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Association Between Method of Delivery and Maternal Rehospitalization




Although there are nearly 4 million deliveries in the United States each year, too little is known about unintended consequences of childbirth, especially as related to the method of delivery. The present study is the first US population-based study to specify the risk of maternal postpartum readmission to the hospital in relation to method of delivery and was performed in a large group of primiparous women not known to have any high-risk medical condition. The retrospective study included more than a quarter million (256,795) women who delivered live singleton infants in short-stay hospitals in Washington State during the years 1987–1996.The 3149 women rehospitalized within 2 months after delivery represented 1.2 percent of the study population. Uterine infection and postpartum bleeding were the most common reasons, followed by gallbladder disease, genitourinary complications, breast infection, wounds from obstetrical surgery, mental health considerations, and cardiopulmonary complications. Multivariate analysis adjusting for maternal age showed that women having a cesarean delivery were nearly twice as likely to be readmitted than those having spontaneous vaginal deliveries; the relative risk (RR) was 1.8. Assisted vaginal delivery also increased the risk (RR, 1.3). The hospital stay was longer after operative delivery than spontaneous vaginal delivery. Uterine infection, gallbladder disease, and genitourinary disorders were among the prominent indications for readmission in women having cesarean delivery. Surgical wound infection was a very prominent occurrence in this group. Postpartum bleeding was a factor in women delivering vaginally, whether spontaneously or with assistance. The investigators conclude that high priority should be given to developing strategies for preventing and controlling peripartum infection in women who undergo cesarean or assisted vaginal delivery.JAMA 2000;283:2411–2416
机译:尽管美国每年有近 400 万分娩,但人们对分娩的意外后果知之甚少,尤其是与分娩方法有关的后果。本研究是美国第一项基于人群的研究,旨在确定产妇产后再入院风险与分娩方法有关,并在一大群不知道有任何高危疾病的初产妇中进行。回顾性研究包括超过二十五万(256,795)名妇女,她们在1987年至1996年期间在华盛顿州的短期医院分娩活的单胎婴儿,3149名妇女在分娩后2个月内再次住院,占研究人口的1.2%。子宫感染和产后出血是最常见的原因,其次是胆囊疾病、泌尿生殖系统并发症、乳房感染、产科手术伤口、心理健康考虑和心肺并发症。调整产妇年龄的多变量分析显示,剖宫产妇女再次入院的可能性几乎是自然阴道分娩妇女的两倍;相对风险(RR)为1.8。辅助阴道分娩也增加了风险(RR,1.3)。手术分娩后的住院时间比自然阴道分娩更长。子宫感染、胆囊疾病和泌尿生殖系统疾病是剖宫产妇女再入院的主要适应证。手术伤口感染是该组中非常突出的发生。产后出血是产妇阴道分娩的一个因素,无论是自发分娩还是在辅助下分娩。研究人员得出结论,应高度重视制定预防和控制接受剖宫产或辅助阴道分娩的妇女围产期感染的策略。美国医学会杂志 2000;283&冒号;2411–2416




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