12a. An orange solid (0.043 g, 5973, mp 81 "C (from light petroleum-dichloro- methane) (Found: C, 53.0; H, 2.9; N, 15.5. C,H5FN2S requires C, 53.3; H, 2.8; N, 15.5); v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 2306(CN), 1710,1599, 1521,1505,1487,1461,1422,1383,1266and 1110;6,(270MHZ, CDC1,) 7.18-7.45 (2 H, m), 7.67 (1 H, t, J 8.19), 8.50 (1 H, t, J 8.19) and 9.34 (1 H, s, NH); m/z (200 "C) 180 (M+, 6), 153 (M+ -CN, HI, 100) and 95 (M+ -HN-C(S)-CN, 31). N-(4FluorophenyI)cyanothioformamide12b. An orange solid (0.027 g, 3779, mp 97 "C (from light petroleum-dichloro- methane) (Found: C, 53.0; H, 2.9; N, 15.6. C,H5FN,S requires C, 53.3; H, 2.8; N, 15.5); v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 2306 (CN), 1606,1510, 1422, 1386 and 1113; 6,(270 MHz, CDC1,) 7.1 1-7.21 (2 H, m), 7.31-7.41 (1 H, m), 7.84-7.99 (1 H, m) and 9.36 (1 H, s, NH); m/z (200 "C) 180 (M', 673,153 (M' -CN, HI, 100) and 95 (M' -HN-C(S)-CN), 65).4Nitrophenyl isothiocyanate 14 To a cooled (0 "C) solution of N-(4-chloro-5H-l,2,3-dithiazole-5-ylidene-4-nitroaniline (0.1 g, 0.37 mmol) in dichlorometh- ane (10 cm3) was added rn-chloroperbenzoic acid (0.069 g, 0.4 mmol). The mixture was stirred at 0 OC for 30 min then allowed to warm to room temperature over 15 h. Purification by column J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1995 chromatography with light petroleum4iethyl ether (6 :4) as eluent afforded the title compound 14 (0.064 g, 90) as an orange solid, mp 118 "C (from light petroleum-dichlorometh- ane) (lit.,5 mp 112-1 13 "C); v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 161 8, 1596, 1559, 15 19,1422, 1342 and 1266; 6,(270 MHz, CDCl,) 8.07 (2 H, d, J 4.93) and 8.33 (2 H, d, J4.75); m/z 180 (M', 9473, 164 (M+ -0,24), 150 (M+ -NO, 27), 134 (M+ -NO,, 62), 107 (M+ -NCS, 01, 15), 90 (M' -NCS, O,, 60) and 76 (M' -NCS, NO,, 12). Acknowledgements We thank MDL Information Systems (UK) Ltd and the French Ministkre de la Recherche et de 1'Espace for financial support, the Wolfson Foundation for establishing the Wolfson Centre for Organic Chemistry in Medical Science, and Mr K. Emayan for assistance and helpful discussions. References 1 R. Appel, H. Janssen, M. Siray and F. Knoch, Chem. Ber., 1985,118, 1632. 2 R. F. English, PhD Thesis, University of London, 1989; C. W. Rees, J. Heterocycl. Chem., 1992,29, 639. 3 P. J. Dunn and C. W. Rees, J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. I, 1989,2489. 4 cf. J. E. Moore, US Pat., 4 059 590, 1977 (Chem. Abstr., 1978, 88, 50874). 5 P. Jacobson and J. Klein, Chem. Ber., 1893,26,2363. Paper 5/01 528F Received 13th March 1995 Accepted 20th March 1995
机译:J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN 译.I 1995 4,5-二氯-l,2,3-二噻唑鎓氯化物及其衍生物的一些化学性质 Thierry Bessont 和 Charles W. Rees 帝国理工学院化学系,伦敦 S W7 2A K UK 4,5-二氯-1,2,3-二噻唑呎氯化物 1 与氟苯胺反应(见表 1),得到亚氨基二噻唑 5 的收率非常高。后者的热解得到相应的2-氰基苯并噻唑6,在某些情况下,与氰酰亚胺酰氯7一起。在室温或室温以下用间氯过苯甲酸在二氯甲烷中处理亚氨基二噻唑,打开杂环,得到N-芳基氰基硫代甲酰胺(例如8-lo),但对硝基苯基化合物除外,它以高产率得到对硝基苯基异硫氰酸酯14。4,5-二氯-1,2,3-二噻唑氯化物1,易由氯乙腈和二氯化二硫制备,在吡啶存在下与苯胺迅速反应,得到非常稳定的淡黄色至橙色N-芳基亚胺2。先前的研究还表明,亚氨基化合物2环化时剧烈加热得到硫,氯化氢和2-氰基苯并噻唑3。2 2 2 3 4 我们进一步探索了这种通过两个简单步骤将苯胺转化为 2-氰基苯并噻唑和氰基亚胺酰氯的新方法, 特别是氟苯胺。苯并噻唑3可以通过电环化和碎裂过程形成,如方案1所示。硫原子推测不是像CI方案1那样被挤出的,而是在某种双分子过程中,可能涉及腈硫化物。酰脒酰氯的形成涉及两个 t 目前地址:Laboratoire de Gknie Proteique et Cellulaire, Chimie Organique et Biocatalyse, PBles des Sciences et Technologies, Universite de La Rochelle, Avenue Marillac, F-17042, La Rochelle Cedex 1, France.硫原子,这可能是由于它们作为 S2 的直接损失而发生的,形成所示的氯化氮(方案 2),该氯化氮会坍缩到观察到的产物中。ci 方案 2 除了化合物 3 和 4 的氟化衍生物的固有利益外,人们认为氟取代基体积小且吸电子,将揭示控制方案 1 和 2 替代途径的因素。一氟苯胺和2,4-和3,4-二氟苯胺均与4,5-二氯-1,2,3-二噻唑鎓氯化物1(1当量)在室温下在二氯甲烷中充分反应2小时,然后加入吡啶(2当量),得到适量的丙氨基二噻唑5a-e,收率非常高(表1)。这些产物在250°C下加热1分钟时,会产生黑色、凌乱的反应,当在溶剂中加入时,反应更加复杂。然而,所有这些都导致环化为相应的2-氰基苯并噻唑6a-f,通常产率适中,而三种(5c,d,e)也得到一些酰亚胺酰氯,7。用5e,两种可能的苯并噻唑(6e和6f)与相当量的酰亚胺酰氯7e一起形成(表1)。一般来说,氟似乎没有足够的吸电子能力使酰亚胺酰氯成为主导,并且这种简单的反应序列仍然为氟化2-氰基苯并噻唑提供了可接受的途径。间氯过苯甲酸反应 鉴于亚氨基二噻唑 5 重排为苯并噻唑 6 和酰亚胺酰氯 7 需要高温,我们决定尝试二噻唑环的 S 氧化,期望这样形成的芳香族较少的体系会在较低的温度下分解。N-(4-氯-W-1,2,3-二噻唑-5-亚基)-4-甲基氧基苯胺82用间氯过苯甲酸(1.1当量)处理。)在-20“C和室温下的二氯甲烷中;表1 丙氨基二噻唑的制备 S J. CHEM. soc. PERKIN TRANS.I 1995 制备 合成和热解 热解 起始胺 产品 产品收率 (%) 产品 产品收率 (%) 2-氟苯胺 Sa 98 6a:7a 50:O 3-氟苯胺 5b 99 6ba:7b 34:O CFluoroaniline 5c 92 &:7c 34:10 2,4-二氟苯胺 5d 90 6d:7d 11:2 3,4-二氟苯胺 5e 91 6eb:6fc:7e 22:3 :20 '5-氟苯并噻唑-2甲腈.5,6-二氟苯并噻唑-2-甲腈。CI r CI 1 Jn 11 10产物经层析证明为N-(4-甲氧基苯基1)氰基硫代甲酰胺10,收率分别为32%和65%。通过类比分离出S,,,-氧化物的类似亚氨基二噻唑的相同氧化,我们假设氧化物9已经形成,但在处理过程中很容易水解,得到开环产物10。与8氧化相似,但用过量的间氯过苯甲酸(3当量)在回流中得到硫代酰胺衍生物11(72%),推测在 10.In 单独实验中通过氰基的氧化水合,化合物10被证明通过用间氯过苯甲酸(2当量)处理在回流二氯甲烷中转化为11(80%)。氰基硫代甲酰胺10的氰基氧化水合,不氧化硫代酰胺基团,值得进一步研究。2-氟-5a和4-氟苯基亚氨基二噻唑5c同样用间氯过苯甲酸处理,得到相应的氰硫代甲酰胺,收率分别为59%和37%。尽管仅通过TLC证据,但还表明,本工作中制造的所有氰硫代甲酰胺都可以通过在室温下用二氯甲烷中的二氯化硫处理Cwn.(1)l.SClz ArNwc'IUArNH-CS-CN CI 13 14 Experimental Mps是使用Kofler热阶段仪器测定的,并且未校正。红外光谱记录在Perkin-Elmer 1710仪器上。'H NMR 谱图记录在 JEOL GSX 270 波谱仪上。I3C NMR 谱图记录在工作频率为 63 MHz 的 Bruker WM 250 上。 J 值以 Hz 为单位。 质谱图记录在 AE MS12 或 VG micromass 7070B 质谱仪上;M 是指同位素含量最高的同位素(35CI 和 32S)。元素.micro分析由帝国理工学院化学系的有机微观分析实验室进行。在硅胶(C60)上进行柱层析。轻质石油是指馏分bp 40-60“C。 N-(CChloro-5H-1,2,3-二噻唑-5-亚基)苯胺衍生物:一般程序 向取代的苯胺(2.33 rnmol)在二氯甲烷(1 0 cm3)中的溶液中加入4,二氯-1,2,3-二硫杂-氯化钪1(2.33 mmol)。将混合物在室温下搅拌2小时,然后吡啶(4.加入66mmol)得到红色溶液。再搅拌2小时,过滤,用轻质石油乙醚(7:3)作为洗脱液,用闪色柱色谱法分离产物。N-(4-氯-SH-1,2,3-二噻唑-5-亚基)-2-氟苯胺 5a.用1(0.485g,2.33mmol)和吡啶(0.387cm3,4.66mmol)在二氯甲烷(10 cm3)中处理2-氟苯胺(0.26g,2.33mmol),然后柱层析得到标题化合物5a(0.567g,98%)作为黄色针状,mp 69“C(来自轻石油二氯甲烷)(发现:M+,245.9536.C8H4ClFN2S2需要M 245.9488);v,,,-(CCl,)/cm-' 1698、1654、1606、1582、1488、1453、1271、1252、1215、1198 和 1164;SH(270 MHz, CDCl,) 7.18-7.23 (4 H, m);m/z (240 “C) 246 (M+, 38%), 185 (M+ -S,, 32), 147 (M+ -[S,, Cl], 1 l), 121 (M+ -[S,-N=C-CI], 22) 和 64 (S2+,100).4-(1) N-(CChloro-SH-l,2,3-二噻唑-5-亚基~~氟苯胺5b.MCPBA 12a, b 9,b a, Ar = 2-氟苯基;b, Ar = 4-氟苯基 8 中的甲氧基被硝基取代,导致在室温下与间氯过苯甲酸(1.1 当量)在二氯甲烷中发生类似氧化的产物非常不同且出乎意料。对硝基苯基异硫氰酸酯 14 形成得非常干净 (90%)。可能如前所述,S-氧化物13形成(参见参考文献3),随后迅速碎裂,如图所示。用1(0.485g,2.33mmol)和吡啶(0.387cm3,4)处理3-氟苯胺(0.26g,2.33mmol)。66 mmol)在二氯甲烷(10 cm3)中,然后柱层析得到标题化合物5b(0.570g,99%)为黄色胶(发现:M+,245.9528。C,H,ClFN,S,需要 M 245.9488);v,,,-(CClJcm-' 1693、1663、1582、1544、1479、1448、1262 和 1166;SH(27O MHz, CDCl,) 6.88-7.05 (1 H, m) 和 7.37-7.46 (3 H, m);m/~(240“C) 246 (M+, 3373, 185 (M+ -S,, 31), 147 (M+ -[S,, Cl], 9), 121 (M' -[S,-N=C-CI], 17) 和 64 (S,', 100)。N-(4-氯0-5H-l,2,3-二噻唑-5-亚基)氟苯胺 5c.用1(0.485 g,2.33 mmol)和吡啶(0.387 cm3,4.66 mmol)在二氯-J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1 1995甲烷(10 cm3)中处理4-氟苯胺(0.26 g,2.33 mmol),然后柱层析得到标题化合物5c(0.553 g,92%)为黄色针状,mp 53“C(来自轻石油二氯甲烷)(发现:M',245.9536。C,H,ClFN,S,需要 kf 245.9488);v,,,(CC~,)/cm-' 1694、1664、1606、1588、1498、1464、1289、1232、1210、1161 和 1164;6,(270MHz,CDCl,)7.1 1-7.25(4H,m);m/z(220“C)246(M+, 40%)、185 (M+ -S2, 33)、147 (M' -[S,, Cl], 15)、121 (M' -[S,-N=C-Cl], 45) 和 64 (S,', 100)。N-(4-氯-SH-1,2,3-二噻唑-5-亚基)-2,4二氟苯胺 5D.用1(0.485g,2.33mmol)和吡啶(0.387cm',4.66mmol)在二氯甲烷(1 0 cm3)中处理2,4-二氟苯胺(0.30g,2.33mmol),然后进行柱色谱处理,得到标题化合物5d(0.554g,90%)为黄色针状,mp 92“C(来自轻石油二氯甲烷)(发现:C,36.3;H,1.1;N,10.5。C8H,C1F,N,S,需要C,36.3;H,1.1;N,10.6%);v,,,(CCI,)/cm-' 1591、1552、1506、1265 和 1210;6,(270 MHz,CDCl,) 6.93-7.01 (2 H, m) 和 7.15-7.24 (1 H, m);m/z 264 (M', 24%), 203 (M' -[Cl, CN], 21), 171 (M' -[Cl, CN, S], 38), 139 (M+ -[Cl, CN, SJ, 27), 125 (CICNS,', 7), 113 (M' -[Cl, CN, S,, 01, 24) 和 64 (S,', 100).N(4-C hloro-5H-1,2,3二噻唑-5-亚基)-3,4二氟苯胺 5e.用1(0.485g,2.33mmol)和吡啶(0.387cm3,4.66mmol)处理3,4-二氟苯胺(0.30g,2.33mmol),然后进行柱层析,得到标题化合物5e(0.530g,91%)为黄色针状,mp 55“C(来自轻石油-二氯甲烷)(发现:C,36.1;H,1.0;N, 10.5.C,H,Cl- F,N,S, 要求, 36.3;H,1.1;N,10.6);v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 1591、1552、1506、1425、1294、1265 和 1210;6,(270 MHz,CDCl,) 6.9c7.30 (3 H, m);rn/z 264 (M+, 30%),203 (M+ -[Cl, CN], 20), 171 (M+ -[Cl,CN, S],23), 139(M' -[Cl,CN, SJ, 17), +125 (ClCNS, + , lo), 1 13 (M -[Cl, CN, S,, 01, 34) 和 64 (S, +,100).苯并噻唑-2-甲腈衍生物:一般程序 N-(4-氯-SH-1,2,3-二噻唑1-5-亚基)苯胺在250“C的氮气下加热1分钟。该产物采用快速柱层析法分离。轻质石油二乙醚洗脱硫磺后再洗脱下列产品。4-氟苯并噻唑-2-甲腈6a.热解5a(0.1g,0.406mmol)并用轻质石油乙醚(6:4)作为洗脱液通过柱层析纯化得到标题化合物6a(0.036 g, 50%) 为淡黄色针状物,MP 1 14“C(来自轻质石油二氯甲烷)(发现:M+,178.0008。C,H,FN,S 需要 M, 178.0001);~,,,(CC~,)/crn-' 2235 (CN)、1624、1599、1562、1474、1445、1325、1310、1276 和 1253;6,(270 MHz,CDCl,) 7.35 (1 H, ddd, J0.98, 7.99, 9.02), 7.62(1 H,dd,J4.64,8.15)和7.76(1H,d,J8.30);m/z(22O0C) 178 (M', 100) 和 126 (M' -m=C-CN], 20)。5-氟苯并噻唑-2-甲腈6b.热解5b(0.1g,0.406mmol)并用轻石油二乙醚(6:4)作为洗脱液通过柱色谱法纯化得到标题化合物6b(0.024g,34%)为淡黄色针状,mp 1 10“C(来自轻石油二氯甲烷)(发现:M',178.0013。C,H,FN,S 需要 M, 178.0001);~,,,(CC1~)/cm-' 2233 (CN), 1611, 1585, 1559, 1472, 1320, 1247 和 1204;6,(270 MHz,CDCl,) 7.42 (1 H, dt, J 2.44, 8.55) 和 7.82-7.97 (2 H, m);m/z (220°C)、178 (m', 100) 和 126 (m' -[N=C-CN],40)。6-氟苯并噻唑-2-甲腈6c.热解5c(0.1g,0.406mmol)并用轻石油二乙醚(8:2)作为洗脱液的柱层析纯化得到标题化合物6c(0.024g,34%)作为淡黄色针头,mp 112“C(来自轻石油二氯甲烷)(发现:M',178.0008.C,H,FN,S需要M,178.0001);v,,,(CCl,)/cm~' 2233 (CN), 1624,1599,1562,1473,1445,1412,1325,1310,1276 和 1253;6,(270 MHz,CDCl,) 7.41 (1 H, dt, J2.69,8.89), 7.66 (1 H, dd, J 2.57, 7.68) 和 8.20 (1 H, q, J 4.50);m/z(220“C)178(M',100)和126(M'-m=C-CN],35)和N-氯氰基亚甲基4氟苯胺7c(0.008g,10%)为无色油;v,,,,,(CCl,)/~m-~ 2241、1578、1510、1430 和 1294;6,(270 MHz,CDCl,) 7.12-7.18 (2 H, m) 和 7.25-7.32 (2 H, m).4,6-二氟苯并噻唑-Z-甲腈6d.热解5d(0.1g,0.406mmol),然后用轻石油乙醚(8:2)作为洗脱液进行柱层析,得到标题化合物6d(0.012g,11%)为淡黄色针头,mp 154“C(来自轻石油二氯甲烷);vmax(CC14)/ cm-' 2238 (CN), 1580,1498, 1445,1422,1298 和 1266;6,(270 MHz,CDCI,) 7.20 (1 H, dt, J2.32, 6.94) 和 7.49 (1 H, dd, J 1.22, 7.34);m/z (24OOC) 196 (M+, 100) 和 144 (M' -WS-CN], 26) 和 N-氯氰基亚甲基-2,二氟苯胺 7d 为无色油 (0.004 g, 2%);v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 2243、1647、1606、1578、1510、1429、1294、1259和1210;m/z (220°C) 200 (m', 26), 165 (m' -C1, 77) 和 113 (M' -PS-CN, Cl], 100).5,6-二氟苯并噻唑-~rbo~~le6e.5e(0.1g,0.406mmol)的热法和用轻石油乙醚(8:2)作为洗脱液的柱层析纯化得到标题化合物6e(0.048g,22%)作为淡黄色针,mp 124“C(来自轻石油二氯甲烷)(发现:M',195.9929.C8H2F2N2S需要M,195.9906);v,,,(CCl,)/cm-l 2237 (CN)、1570、1489、1454、1422、1299、1266 和 12 12;6,(270 MHz,CDCl,) 7.35-7.81 (1 H, m) 和 8.01-8。05 (1 小时, 米);m/z (220 “C) 196 (M+, 100) 和 144 (M' -m=C-CN], 33),6,7-二氟苯并噻唑-Zcarbonitrile6f (0.005 g, 3%) 为淡黄色固体,mp 86 ”C(来自轻石油二氯甲烷)(发现:M+,195.9922。C,H,F,N,S 需要 M,195.9906);v,,,(CCl,)/cm~' 2237 (CN), 1579, 1500, 1426, 1291 和 1266;6,(270 MHz,CDCl,) 6.94-7.01 (1 H, m) 和 7.18-7.27 (I H, m);m/z (22OOC) 196 (M', loo), 144 (M' -m=C-CN], 48) 和 N-氯氰亚甲基-3,4-二氟苯胺 7e (0.045 g, 20%) 为无色油;v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 2243、1647、1606、1578、1510、1429、1294、1259 和 1213;6,(270 MHz,CDCl,) 6.94- 7.02 (1 H, m), 7.13-7.27 (1 H, m) 和 7.47-7.52 (1 H, m);m/z (220°C) 200 (m', 26), 165 (m' -Cl, 77) 和 113 (M' -PS-CN, Cl], 100)。N-(4-甲氧基苯基)氰基硫代福雷酰胺 10.向冷却的(0“C)溶液中加入亚氨基二噻唑8(0.1g,0.39mmol)在二氯甲烷(10cm3)中的rn-氯过苯甲酸(0.075g,0.43mmol)。将混合物在0“C下搅拌3小时,然后升温至室温15小时。用轻石油4乙醚(7:3)作为洗脱液的柱层析纯化得到标题化合物10为橙色固体(0.06克,81%),mp 112“C(来自轻石油二氯甲烷)(发现:M+,192.0378。C9H8N,0S 需要 M,192.0357);v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 2229 (CN), 1608, 15 10, 1462, 1441, 1427, 1305 和 1255;6,(270 MHz,CDCl,) 3.85 (3 H, s, OCH,) 6.88-7.01 (2 H, m), 7.31 (1 H, t, J 7.40), 7.73 (1 H, d, J 7.40) 和 9.40 (I H, s, NH);rn/z 192 (M', 21%), 165 (M+ -[CN, HI, loo), 150 (M' -[CN, H, Me], 70) 和 122 (M' -[s--C-CN], 51).N-氨基甲酰硫代羰基41乙氧基苯胺11。向氨基二噻唑8(0.1g,0.39mmol)在二氯甲烷(1 0 cm3)中的溶液中加入间氯过苯甲酸(0.2g,1.16 mmol)。将混合物在回流中搅拌15小时,然后用轻质石油乙醚(8:2)作为洗脱液通过柱层析法进行纯化,得到标题化合物11为黄色固体(0.042克,72%),mp 186“C(来自轻石油二氯甲烷)(发现:M,2 10.048 1.C9H 1+ N,O,S需要M,210.0462);~,,,(CCl,)/cm 1623、1601、1588、1517、1446、1395、1343、1312 和 1277;6,(270 MHz,CDCl,) 3.95 (3 H, s, OCH,)、7.13 (2 H, d, J 9.04)、7.19 (1 H, s, NH)、8.21 (2 H, d, J 9.04) 和 8.28 (2 H, s, NH,);m/z 210 (M' , 98%), 166 (M' -[CONHJ, loo), 135 (M+ -[CONH,, OMe], 9) 和 118 (M+ -[CONH,, S], 4).N-(Nuorophenyl)氰基硫代甲酰胺:一般程序 向冷却的(0“C)亚氨基二噻唑5a和5c(0.1g,0.405mmol)在二氯甲烷(10cm3)中的溶液中加入间氯过苯甲酸(0.07g,0.405mmol)。将混合物在 0°C 下搅拌 30 分钟,然后加热至室温超过 15 小时。用轻质石油乙醚(6:4)作为洗脱液的柱层析得到以下化合物。N-(2-氟苯基)氰硫代甲酰胺 12a.橙色固体(0.043克,5973,熔点81“C(来自轻质石油二氯甲烷)(发现:C,53.0;H,2.9;N,15.5。C,H5FN2S需要C,53.3;H,2.8;N,15.5);v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 2306(CN)、1710、1599、1521、1505、1487、1461、1422、1383、1266和1110;6,(270MHZ,CDC1,)7.18-7.45(2 H,m),7.67(1 H,t,J 8.19),8.50(1 H,t,J 8.19)和9.34(1 H,s,NH);m/z (200 “C) 180 (M+, 6%), 153 (M+ -[CN, HI, 100) 和 95 (M+ -[HN-C(S)-CN], 31)。N-(4氟苯甲基)氰硫代甲酰胺12b。橙色固体(0.027克,3779,mp 97“C(来自轻质石油二氯甲烷)(发现:C,53.0;H,2.9;N,15.6。C,H5FN,S需要C,53.3;H,2.8;N,15.5);v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 2306 (CN), 1606,1510, 1422, 1386 和 1113;6,(270 MHz,CDC1,) 7.1 1-7.21 (2 H, m), 7.31-7.41 (1 H, m), 7.84-7.99 (1 H, m) 和 9.36 (1 H, s, NH);m/z (200“C) 180 (M', 673,153 (M' -[CN, HI, 100) 和 95 (M' -[HN-C(S)-CN), 65).4硝基苯基异硫氰酸酯 14 向冷却的(0”C)溶液中加入N-(4-氯-5H-l,2,3-二噻唑-5-亚基-4-硝基苯胺)(0.1 g,0.37 mmol)在二氯甲基烷 (10 cm3) 中的溶液中加入 rn-氯过苯甲酸 (0.069 g, 0.4 mmol).将混合物在0 OC下搅拌30分钟,然后在15小时内加热至室温。1995年用轻石油4乙醚(6:4)作为洗脱液的色谱法纯化为J.CHEM.SOC.PERKIN译1995色谱法,标题化合物14(0.064g,90%)为橙色固体,mp 118“C(来自轻石油-二氯甲基烷)(lit.,5 mp 112-1 13”C);v,,,(CCl,)/cm-' 161 8, 1596, 1559, 15 19,1422, 1342 和 1266;6,(270 MHz,CDCl,) 8.07 (2 H, d, J 4.93) 和 8.33 (2 H, d, J4.75);m/z 180 (M', 9473, 164 (M+ -0,24), 150 (M+ -NO, 27), 134 (M+ -NO,, 62), 107 (M+ -[NCS, 01, 15), 90 (M' -[NCS, O,], 60) 和 76 (M' -[NCS, NO,], 12)。致谢 我们感谢 MDL Information Systems (UK) Ltd 和法国 Ministkre de la Recherche et de 1'Espace 的财政支持,感谢 Wolfson 基金会建立 Wolfson 医学科学有机化学中心,感谢 K. Emayan 先生的帮助和有益的讨论。参考文献 1 R. Appel, H. Janssen, M. Siray and F. Knoch, Chem. Ber., 1985,118, 1632.2 R. F. English,博士论文,伦敦大学,1989年;CW里斯,J.杂环。化学, 1992,29, 639.3 P. J. Dunn 和 C. W. Rees, J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. I, 1989,2489.4 参见J. E. Moore, US Pat., 4 059 590, 1977 (Chem. Abstr., 1978, 88, 50874)。5 P. Jacobson 和 J. Klein,Chem. Ber.,1893,26,2363。论文 5/01 528F 收稿日期 1995 年 3 月 13 日 录用日期 1995 年 3 月 20 日




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