首页> 外文期刊>Compositio mathematica >Mixed motivic sheaves (and weights for them) exist if 'ordinary' mixed motives do

Mixed motivic sheaves (and weights for them) exist if 'ordinary' mixed motives do


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The goal of this paper is to prove that if certain 'standard' conjectures on motives over algebraically closed fields hold, then over any 'reasonable' scheme S there exists a motivic t-structure for the category DMc (S) of relative Voevodsky's motives (to be more precise, for the Beilinson motives described by Cisinski and Deglise). If S is of finite type over a field, then the heart of this t-structure (the category of mixed motivic sheaves over S) is endowed with a weight filtration with semisimple factors. We also prove a certain 'motivic decomposition theorem' (assuming the conjectures mentioned) and characterize semisimple motivic sheaves over S in terms of those over its residue fields. Our main tool is the theory of weight structures. We actually prove somewhat more than the existence of a weight filtration for mixed motivic sheaves: we prove that the motivic t-structure is transversal to the Chow weight structure for DMc (S) (that was introduced previously by Hebert and the author). We also deduce several properties of mixed motivic sheaves from this fact. Our reasoning relies on the degeneration of Chow weight spectral sequences for 'perverse etale homology' (which we prove unconditionally); this statement also yields the existence of the Chow weight filtration for such (co)homology that is strictly restricted by ('motivic') morphisms.
机译:本文的目的是证明,如果某些关于代数闭域动机的“标准”猜想成立,那么在任何“合理”方案 S 上,对于相对 Voevodsky 动机的范畴 DMc(S)存在一个动机 t 结构(更准确地说,对于 Cisinski 和 Deglise 描述的 Beilinson 动机)。如果 S 在场上是有限类型的,那么这个 t 结构的核心(S 上的混合动力滑轮类别)被赋予了具有半简单因子的权重过滤。我们还证明了某个“动机分解定理”(假设上述猜想),并根据其残基场上的半简单动机滑轮来表征 S 上的半简单动力滑轮。我们的主要工具是重量结构理论。实际上,我们证明的不仅仅是混合动力滑轮的权重过滤的存在:我们证明了动力 t 结构与 DMc (S) 的 Chow 权重结构是横向的(这是 Hebert 和作者之前介绍的)。我们还从这一事实中推导出了混合动力滑轮的几个性质。我们的推理依赖于周权重谱序列的退化,以实现“反常的同源性”(我们无条件地证明了这一点);该陈述还产生了这种(共)同源性存在 Chow 权重过滤,该同源性受到 ('motivic') 形态的严格限制。




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