首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied polymer science >Peel adhesion apparatus using the compound pendulum and its practical performance

Peel adhesion apparatus using the compound pendulum and its practical performance




AbstractAn apparatus for measuring the peel adhesion behavior is developed on the basis of the circular motion of the compound pendulum. The peel force versus peel rate characteristics at the increasing and decreasing rates of peeling can be measured in a half cycle of rotation of the pendulum. A personal computer plays the important roles of operating the automated apparatus and processing data in real time. To test practical performance of the apparatus, the relation between peel force and rate of peeling was investigated for various pressuresensitive adhesive (PSA) tapes over a wide peel rate range. The respective curves in peel force versus peel rate in the increasing and decreasing rate processes are consistent with each other in the rate regions where cohesive or interfacial failures occur; while in the transition region between their failures, it appears that a peel hysteresis exists. Furthermore, the conventional testing under constant rate was repeated, and good agreement with the results from the present apparatus was obtained.
机译:摘要 一种基于复合摆圆周运动的剥离粘附行为测量装置。剥离速率增加和降低时剥离力与剥离速率特性可以在钟摆旋转的半个周期内测量。个人计算机在操作自动化设备和实时处理数据方面发挥着重要作用。为了测试该设备的实际性能,研究了各种压敏胶(PSA)胶带在较宽的剥离速率范围内剥离力与剥离速率之间的关系。在发生内聚或界面破坏的速率区域,增加和减少速率过程中剥离力与剥离速率的曲线彼此一致;在它们失效之间的过渡区域中,似乎存在剥离滞后。此外,在恒定速率下重复常规测试,获得了与本装置结果较好的一致性。




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