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Effects of immersion salinity on the food properties of shucked oysters


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The effects of immersion salinity on the food properties water content, salinity, and free amino acid (FAA) content of shucked oysters were analyzed. Results of a laboratory immersion experiment suggested that the molluscous parts (other than the adductor muscle) swelled in lower salinity and shrank in higher salinity. Higher FAA content was observed in oysters immersed in higher-salinity water. In the adductor muscle, water content increased and FAA content decreased markedly following immersion, regardless of salinity, probably because of intake of immersion fluid and leakage of FAAs across the cut end of the adductor muscle. Immersion salinity ranged from 0.17 to 1.54 in shucked oyster products on the retail market. Tissue salinity was strongly correlated with immersion salinity (r = 0.904), and tissue water content was correlated negatively with immersion salinity (r = -0.668). In addition, total FAA and taurine content of oysters were correlated with immersion salinity (r = 0.629 and 0.865, respectively). These results clearly indicate that immersion salinity is an important factor affecting the food components of shucked oysters
机译:分析浸泡盐度对去壳牡蛎食物性状(含水量、盐度和游离氨基酸(FAA)含量)的影响。实验室浸泡实验的结果表明,软体动物部分(内收肌除外)在较低盐度下膨胀,在较高盐度下收缩。浸泡在高盐度水中的牡蛎中观察到较高的FAA含量。在内收肌中,无论盐度如何,浸泡后含水量增加,FAA含量显着降低,这可能是由于浸入液和FAA泄漏穿过内收肌的切端。零售市场上去壳牡蛎产品的浸泡盐度范围为0.17%至1.54%。组织盐度与浸泡盐度强相关(r = 0.904),组织含水量与浸泡盐度呈负相关(r = -0.668)。此外,牡蛎的总FAA和牛磺酸含量与浸泡盐度相关(r = 0.629和0.865)。这些结果清楚地表明,浸泡盐度是影响去壳牡蛎食物成分的重要因素




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