首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied polymer science >Crystallization of crystalline/crystalline blends: Polypropylene/polybutene‐1

Crystallization of crystalline/crystalline blends: Polypropylene/polybutene‐1




AbstractThe crystallization, from molten blends, of polypropylene (PP) and polybutene‐1 (PB), two highly crystallizable, polymers, their interaction in the amorphous phase, and the resulting tensile mechanical properties were studied. The crystallization was followed by DSC, showing two separate PP and PB crystallization processes which are affected each by the presence of the other component. The crystallization temperature of PP is significantly affected only in PB rich blends whereas that of PB is affected in the whole composition range. The PP crystalline phase, acting as a nucleating agent, increases the PB crystallization temperature whereas the PP amorphous phase, acting as a high viscosity polymeric diluent, reduces the PB crystallization temperature. The first effect is dominant at low PP content, and the second one becomes increasingly effective with increasing PP content in the blend. The interaction between the two polymers in the amorphous phase was studied by applying dynamic mechanical analysis, in which a single glass transition was observed for the blends and its temperature was found to vary with the blends' composition. Tensile mechanical properties of blends were found to be more sensitive to thermal treatments, such as isothermal crystallization or annealing at elevated temperatures, than single component systems. Such thermal treatments enable better structured blends to be formed, resulting in mechanical properties with no abrupt changes in the whole composition rang




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