首页> 外文期刊>Palaontologische Zeitschrift >Carboniferous arachnids from the Graissessac Basin, Central Massif, France

Carboniferous arachnids from the Graissessac Basin, Central Massif, France


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Trigonotarbids and scorpions (Arachnida: Trigonotarbida, Scorpiones) are described from the Upper Carboniferous (Late Stephanian/Late Gzehlian) of the Graissessac Basin in the Central Massif outcropping in southern France. This is the first record of trigonotarbids and the first thorough description of scorpions from this locality. Trigonotarbids are an extinct order and the new fossils express a distinctly ornamented dorsal surface and lobed carapaces implicit of the so-called 'eophrynidassemblage'; probably a derived clade. Although closest to Eophrynidae, the character combination preserved precludes unequivocal assignment to any of the currently recognized families, but appears to be unique among trigonotarbids and prompts us to propose the name Aenigmatarbus rasteli gen. et sp. nov. to accommodate these novel specimens. The Graissessac scorpions are preserved in dorsal view only, but two distinct morphotypes could be recognized. These are tentatively referred to here as two typical Coal Measures genera: namely the mesoscorpion Eoscorpius sp. and the more derived orthostern Compsoscorpius sp., respectively.
机译:Trigonotarbids和蝎子(蛛形纲:Trigonotarbida,Scorpiones)描述来自法国南部中央地块露头的Graissessac盆地的上石炭纪(Late Stephanian/Late Gzehlian)。这是Trigonotarbids的第一个记录,也是对该地区蝎子的第一次全面描述。Trigonotarbids是一个已灭绝的目,新的化石表现出明显的装饰背表面和裂片甲壳,隐含着所谓的“eophrynidassemblage”;可能是一个衍生的分支。虽然最接近Eophrynidae,但保留下来的特征组合排除了对任何目前公认的科的明确分配,但在trigonotarbids中似乎是独一无二的,并促使我们提出名称Aenigmatarbus rasteli gen. et sp. nov。以容纳这些新标本。Graissessac蝎子仅保留在背侧视图,但可以识别出两种不同的形态。这里暂称它们为两个典型的煤测量属:分别是中蝎子Eoscorpius sp.和更衍生的正交Compsoscorpius sp.。




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