首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endocrinological Investigation: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Endocrinology >V?in? myllyrinne: The world's tallest acromegalic soldier on a postcard

V?in? myllyrinne: The world's tallest acromegalic soldier on a postcard


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Giants and dwarfs have been portrayed in postcards of the 19th and 20th century, sometimes standing beside to normal height people to emphasize their noticeably stature or disproportions (1, 2). An example is the autographed Austrian postcard (sent from Graz on March 21st, 1937) (Fig. 1) representing Vaino Myllyrinne (1909-1963), the tallest man in the world at that time ("Der groBte Mann der Welt" whose height corresponded to 1.5 times the height of a normal subject, as written in the front of the postcard), aside to a man of regular height. Typical acromegalic features (3), including tall stature, enlargement of feet, nose, lips and ears, and pronounced jaw and brow protrusion, are clearly visible. His parents and siblings were of normal height. At the age of 21, he measured 222 cm and weighed 197 kg and continued growing reaching a final height of 251 cm in his late thirties, suggesting the presence of secondary hypogonadism due to adenoma's compression on pituitary tissue.
机译:巨人和侏儒在 19 世纪和 20 世纪的明信片中被描绘出来,有时站在正常身高的人旁边,以强调他们明显的身材或比例失调 (1, 2)。一个例子是亲笔签名的奥地利明信片(1937 年 3 月 21 日从格拉茨寄出)(图 1),代表当时世界上最高的人 Vaino Myllyrinne(1909-1963 年)(“Der groBte Mann der Welt”,他的身高相当于正常人身高的 1.5 倍,如明信片正面所写),旁边是一个正常身高的人。典型的肢端肥大症特征 (3) 清晰可见,包括身材高大,脚、鼻子、嘴唇和耳朵增大,以及明显的下颌和眉毛突出。他的父母和兄弟姐妹身高正常。21 岁时,他的身高为 222 厘米,体重为 197 公斤,并继续生长,在 30 多岁时达到 251 厘米的最终身高,这表明由于腺瘤压迫垂体组织而存在继发性性腺功能减退症。




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