首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Biological Control >Combined action of nuclear polyhedrosis virus and neem bitter against Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) larvae

Combined action of nuclear polyhedrosis virus and neem bitter against Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) larvae


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Laboratory experiments showed that neem bitter (0.1 ), an ethanol-soluble concentrate of neem oil cake when combined with nuclear polyhedrosis virus 5Xl0~5 polyhedral occlusion bodies (POBs/ml) along with crude sugar (1 ) caused a significantly higher mortality of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) larvae. The NPV-neem bitter-crude sugar combination recorded the shortest LT_(50). The enhanced action was seen even at a lower dose of neem bitter (0.025) with NPV (IxlO5 POBs/ml) and crude sugar (1). Without crude sugar, the NPV-neem bitter combination was not effective in increasing the mortality. The larval weight and growth rate were significantly reduced in NPV-neem combination.
机译:实验室实验表明,印楝苦(0.1 %)、乙醇溶性浓缩物印楝油饼与核多角体病毒[5Xl0~5多面体闭塞体(POBs/ml)]和粗糖(1%)联合使用时,可显著提高草地贪夜蛾(Fabricius)幼虫的死亡率。NPV-印楝苦糖-粗糖组合的LT_最短(50)。即使在较低剂量的印楝苦味 (0.025%) 和 NPV (IxlO5 POBs/ml) 和粗糖 (1%) 下,也观察到增强的作用。没有粗糖,NPV-印楝苦味组合不能有效提高死亡率。NPV-印楝组合的幼虫体重和生长速率显著降低。




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