首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry of Materials: A Publication of the American Chemistry Society >Li(H2O)_(2-x)Zr2(PO4)_3: A Li-Filled Langbeinite Variant (x = 0) as a Precursor for a Metastable Dehydrated Phase (x = 2)

Li(H2O)_(2-x)Zr2(PO4)_3: A Li-Filled Langbeinite Variant (x = 0) as a Precursor for a Metastable Dehydrated Phase (x = 2)

机译:Li(H2O)_(2-x)Zr2(PO4)_3:锂填充朗贝因石变体 (x = 0) 作为亚稳态脱水相 (x = 2) 的前体

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Li(H2O)_(2-x)Zr2(PO4)_3 (x = 0) was synthesized under mild hydrothermal conditions. The crystal structure (single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) data: cubic, space group P2_13 (No. 198), a = 10.2417(1) A, V = 1074.28(2) A~3, Z = 4) contains a langbeinite-framework consisting of ZrO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra sharing common corners. H2O molecules (crystal water) occupy the large cages extending along the 3-fold axes, thereby completing the langbeinite-type structural arrangement: {(H2O)_2Zr2(PO4)_3}~- vs K2-Mg2(SO4)_3. The filled langbeinite variant is completed by additional Li~+ ions taking positions between two neighboring water molecules and via the formation of linear arrangements H2O···Li~+···OH2. The thermochemical properties of Li(H2O)_(2-x)Zr2(PO4)_3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 2) were studied by thermogravimetry- differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), as well as by isothermal annealing combined with powder XRD investigations. Above 200 °C, the crystal water of the cubic hydrate is irreversibly released and the dehydrated phase keeps the cubic host structure. The dehydrated phase is metastable and transforms exothermally to a stable phase (probably the α-phase; NASICON-type structure) during heating (dynamic, 10 °C/min) at ~970 °C. Depending on the maximum temperatures chosen for long-time annealing procedures (1180 and 800 °C, respectively) the α and β high-temperature phases (rhombohedral and orthorhombic, respectively) are formed, which undergo reversible phase transitions to the α' (~60 °C) and the β' low-temperature phases (~300 °C), respectively. Although the dehydrated cubic phase can be expected to show a high Li-ion conductivity, the metastable character of this phase will prevent any application without further stabilization of the crystal structure.
机译:在温和的水热条件下合成了Li(H2O)_(2-x)[Zr2(PO4)_3] (x = 0)。晶体结构(单晶X射线衍射(XRD)数据:立方,空间群P2_13(No.198),a = 10.2417(1) A,V = 1074.28(2) A~3,Z = 4)包含由ZrO6八面体和PO4四面体共享共角的朗贝因岩框架。H2O分子(结晶水)占据沿3折轴延伸的大笼子,从而完成朗贝因石型结构排列:{(H2O)_2[Zr2(PO4)_3]}~- vs K2-[Mg2(SO4)_3]。填充的朗贝因石变体是通过额外的Li~+离子在两个相邻的水分子之间占据位置并通过形成线性排列H2O···李~+···OH2的。采用热重-差热分析(TG-DTA)以及等温退火结合粉末XRD研究了Li(H2O)_(2-x)[Zr2(PO4)_3] (0 ≤ x ≤ 2)的热化学性质.高于200°C,立方水合物的结晶水不可逆释放,脱水相保持立方主体结构。脱水相是亚稳态的,放热转化为稳定相(可能是α相;NASICON型结构)在~970°C下加热(动态,10°C/min)。根据长时间退火程序选择的最高温度(分别为 1180 °C 和 800 °C),形成α和β高温相(分别为菱面体和正交正交相),它们分别经历可逆相变到 α' (~60 °C) 和 β' 低温相 (~300 °C)。尽管可以预期脱水立方相显示出高锂离子电导率,但该相的亚稳态特性将阻止任何应用,而无需进一步稳定晶体结构。




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