首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Synthesis and reactivity of 3-methylisoxazolo4,5-cpyridines

Synthesis and reactivity of 3-methylisoxazolo4,5-cpyridines




2190 J.C.S. Perkin ISynthesis and Reactivity of 3-Methylisoxazolo4,5-c pyridinesBy Giorgio Adembri,* Alfredo Camparini, and Fabio Ponticelli, lstituto di Chirnica Organica dell'llniversith,Siena, ItalyPiero Tedeschi, Centro di studio del C.N.R. sulla chirnica e la struttura dei composti eterociclici e loroapplicazioni, presso I'lstituto di Chirnica Organica dell'llniversith, Firenze, ItalyThe preparation of 3-methylisoxazolo 4,5-cpyridine and some derivatives is described. As expected, the 4-position of this system i s the most reactive towards nucleophiles.OF the four possible 1,2-benzisoxazole analogues with anitrogen atom in the benzene ring, only derivatives ofisoxazolo 5,4-bpyridine are kn0wn.l We report herea synthesis of 3-methylisoxazolo4,5-cpyridine (XIV)and the reactions of some of its derivatives.In this system, the presence of the isoxazole ringshould result in reactions with nucleophiles (Nu) beingfaster than those of the pyridine system, owing to-81 BIincreased stabilisation of negative charge over a seven-atom system. This stabilisation should be most effectivewas prepared from ethyl 5-ch1oro-3-methy1isoxazo1e-4-carboxylate (I); this was treated with diethyl sodio-malonate to give the isoxazolylmalonate (11), which, onhydrolysis (20 NaOH) , gave the isoxazol-5-ylaceticacid (111).The diester (IV), obtained by the action ofdiazomethane, reacted with concentrated aqueousammonia to give compound (V), whereas reaction withmethylamine afforded the methyl derivative (VI).Compound (V) can be obtained in a single step by theaction of concentrated aqueous ammonia on the malonateCompound (V) can exist in numerous tautomericforms. In the solid state a hydroxy-oxo-form (vco1 660 cm-l) is present; signals attributable to CH andCH, in the n.m.r.spectrum (CD,),SO (Table) show theexistence of an equilibrium mixture of tautomers. Themethyl derivative (VI) exists in the dioxo-form in thesolid state (vco 1690 and 1715 cm-l) and in CDC1,solution (CH, singlet in the n.m.r. spectrum), whereas in(CD,),SO a signal assignable to CH is also detectable.By heating compound (V) with phenylphosphonicdichloride, 4,6-dichloro-3-methylisoxazolo4,5-cpyridine(11) *when the leaving group (Le) is a t the 4-position, becausethe 4-substituted transition state, when written as (A),is expected to be more extensively conjugated than the6-analogue (B).6-Hydroxy-3-methylisoxazolo4,5-cpyridin-4( SH)-one(a) K.Bowden, G. Crank, and W. J. Ross, J . Chem. SOC.( C ) , 1968, 172; (b) U.S.P. 3,381,016 (Chem. Abs., 1968, 69,62122k); (c) Fr. P. 1,613,038 (Chem. Abs., 1969, 70, 106502a);(d) G.P. 2,216,087 (Chem. Abs., 1973, 78, 4 2 3 6 ~ ) ; (e) G.P.2,213,077 (Chem. Abs., 1973, 78, 4236q); (A T. Denzel and H.Hohn, Arch. Pharm., 1972, 305, 833; (g) G.P. 2,213,076 (Chem.Abs., 1973, 78, 16162a); (h) G.P. 2,237,765 (Chem. Abs., 1973,78, 136281k); ( 2 ) G.P. 2,301,267 (Chem. Abs., 1973, 79, 92212~);( j ) A. Sammour, A. Raouf, M. Elkasaby. M. Hassan, J. prakt.Chem., 1973, 315, 1176; ( k ) G.P.2,329,809 (Chem. Abs., 1974,80, 82964f).(VII) was obtained, along with a small amount of themonochloro-derivative (VIII). As predicted, compoundC I CI(VII) reacted with most nucleophiles to yield the cor-responding disubstituted products. The most reactivehalogen is that at the 4-position. The difference inreactivity is so great that the reaction can alwaysG. Adembri and P. Tedeschi, Boll. sci. Fac. Chim. ind.Bologna. 1965, 23, 2031975 2191be stopped at the monosubstitution stage. Thus, by theaction of hydrazine hydrate in dioxan at room tem-perature, we obtained the 4-hydrazino-derivative (IX),the tosyl derivative (X) of which decomposed underalkaline conditions to give the monochloroisoxazolo-4,5-cpyridine (XI), Indeed, vigorous conditions areusually necessary to obtain disubstituted products.state (vco 1 670 cm-l) and in methanolic solution, inwhich it shows an U.V.spectrum nearly identical withthat of compound (XVIII), obtained along with the 0-methyl isomer (XV), by treatment of the chloro-deriv-ative (XVII) with diazomethane. On the other hand,the isomeric chloro-derivative (VIII) exists always in thehydroxy-form; in the i.r. spectrum bands at 3 050 cm-lFormation of the dihydrazine (XII) needed anhydroushydrazine and brief heating.The structure of compound (XI) followed from itsn.m.r. spectrum. The position of the protons was con-firmed from the coupling constant, whose value is inagreement with J2,5 for pyridine3 and with J4,, for 3-methylisoxazolo4,5-~pyridine (XIV), obtained from thebistosylhydrazine (XIII) by alkaline degradation.Analogously, when compound (VII) was treated for 3h with sodium methoxide (4.5 mol.equiv), only themonomethoxy-derivative (XV) was isolated. The di-methoxyisoxazolo4,5-cpyridine (XVI) was prepared byprolonged heating of the dichloro-derivative (VII) witha larger excess of methoxide.The structure of compound (XV) was deduced fromits n.m.r. spectrum: the position of the ring protonsignal is shifted by 0.4 p.p.m., in comparison with thecorresponding proton of compounds (XI) and (XIV), inagreement with the presence of a $ara-metho~y-group.~Demethylation by acid of compound (XV) gives the 6-chloro-compound (XVII). The isomer (VIII) musttherefore be the 4-chloro-compound,Compound (XVII) exists in the oxo-form in the solidL.M. Jackman and S. Sternhell, in ' Applications of NuclearMagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry,'Pergamon, Oxford, 1969, p. 307.(CH) and 3 560 cm-l (non-bonded OH) are present.The strong band at 1 630 cm-l must be assigned to a ringvibration mode because it appears at lower frequencies00 / iin the spectra of solutions of carbon tetrachloride. Then.m.r. spectrum shows a CH signal unaffected by D20:therefore there is no appreciable conversion into the-CH2-CO- form. The U.V. spectrum is very similar tothat of the O-methyl derivative (XIX), which was pre-pared along with (XX) by treatment of compound(VIII) with diazomethane.The structures (XVIII)and (XX) were supported by conversion into the dione(VI) by hydrolysis.The assignment of structure (XIX) led us to theconclusion that compound (V), when treated withdiazomethane (1.3 mol. equiv.), gave the 6-methoxy-derivative (XXI), almost exclusively, since this wasH. L. Retcofsky and F. R. McDonald, Tetrahedron Letters,1968, 25762192 J.C.S. Perkin IN.m.r. data (60 MHz) (J in Hz; internaltetramethylsilane as reference)62.34s4.1 Obr,s a6.66s a11.20br,s a2.40s3.20brJs *4.30brJs a6.80br,s all170br,s a2.49s3.22s4.04s 02.66s8.08s2.72s7.44s2.67s6.74s c2.62s12.00br,s a8.97d7.92d) J4*7 o*82.62s8.70d7.46d) J4*72.62s8.95d2.62s4.03s7.49s2.59s4.00s7.06s2.47s3.91s, 4.01s6.63s2.63s3 .9 6 ~ ~ 4.06s6.31s2.49s6.99s2.60s3.94s7.08s2.67s4.01s6.67s2.64s3.77s6.26s2.63s3.63s6.62s2.40s3.88s6.14s2.42s3.31s3.97s6.28s2.67s3.46s3.98s6.85s12.75br,s a11.90br,sAssignment3-Me7-Ha7-H6- or 4-OH and NH3-MeNMe7-H,7-H6-OH3-MeNMe3-Me3-Me3-Me7-Ha7-H7-H7-H6-OH4-H7-H4-H7-H4-H7-H6-H4-H7-H6-H3-Me3-Me3-Me3-Me3-Me4-OMe3-Me4-OMe3-Me7-H7-H4-, 6-OMe7-H3-Me4-, 6-OMe3-Me4-OH and NH3-Me6-OMe3-Me6-OMe3-MeNMe3-MeNMe3-Me6-OMe4-OH and NH3-MeNMe6-OMe3-MeNMe6-OMe7-H7-H7-H7-H7-H7-H7-H7-H7-Ha Signal disappears on deuteriation. b The broad signalappears as a sharp singlet a t about 60 "C; on deuteriation twosignals appear at 3.07 and 3.22 which coalesce at temperaturesnear 60 "C and appear as a sharp singlet at ca.80 "C. C Signaldoes not disappear on deuteriation after 5 h.converted into compound (XIX) by phenylphosphonicdichloride.With an excess of diazomethane compound (V)afforded a mixture of 00- and NO-dimethyl derivatives,(XVI) and (XXII). Compound (XXII) was also pre-pared from the chloro-derivative (XVIII) with sodiummethoxide.EXPERIMENTAL1.r. spectra were recorded on a Perkin-Elmer 457 spectro-meter for KBr discs, unless otherwise stated. 1H N.m.r.spectra were recorded with a Hitachi-Perkin-Elmer R20 Binstrument. U.V. spectra were measured for solutions inmethanol with a Cary 14 spectrophotometer.Silica gelplates (Merck F,,3 were used for analytical and preparativet.1.c.Diethyl (4-Ethoxycarbonyl-3-methylisoxazol-5-yl)malonate(II).-To a suspension of diethyl sodiomalonate (0.793 mol)in dry benzene, prepared from diethyl malonate (127 g)and sodium hydride (18.9 g) in benzene (850 ml), a solutionof ethyl 5-chloro-3-methylisoxazole-4-carboxylate (50 g,0.265 mol) in benzene (50 ml) was added. The mixture wasrefluxed for 15 h, then evaporated and the residue wasdissolved in water. The solution, after extraction withether, was acidified to pH 4 with concentrated hydrochloricacid and again extracted with ether. The ethereal solutionwas washed with water, dried (N+SO,), and evaporated.The residual liquid was distilled yielding an oil (75 g, go),b.p.134-136' at 0.16 mmHg (Found: C, 53.6; H, 6.15;N, 4.5.Methyl (4-EthoxycarbonyZ-3-methylisoxazoE5-yl)acetate(IV).-The ester (11) (40 g, 0.128 mol) was refluxed for 2 hin aqueous 15 sodium hydroxide (635ml) to give the diacid(111) (19.8 g, 84). A sample crystallised from water hadm.p. 195-196O (decomp.) (Found: C, 45.5; H, 3.8; N,7.8. C,H,NO, requires C, 45.4; H, 3.8; N, 7.6). To asuspension of the diacid (111) (19.8 g, 0.107 mol) in ether(1 80 ml) , ethereal diazomethane (0.32 1 mol) was added.The solvent was removed and the residue distilled to give aliquid (18.85 g, 82.5y0), b.p. 89-92" a t 0.05 mmHg (Found:C, 50.95; H, 5.2; N, 6.65. C,H,,NO, requires C, 50.7;H, 5.2; N, 6.6); vex; (film) 1745 and 1725 cm-1 (CO).6-Hydroxy-3-MethyZzsoxazolo 4,5-cpyridin-4( 5H) -one(V).-A suspension of the ester (11) (50 g, 0.16 mol) inaqueous 32 ammonium hydroxide (300 ml) was kept atroom temperature for 12 h and then refluxed for 6 h.Theresulting solution was cooled and acidified to pH 3 withconcentrated hydrochloric acid to give compound (V) , whichwas filtered off, washed with ether, and dried (yield 14 g,53). A sample crystallised from ethanol had m.p.227-228' (decomp.) (Found: C, 50.7; H, 3.7; N, 16.7.C7H,N,03 requires C, 50.6; H, 3.6; N, 16.9); v max3 300-2 400br (NH and OH) and 1660 cm-l (CO); A,,265sh and 285 nm (log E 3.93 and 4.11). This compoundwas also prepared (82) from the diester (IV) in an analo-gous way.3,5-DimethylisoxazoZo4,6-c~yvidirre-4,6( 7H)-dione (VI) .-(a) A suspension of the diester (IV) (5 g, 0.0235 mol) inaqueous 36 methylammonium hydroxide (75 ml) wasrefluxed for 5 h.The resulting solution was acidified (pH3) with concentrated hydrochloric acid and kept overnightin the refrigerator to give the N-methyl derivative (VI),which was recrystallised from water and dried a t 90'C,,H,,NO, requires C, 53.7; H, 6.1; N, 4.5)1975(yield 2 g, 47); m.p. 136-137" (Found: C, 53.45; H,4.5; N, 15.85. C,H,N,O, requires C, 53.3; H, 4.5; N,15.55); vmx. 1715 and 1690 cm-l (CO); A,, 208, 250,and 289 nm (log E 4.21, 3.51, and 3.87).(b) A suspension of the chloro-derivative (XX) (0.2 g,0.001 mol) in N-sodium hydroxide (7 ml) was heated a t50 "C for 5 min.The resulting solution was acidified topH 3 with concentrated hydrochloric acid to give com-pound (VI) (0.15 g, 82.5). The product (VI) was alsoobtained (25) from the chloro-derivative (XVIII) in N-sodium hydroxide a t 80-100 "C (1 h).4,6-DichZoro- 3-methyl (VII) and 4-Chloro- 6-hydroxy-3-methyZisoxazoZo4,5-~~yridine (VIII) .-A mixture of com-pound (V) (7.6 g, 0.046 mol) and phenylphosphonic di-chloride (16.5 ml, 0.116 mol) was heated a t 160 "C for 3 hand,after cooling, poured into ice-water (330 ml). Afterdecomposition of the excess of phenylphosphonic dichloride,the solid was filtered off, washed with water, and treatedwith 0.5~-sodium hydroxide (170 ml) ; the insolubledichloro-derivative (VII) was collected, washed with water,dried, and sublimed a t 60" and 0.02 mmHg (yield 6.44 g,69.4); m.p.91-92" (Found: C, 41.4; H, 1.9; C1, 34.8;N, 13.7. C,H,Cl,N,O requires C, 41.4; H, 2.0; C1, 35.0; N,13.8); vmx. 3 080 cm-l (CH); LX. 213, 240sh, 248, 254,and 264sh nm (log E 4.41, 3.83, 3.94, 3.96, and 3.73).The mother liquors were acidified to pH 3 with concen-trated hydrochloric acid to afford the monochloro-derivative(VIII) (1.75 g, 21), which, after sublimation a t 110" and0.02 mmHg, melted a t 243" (decomp.) (Found: C, 45.3;H, 2.6; C1, 19.2; N, 15.2. C7H,C1N,02requires C, 45.55;H, 2.7; C1, 19.2; N, 15.2); vmX. 3 080 (CH) and 3 300-3 200br cm-1 (OH) ; 216, 247sh, 253,268sh, and 275 nm(log E 4.36, 3.68, 3.78, 3.77, and 3.78).(IX).-To a solution of the dichloro-derivative (VII) (2 g,0.009 85 mol) in dioxan (5 ml), hydrazine hydrate (1.90 ml,0.0395 mol) was added slowly with stirring.The resultantmixture was kept a t room temperature for 12 h. Thewhite precipitate provided compound (IX) (1.55 g). Treat-ment of the mother liquors with water afforded a secondcrop (0.25 g) of the same product (total yield 92). Crystal-lisation from benzene gave pure monohydrazino-derivative(IX), n1.p. 200-201 (decomp.) (Found: C, 42.25; H,3.35; C1, 17.85; N, 28.2. C,H,C1N40 requires C, 42.3;H, 3.55; C1, 17.85; N, 28.2); vmx 3 320, 3 240, and3 200-2 500br cm-l (NH, and NH) ; h,, 221, 286, and296sh nm (log E 4.30, 4.23, and 4.19).4,6-Dihydrazino-3-methyZisoxazoZo4,5-cpyridine (XII) .-To the dichloro-derivative (VII) ( 5 g, 0.0246 mol), anhy-drous hydrszine (15 ml) was added dropwise with cooling(ice-water bath).The mixture was then heated at 100-110 "C for 15 min, cooled, and diluted with water (30 ml).The precipitate was filtered off, washed with cold methanol,and recrystallised from methanol to give compound (XII)(4.3 g, goyo), m.p. 227-228" (decomp.) (Found: C, 43.4;H, 5.2; N, 43.1. C,H,,N,O requires C, 43.3; H, 5.2; N,43.3); v,,,,,. 3 360-2 700br cm-l (NH, and NH); A,,,232 and 295 nm (log E 4.29 and 4.14).The Tosylhydrazino-derivatives (X) and (XIII) .-To asuspension of the hydrazino-derivative (IX) or (XII) (0.01mol) in anhydrous pyridine (15 ml), cooled in ice, tosylchloride (1.2 mol. equiv. for each NH-NH, group) wasadded.After 12 h the solution was poured onto crushed ice.The oily product was washed with cold water and solidifiedon rubbing to a brown mass.6-Chloro-4-hydrazino-3-methyZisoxazoZo 4,5-cpyridine6- ChZoro-3-methyl-4-tosyZhydrazinoisoxazoZo a, 5-clpyridine(X) (75) was obtained after three crystallisations fromethanol; m.p. 175-176" (decomp.) (Found: C, 47.8; H,3.7; C1, 10.05; N, 16,O; S, 9.0. C14H13C1N,03S requires C,47.7; H, 3.7; C1, 10.05; N, 15.9; S, 9.1); , 220, 267,and 285 nm (log E 4.40, 3.96, and 3.88).(XIII) (75) was obtained by two crystallisations frombenzene-ethanol (1 : 4) (charcoal) and two further crystallis-ations from ethanol; m.p. 186-187" (decomp.) (Found :C, 50.4; H, 4.45; N, 16.8; S, 12.7. C21H22NB06S2 requiresC, 50.2; H, 4.4; N, 16.7; S, 12.8); A,, 227 and 285 nm(log E 4.64 and 4.16).Alkaline Decomposition of the Tosylhydrazines (X) and(XIII).-The hydrazine (X) or (XIII) (0.008 mol) andethylene glycol (16 ml) was heated to 160 "C.To the hotsolution anhydrous sodium carbonate (2.5 mol. equiv. foreach NHoNHTs group) was added. Heating was continuedfor an additional 60-120 s and the solution was thenrapidly cooled to about 100 "C and diluted with hot water(160 ml). The mixture was extracted with ether and theextracts were dried (Na,SO,) and evaporated. The crystal-line residue was purified by sublimation a t 60' and 0.05mmHg.6-ChZoro-3-methyZisoxazolo4,5-c~yridine (XI) melted a t106-108" (yield 68.6) (Found: C, 49.7; H, 3.0; C1,21.2; N, 16.4.C,H,C1N20 requires C, 49.9; H, 3.0;C1, 21.0; N, 16.6); vm, 3 100 and 3 090 cm-l (CH);3-Methylisoxuzolo4,6-c~yridine (XIV) melted a t 11 lo(yield 40) (Found C, 62.9; H, 4.55; N, 20.7. C,H,N,Orequires C, 62.7; H, 4.5; N, 20.9); v,, 3 075 cm-l(CH); Am= 232 and 265sh nm (log E 3.82 and 2.93).Reaction of the Dichloro-derivative (VII) with SodiumMethoxide.-The dichloro-derivative (VII) (2 g, 0.009 85mol) was added to a solution of sodium (1 g, 0.043 5 g atom)in dry methanol (200 ml). The mixture was refluxed for3.6 h and was evaporated to dryness in vacuo. The residue,treated with water, collected by filtration, and dried, yieldedchromatographically pure 6-chZoro-4-methoxy-3-methyZisox-azoZo4,5-cpyridine (XV) (1.85 g, 94.6).A sampleobtained by sublimation a t 60" and 0.02 mmHg had m.p.90-91" (Found: C, 48.6; H, 3.6; C1, 17.65; N, 14.1.C8H,C1N202 requires C, 48.4; H, 3.55; C1, 17.9; N, 14.1) ;v,, 3 110 cm-l (CH); Am, 211, 248sh, 252.5, 267, and273sh nm (log E 4.34, 4.02, 4.04, 3.84, and 3.78).The above reaction, carried out with more sodium (5.66 g,0.246 g atom) in methanol (100 ml) a t reflux temperaturefor 16 h, gave 4,6-dinzethoxy-3-methyZisoxazoZo4,5-cpyridine (XVI) (1.76 g, 92) as the only product (t.1.c.).This compound, after crystallisation from light petroleum(b.p. 75-120"), melted a t 96-97" (Found: C, 55.5; H,5.1; N, 14.2. C,H1,N,03 requires C, 55.7; H, 5.2; N,14.4) ; vmx. 3 115 cm-l (CH) ; Amx. 212 and 265 nm (log E4.33 and 4.15).(XVII).-A suspension of compound (XV) (1 g, 0.005 mol)in concentrated hydrochloric acid (85 ml) was refluxed for2 h and poured into water (200 ml). A crystalline whiteprecipitate was collected which yielded the chlovo-derivative(XVII) (0.6 g, 65y0), m.p.293" (decomp.) (from ethanol)(Found: C, 45.5; H, 2.8; C1, 19.2; N, 15.1. C7H5C1N,0,requires C, 45.5; H, 2.7; C1, 19.2; N, 15.2); vma, 3 100(CH), 3 000-2 lOObr (NH) and 1 670 cm-l (CO) ; A,, 208,253, and 290 nm (log E 4.12, 3.83, and 3.95).3-Methyl-4,6-bistosyZhydrazinoisoxazolo4,5-cpyridine210 and 241 nm (log E 4.40 and 3.89).6-ChZoro- 3-methyZisoxazoZo 4,5-cpyridin-4 (5H) -onJ.C.S. Perkin I6-Methoxy-3-methyZisoxazoZo4,5-c~yridin-4( 5H) -one(XXI) .-Ethereal diazomethane (0.008 mol) was added to asuspension of compound (V) (1 g, 0.006 mol) in ether (25 ml).After 12 h the solid was filtered off t.l.c.of the etherealsolution showed the presence of small amounts of com-pounds (XVI) and (XXII) and recrystallised from ethanol(charcoal) to give the methoxy-derivative (XXI) (0.8 g, 74y0),m.p. 250" (decomp.) (Found: C, 53.5; H, 4.5; N, 15.45.C,H,N,O, requires C, 53,3; H, 4.5; N, 15.55); vmk 3 135(CH), 3 050-2 300br (NH) and 1 665 cm-l (CO); Lk 257and 282 nm (log E 3.99 and 4.07).(XIX).-A mixture of the methoxy-derivative (XXI) (0.5 g,0.0028 mol) and phenylphosphonic dichloride (0.51 ml,0.003 58 mol) was heated at 160 "C for 3 h and, after cooling,poured into ice-water (30 ml). After decomposition of theexcess of phenylphosphonic dichloride, the solid was filteredoff, washed with aqueous 5 sodium hydrogen carbonateand then with water, dried, and sublimed at 50" and 0.03mmHg to give the chloro-derivative (XIX) (0.36 g, 64.8y0),m.p.117-118" (Found: C, 48.6; H, 3.5; C1, 17.9; N,14.1. C8H,C1N,O, requires C, 48.4; H, 3.55; C1, 17.9; N,14.1); vmx. 3 110 cm-l (CH); A,, 216, 247sh, 254,258sh, and 277 nm (log E 4.43, 3.77, 3.85, 3.83, and 3.83).Treatment of the Methoxy-derivative (XXI) with Diazo-methane.-Ethereal diazomethane (0.0347 mol) was addedto a solution of the methoxy-derivative (XXI) (2.5 g,0.0139 mol) in methanol (80 ml). After 12 h the solutionwas evaporated and the residue (2.4 g) separated into twocomponents by preparative layer chromatography withlight petroleum (b.p.30-50")-chloroform (2 : 1 v/v) asdeveloper. The fastest running band gave the dimethoxy-derivative (XVI) (1 g, 37.1y0), identical (m.p. and i.r.spectrum) with the material described above. The secondband yielded 6-methoxy-3,5-dimethyZisoxazoZo4,5-c~yridin-4(6H)-one (XXII) (0.9 g, 33.4y0), m.p. 163-164" fromlight petroleum (b.p. 75-120°) (Found: C, 55.5; H,5.15; N, 14.4. CgH1,N,O, requires C, 55.7; H, 5.2; N,14.4y0); vmX 3 090 (CH) and 1 690 cm-l (CO); A,, 204,4-Chloro-6-methoxy- 3-methylisoxazoZo4,5-c~yridine257, and 283 nm (log E 4.22, 3.93, and 4.06). This product(20) was also obtained from the chloro-derivative (XVIII)(0.001 mol) and sodium methoxide (0.004 mol) in methanol(10 ml) at reflux temperature (10 h).Treatment of the Chloro-derivative (VIII) with Diazo-methane.-Ethereal diazomethane (0.007 58 mol) was addedto a suspension of the chloro-derivative (VIII) (0.7 g,0.0038 mol) in ether (20 ml).After 12 h the solid wasfiltered off, washed with a small amount of ether, andrecrystallised from carbon tetrachloride to give 4-chZoro-3,5-dimethyZisoxazoZo4.5-cpyridin-6(5H)-o~e (XX) (0.2g, 26.3), m.p. 223-224" (decomp.) (Found: C, 48.4;H, 3.4; C1, 18.1; N, 14.0. C,H,C1N202 requires C, 48.4;H, 3.5; C1, 17.9; N, 14.1); v,, 3 060 (CH) and 1 67Ocm-1(CO): A,, 225, 257sh, 263, and 336 nm (log E 4.45, 3.56,3.63, and 3.76). The mother liquors were evaporated andthe resulting solid sublimed to give the methoxy-derivative(XIX) (0.450 g, 59.6y0), identical (m.p. and i.r. spectrum)with the material described above.Treatment of the Chloro-derivative (XVII) with Diazo-methane.-Ethereal diazomethane (0.0065 mol) was addedto a suspension of the chloro-derivative (XVII) (0.6 g,0.003 25 mol) in ether (20 ml). After 12 h the solid wasfiltered off and crystallised from light petroleum (b.p.75-120") to give 6-chZoro-3,5-dimethyZisoxuzoZo4,5-cpyri-din-4(5H)-one (XVIII) (0.2 g, 31y0), m.p. 162-163"(Found: C, 48.2; H, 3.5; C1, 18.0; N, 14.2. C,H,ClN,O,requires C, 48.4; H, 3.5; C1, 17.9; N, 14.1); v,, 3 080(CH) and 1 675 cm-l (CO) ; hx 212, 252, and 295 nm (log E4.1, 3.74, and 3.98). The mother liquors were evaporatedto give a mixture which was sublimed at 50" and 0.05 mmHgto afford the methoxy-derivative (XV) (0.20 g, 31). Theresidue (0.17 g, 26) was compound (XVIII).This work was supported by a grant from the ConsiglioNazionale delle Ricerche, Rome. We are grateful to Dr.L. J. Mazza for the analytical data and to Dr. E. Belgoderefor the U.V. spectra.5/298 Received, 13th February, 1975
机译:2190 J.C.S. Perkin I3-甲基异噁唑并[4,5-c]吡啶的合成和反应性作者:Giorgio Adembri,* Alfredo Camparini, and Fabio Ponticelli, lstituto di Chirnica Organica dell'llniversith,Siena, ItalyPiero Tedeschi, Centro di studio del C.N.R. sulla chirnica e la struttura dei composti eterociclici e loroapplicazioni, presso I'lstituto di Chirnica Organica dell'llniversith, Firenze, Italy描述了3-甲基异噁唑并[4,5-c]吡啶和一些衍生物的制备。正如预期的那样,该系统的 4 位对亲核试剂的反应性最强。在苯环中与氮原子的四种可能的1,2-苯并异噁唑类似物中,只有异噁唑并[5,4-b]吡啶的衍生物是kn0wn.l 我们在这里报告了3-甲基异噁唑并[4,5-c]吡啶(XIV)的合成及其一些衍生物的反应。在该系统中,异噁唑环的存在应导致与亲核试剂 (Nu) 的反应比吡啶系统的反应快,因为 -81 BI在七原子系统上增加了负电荷的稳定性。这种稳定应该是最有效的由5-ch1oro-3-methy1isooxazo1e-4-carboxylate(I)制备;用二乙二醇丙二酸二乙酯处理,得到异噁唑基丙二酸酯(11),水解(20%NaOH)得到异噁唑-5-乙酸(111)。通过重氮甲烷作用得到的二酯(IV)与浓氨水反应生成化合物(V),而与甲胺反应生成甲基衍生物(VI)。化合物(V)可以通过浓缩氨水对丙二酸盐的作用一步得到化合物(V)可以存在于许多互变异构中。在固态下,存在羟基氧代形式(vco1 660 cm-l);在n.m.r.谱[(CD,),SO](表)中可归因于CH和CH的信号显示存在互变异构体的平衡混合物。甲基衍生物 (VI) 以固态(vco 1690 和 1715 cm-l)和 CDC1 溶液(CH,n.m.r.光谱中的单线态)的二氧代形式存在,而在 (CD,) 中,SO 中也可检测到可分配给 CH 的信号。通过将化合物(V)与苯基膦酰二氯,4,6-二氯-3-甲基异噁唑并[4,5-c]吡啶(11)*当离去基团(Le)为4位时,因为4取代的过渡态,当写为(A)时,预计比6-类似物(B)更广泛地共轭。 J .化学 SOC.( C ) , 1968, 172;(b) U.S.P. 3,381,016 (Chem. Abs., 1968, 69,62122k);(c) Fr. P. 1,613,038 (Chem. Abs., 1969, 70, 106502a);(d) G.P. 2,216,087 (Chem. Abs., 1973, 78, 4 2 3 6 ~ ) ;(e) G.P.2,213,077 (Chem. Abs., 1973, 78, 4236q);(A T. Denzel 和 H.Hohn, Arch. Pharm., 1972, 305, 833;(g) G.P. 2,213,076 (Chem.Abs., 1973, 78, 16162a);(h) G.第 2,237,765 页(Chem. Abs., 1973,78, 136281k);( 2 ) G.P. 2,301,267 (Chem. Abs., 1973, 79, 92212~);( j ) A. Sammour, A. Raouf, M. Elkasaby.M. Hassan, J. prakt.Chem., 1973, 315, 1176;( k ) G.P.2,329,809 (Chem. Abs., 1974,80, 82964f)。(VII)与少量的一氯衍生物(VIII)一起获得。正如预测的那样,化合物C I CI(VII)与大多数亲核试剂反应,产生相应的响应二取代产物。反应性最强的卤素是 4 位的卤素。差异不反应性如此之大,以至于反应总是可以G。Adembri 和 P. Tedeschi,波尔。Fac. Chim.工业。博洛尼亚。1965, 23, 2031975 2191be 停止在单替换阶段。因此,通过水合肼在二恶烷中室温的作用,我们得到了4-肼衍生物(IX),其甲苯磺酰基衍生物(X)在碱下分解得到一氯异噁唑并[4,5-c]吡啶(XI), 事实上,通常需要严格的条件才能获得二取代产物(vco 1 670 cm-l)和甲醇溶液,其中它显示出与化合物(XVIII)几乎相同的紫外线光谱, 与0-甲基异构体(XV)一起,通过用重氮甲烷处理氯衍生物(XVII)获得。另一方面,异构体氯衍生物(VIII)始终以羟基形式存在;在3 050 cm-l处的I.R.谱带中形成二肼(XII)需要无水肼和短暂的加热。化合物(XI)的结构来自itsn.m.r。光谱。质子的位置由偶联常数确定,其值与吡啶3的J2,5和3-甲基异噁唑并[4,5-~]吡啶(XIV)的J4不一致,通过碱性降解从双噁基肼(XIII)获得。类似地,当化合物(VII)用甲醇钠(4.5mol.equiv)处理3h时,仅分离出甲氧基衍生物(XV)。二甲氧基异噁唑并[4,5-c]吡啶(XVI)是用过量甲醇较大的二氯衍生物(VII)长时间加热制备的。化合物(XV)的结构从其n.m.r.谱中推导出来:环形质子信号的位置偏移了0.4 p.p.m.,与化合物(XI)和(XIV)的相应质子相比,与$ara-metho~y-基团的存在不一致.~化合物(XV)的酸去甲基化得到6-氯化合物(XVII)。因此,异构体(VIII)必须是4-氯化合物,化合物(XVII)以氧形式存在于固体中。Jackman 和 S. Sternhell,在“核磁共振波谱在有机化学中的应用”,佩加蒙,牛津,1969 年,第 307 页。(CH) 和 3 560 cm-l(非键合 OH)存在。1 630 cm-l 处的强能带必须分配给环振动模式,因为它以较低的频率出现在四氯化碳溶液的光谱中00 / i。然后.m.r.光谱显示不受 D20 影响的 CH 信号:因此没有明显转换为 CH2-CO- 形式。U.V.光谱与O-甲基衍生物(XIX)的光谱非常相似,O-甲基衍生物(XIX)与(XX)一起通过用重氮甲烷处理化合物(VIII)来制备。结构(XVIII)和(XX)通过水解转化为二酮(VI)得到支持。结构(XIX)的分配使我们得出结论,当用重氮甲烷(1.3摩尔当量)处理时,化合物(V)几乎完全得到6-甲氧基衍生物(XXI),因为这是H。L. Retcofsky 和 F. R. McDonald,Tetrahedron Letters,1968 年,25762192 J.C.S. Perkin IN.m.r.数据 (60 MHz) (J in Hz;内部四甲基硅烷作为参考)62.34s4.1 Obr,s a6.66s a11.20br,s a2.40s3.20brJs *4.30brJs a6.80br,s all170br,s a2.49s3.22s4.04s 02.66s8.08s2.72s7.44s2.67s6.74s c2.62s12.00br,s a8.97d7.92d) J4*7 o*82.62s8.70d7.46d) J4*72.62s8.95d2.62s4.03s7.49s2.59s4.00s7.06s2.47s3.91s, 4.01s6.63s2.63s3 .9 6 ~ ~ 4.06s6.31s2.49s6.99s2.60s3.94s7.08s2.67s4.01s6.67s2.64s3.77s6.26s2.63s3.63s6.62s2.40s3.88s6.14s2.42s3.31s3.97s6.28s2.67s3.46s3.98s6.85s12.75br,sa11.90br,sAssignment3-Me7-Ha7-H6-或4-OH和NH3-MeNMe7-H,7-H6-OH3-MeNMe3-Me3-Me3-Me7-Ha7-H7-H7-H6-OH4-H7-H4-H7-H4-H7-H6-H4-H7-H6-H3-Me3-Me3-Me3-Me3-Me3-OMe3-Me4-OMe3-Me7-H7-H4-、6-OMe7-H3-Me4-、6-OMe3-Me4-OH 和 NH3-Me6-OMe3-Me6-OMe3-MeNMe3-Me6-OMe4-OH 和 NH3-MeNMe6-OMe3-MeNMe6-OMe7-H7-H7-H7-H7-H7-H7-H7-Ha 氘化时信号消失。b 宽信号表现为一个尖锐的单线 a t 约 60 “C;在氘代时,两个信号在3.07和3.22处出现,它们在接近60“C的温度下合并,在大约80”C时表现为尖锐的单线态。用过量的重氮甲烷化合物(V)得到00-和NO-二甲基衍生物的混合物,(XVI)和(XXII)。化合物(XXII)也由氯衍生物(XVIII)与甲醇钠制备。除非另有说明,否则EXPERIMENTAL1.r.光谱是在Perkin-Elmer 457光谱仪上记录的KBr光盘。用 Hitachi-Perkin-Elmer R20 B仪器记录 1H N.m.r.光谱。使用Cary 14分光光度计测量甲醇溶液的UV光谱。硅胶板(Merck F,,3)用于分析和制备.1.c.(4-乙氧羰基-3-甲基异噁唑-5-基)丙二酸二乙酯(II).-到由丙二酸二乙酯(127g)和氢化钠(18.9g)在苯(850ml)中制备的干燥苯中的悬浮液(0.793mol),加入5-氯-3-甲基异噁唑-4-羧酸乙酯(50g,0.265mol)在苯(50ml)中的溶液。将混合物回流15小时,然后蒸发,残留物溶解在水中。用乙醚萃取后,用浓盐酸酸化至pH4,再次用乙醚萃取。空灵溶液用水洗涤,干燥(N+SO,),蒸发。蒸馏残液,得到油(75 g,go%),b.p.134-136',浓度为0.16 mmHg(发现:C,53.6;H,6.15;N,4.5.(4-乙氧羰基Z-3-甲基异噁唑E5-基)乙酸甲酯(IV).-酯(11)(40g,0.128mol)回流2h水溶液15%氢氧化钠(635ml),得到二酸(111)(19.8g,84%)。从水中结晶的样品hadm.p.195-196O (分解)(发现:C,45.5;H,3.8;N,7.8。C,H,NO,需要 C,45.4;H,3.8;N,7.6%)。为了将二酸(111)(19.8g,0.107mol)悬浮在乙醚(1 80ml)中,加入空灵重氮甲烷(0.32 1mol)。除去溶剂,蒸馏残渣,得到液体(18.85 g,82.5y0),b.p. 89-92“ a t 0.05 mmHg(Found:C,50.95;H,5.2;N,6.65。C,H,,NO,需要 C,50.7;H,5.2;N,6.6%);烦恼;(薄膜)1745和1725 cm-1 (CO).6-羟基-3-甲基Zzsoxazolo[4,5-c]吡啶-4(5H)-酮(V).-A悬浮的酯(11)(50g,0.16mol)含水32%氢氧化铵(300ml)在室温下保持12 h,然后回流6 h.将所得溶液冷却并用浓盐酸酸化至pH3,得到化合物(V) , 滤去,乙醚洗涤,干燥(产率14 g,53%)。由乙醇结晶的样品具有m.p.227-228'(分解)(发现:C,50.7;H,3.7;N, 16.7.C7H,N,03 需要 C, 50.6;H,3.6;N,16.9%);v max3 300-2 400br(NH 和 OH)和 1660 cm-l(CO);A,,265sh 和 285 nm(log E 3.93 和 4.11)。3,5-二甲基异噁唑并[4,6-c]~yvidirre-4,6( 7H)-二酮(VI).-(a)将二酯(IV)(5g,0.0235mol)不水的36%甲基氢氧化铵(75ml)的悬浮液回流5小时,将所得溶液用浓盐酸酸化(pH3),在冰箱中保存过夜,得到N-甲基衍生物(VI),用水重结晶并干燥 t 90'C,,H,,NO,需要 C,53.7;H,6.1;N, 4.5%)1975(产率2 g, 47%);m.p. 136-137“ (发现: C, 53.45;H,4.5;N,15.85。C,H,N,O,需要C,53.3;H,4.5;N,15.55%);vmx. 1715 和 1690 cm-l (CO);A、、208、250 和 289 nm(log E 4.21、3.51 和 3.87)。(b)将氯衍生物(XX)(0.2g,0.001mol)在N-氢氧化钠(7ml)中的悬浮液在t50“C下加热5分钟。将所得溶液用浓盐酸酸化topH 3,得到com-pound(VI)(0.15克,82.5%)。产物(VI)也由氯衍生物(XVIII)在N-氢氧化钠中得到(25%),一吨80-100“C(1小时).4,6-二氯-6-羟基-3-甲基齐噁唑并[4,5-~]~吡啶(VIII).-com-pound(V)(7.6g,0.046摩尔)和苯基膦二氯化物(16.5ml,0.116摩尔)的混合物加热160”C为3手,冷却后,倒入冰水(330毫升)中。过量的苯基二氯化膦分解后,滤去固体,用水洗涤,用0.5~-氢氧化钠(170毫升);收集不溶性二氯衍生物(VII),用水洗涤,干燥,升华60“和0.02 mmHg(收率6.44 g,69.4%);m.p.91-92“(发现:C,41.4;H,1.9;C1,34.8;N,13.7。C,H,Cl,N,O需要C,41.4;H,2.0;C1,35.0;N,13.8%);vmx. 3 080 cm-l (瑞士);LX. 213、240sh、248、254 和 264sh nm(log E 4.41、3.83、3.94、3.96 和 3.73)。母液用浓缩盐酸酸化至pH3,得到一氯衍生物(VIII)(1.75 g,21%),升华后升华110“和0.02 mmHg,熔化243”(分解)。(发现:C,45.3;H,2.6;C1,19.2;N,15.2。C7H,C1N,02要求C,45.55;H,2.7;C1,19.2;N,15.2%);vmX. 3 080 (CH) 和 3 300-3 200br cm-1 (OH) ;&& 216、247sh、253,268sh 和 275 nm(log E 4.36、3.68、3.78、3.77 和 3.78)。(IX).-向二氯衍生物(VII)(2g,0.009 85 mol)在二氧六烷(5 ml)中的溶液中,在搅拌下缓慢加入水合肼(1.90 ml,0.0395 mol)。将所得混合物在室温下保持12小时。白色沉淀提供化合物(IX)(1.55克)。用水处理母液可获得相同产品的第二茬(0.25 g)(总产量 92%)。苯结晶得到纯单肼衍生物(IX),n1.p。200-201 (分解)(发现: C, 42.25;H,3.35;C1,17.85;N,28.2。C,H,C1N40 需要 C,42.3;H,3.55;C1,17.85;N,28.2%);vmx 3 320、3 240 和 3 200-2 500br cm-l(NH 和 NH);h,, 221, 286, 和 296sh nm (log E 4.30, 4.23、和4.19).4,6-二肼基-3-甲基齐噁唑并[4,5-c]吡啶(XII).-向二氯衍生物(VII)(5g,0.0246mol)中,在冷却(冰水浴)下滴加氢嗪(15ml)。然后将混合物在100-110“C下加热15分钟,冷却,并用水(30ml)稀释。滤去沉淀,用冷甲醇洗涤,用甲醇重结晶,得到化合物(XII)(4.3 g,goyo),熔点227-228“(分解)(发现:C,43.4;H,5.2;N,43.1。C,H,,N,O 需要 C, 43.3;H,5.2;N,43.3%);v,,,,,.3 360-2 700br cm-l(NH和NH);A,,,232 和 295 nm(log E 4.29 和 4.14)。将甲苯磺酰肼衍生物(X)和(XIII).-将肼基衍生物(IX)或(XII)(0.01mol)悬浮于无水吡啶(15ml)中,在冰中冷却,加入甲苯磺酰氯(每个NH-NH基团为1.2摩尔当量)。12小时后,将溶液倒入碎冰上。用冷水洗涤油性产物,揉搓固成褐色物质.6-氯-4-肼基-3-甲基齐恶唑并[4,5-c]吡啶6-ChZoro-3-甲基-4-甲苯基肼基异噁唑Zo [a,5-氯吡啶(X)(75%)经乙醇三次结晶后得到;(发现:C,47.8;H,3.7;C1,10.05;N, 16,O;S,9.0。C14H13C1N,03S 需要 C,47.7;H,3.7;C1,10.05;N,15.9;S,9.1%);&、220、267 和 285 nm(log E 4.40、3.96 和 3.88)。(XIII)(75%)由苯-乙醇(1:4)(木炭)和乙醇的另外两次结晶得到;M.P.(英语:M.P.)186-187“(分解)(找到:C,50.4;H,4.45;N,16.8;S,12.7。C21H22NB06S2要求C,50.2;H,4.4;N, 16.7;S,12.8%);A,, 227 和 285 nm(log E 4.64 和 4.16)。将苯磺酰肼(X)和(XIII)的碱性分解-肼(X)或(XIII)(0.008摩尔)和乙二醇(16毫升)加热至160“C.To 加入热溶液无水碳酸钠(2.5摩尔当量NHoNHTs基团)。再继续加热60-120秒,然后将溶液迅速冷却至约100“C并用热水(160ml)稀释。用乙醚提取混合物,将提取物干燥(Na,SO,)并蒸发。将结晶线残渣升华a t 60'和0.05mmHg.6-ChZoro-3-甲基Zisoxazolo[4,5-c]~yridine (XI)熔化t106-108“(收率68.6%)(发现:C,49.7;H,3.0;C1,21.2;N, 16.4.C,H,C1N20 需要 C, 49.9;H,3.0;C1,21.0;N,16.6%);vm, 3 100 和 3 090 cm-l (CH);3-甲基异氧唑并[4,6-c]~yridine (XIV) 熔化 a t 11 lo(收率 40%)(发现 C, 62.9;H,4.55;N,20.7。C,H,N,O要求C,62.7;H,4.5;N,20.9%);v,, 3 075 cm-l(CH);Am= 232 和 265sh nm(log E 3.82 和 2.93)。将二氯衍生物(VII)与甲醇钠反应-将二氯衍生物(VII)(2g,0.009 85mol)加入到钠(1g,0.043 5g原子)的干燥甲醇(200ml)溶液中。将混合物回流3.6小时,并在真空中蒸发至干。残留物用水处理,过滤收集,干燥,得到色谱纯度的6-chZoro-4-甲氧基-3-甲基Zisox-偶氮并[4,5-c]吡啶(XV)(1.85g,94.6%)。通过升华获得的样品 a t 60“ 和 0.02 mmHg 的熔点 90-91” (发现:C, 48.6;H,3.6;C1,17.65;N, 14.1.C8H,C1N202 需要 C, 48.4;H,3.55;C1,17.9;N, 14.1%) ;v,, 3 110 cm-l (CH);Am、211、248sh、252.5、267 和 273sh nm(log E 4.34、4.02、4.04、3.84 和 3.78)。上述反应,在甲醇(100毫升)中用更多的钠(5.66克,0.246克原子)进行16 h回流温度,得到4,6-二氮氧基-3-甲基齐噁唑并[4,5-c]吡啶(XVI)(1.76克,92%)作为唯一产物(t.1.c.)。这种化合物在从轻质石油(b.p. 75-120“)结晶后,熔化了 t 96-97”(发现:C,55.5;H,5.1;N,14.2。C,H1,N,03 需要 C, 55.7;H,5.2;N,14.4%) ;vmx. 3 115 cm-l (瑞士) ;阿姆克斯。212 和 265 nm(对数 E4.33 和 4.15)。(XVII).-将化合物(XV)(1g,0.005mol)在浓盐酸(85ml)中的悬浮液回流2小时,倒入水(200ml)中。收集结晶白色沉淀,得到chlovo衍生物(XVII)(0.6 g,65y0),m.p.293“(分解)(来自乙醇)(发现:C,45.5;H,2.8;C1,19.2;N,15.1。C7H5C1N,0,要求C,45.5;H,2.7;C1,19.2;N,15.2%);vma, 3 100(CH), 3 000-2 lOObr (NH) 和 1 670 cm-l (CO) ;A、、208,253 和 290 nm(log E 4.12、3.83 和 3.95).3-甲基-4,6-双噁嗪异噁唑并[4,5-c]吡啶210 和 241 nm(log E 4.40 和 3.89)。6-ChZoro-3-甲基ZisoxazoZo [4,5-c]吡啶-4 (5H) -onJ.C.S.将Perkin I6-甲氧基-3-甲基Zisoxazo[4,5-c]~yridin-4(5H)-one(XXI).-Ethereal diazomethane(0.008 mol)加入到化合物(V)(1g,0.006 mol)的乙醚(25 ml)悬浮液中。12 小时后,过滤掉固体 [空灵溶液的 t.l.c.显示存在少量 com-pounds (XVI) 和 (XXII)],并用乙醇(木炭)重结晶,得到甲氧基衍生物 (XXI) (0.8 g, 74y0),熔点 250“ (分解)(发现:C,53.5;H,4.5;N, 15.45.C,H,N,O, 需要 C, 53,3;H,4.5;N,15.55%);vmk 3 135(CH)、3 050-2 300br (NH) 和 1 665 cm-l (CO);Lk 257 和 282 nm(log E 3.99 和 4.07)。(XIX).-甲氧基衍生物(XXI)(0.5g,0.0028 mol)和苯基二氯化膦(0.51 ml,0.003 58 mol)的混合物在160“C下加热3 h,冷却后倒入冰水(30 ml)中。过量的苯基二氯化膦分解后,滤去固体,用5%碳酸氢钠水溶液洗涤,然后用水洗涤,干燥,在50“和0.03mmHg下升华,得到氯衍生物(XIX)(0.36g,64.8y0),m.p.117-118”(发现:C,48.6;H,3.5;C1,17.9;N,14.1。C8H,C1N,O,需要C,48.4;H,3.55;C1,17.9;N,14.1%);vmx. 3 110 cm-l (CH);A、、216、247sh、254,258sh 和 277 nm(log E 4.43、3.77、3.85、3.83 和 3.83)。用重氮甲烷处理甲氧基衍生物(XXI)-空灵重氮甲烷(0.0347 mol)加入甲氧基衍生物(XXI)(2.5 g,0.0139 mol)的甲醇溶液(80ml)。12 h后,将溶液蒸发,残留物(2.4g)通过制备层色谱法分离成两种组分,并加入轻石油(b.p.30-50“)-氯仿(2:1 v / v)作为显影剂。运行最快的谱带给出了与上述材料相同的二甲氧基衍生物(XVI)(1 g,37.1y0)。第二条带产生6-甲氧基-3,5-二甲基齐噁唑并[4,5-c]~yridin-4(6H)-酮(XXII)(0.9 g,33.4y0),熔点163-164“ [来自轻石油(b.p. 75-120°)](发现:C,55.5;H,5.15;N,14.4。CgH1,N,O,需要C,55.7;H,5.2;N,14.4y0);vmX 3 090 (CH) 和 1 690 cm-l (CO);A,, 204,4-氯-6-甲氧基-3-甲基异噁唑并[4,5-c]~yridine257和283 nm(log E 4.22, 3.93, and 4.06)。本品(20%)也由氯衍生物(XVIII)(0.001 mol)和甲醇钠(0.004 mol)在甲醇(10 ml)中于回流温度(10 h)制得。将氯衍生物(VIII)与氯衍生物(VIII)(0.7g,0.0038mol)在乙醚(20ml)中的悬浮液中加入。12 h后滤去固体,用少量乙醚洗涤,用四氯化碳重结晶,得到4-chZoro-3,5-二甲基齐噁唑并[4.5-c]吡啶-6(5H)-o~e (XX) (0.2g, 26.3%), m.p. 223-224“ (decomp.)(发现:C,48.4;H,3.4;C1,18.1;N,14.0。C,H,C1N202 需要 C, 48.4;H,3.5;C1,17.9;N, 14.1%);v,, 3 060 (CH) 和 1 67Ocm-1(CO):A,、225、257sh、263 和 336 nm(log E 4.45、3.56、3.63 和 3.76)。蒸发母液,将所得固体升华,得到甲氧基衍生物(XIX)(0.450 g,59.6y0),与上述材料相同(m.p.和i.r.光谱)。将氯衍生物(XVII)用重氮甲烷处理。12 小时后,将固体过滤掉并从轻质石油 (b.p.75-120“) 中结晶,得到 6-chZoro-3,5-二甲基齐唑并[4,5-c]吡啶-din-4(5H)-酮 (XVIII) (0.2 g, 31y0),熔点 162-163”(发现:C,48.2;H,3.5;C1,18.0;N,14.2。C,H,ClN,O,要求C,48.4;H,3.5;C1,17.9;N,14.1%);v,, 3 080 (CH) 和 1 675 cm-l (CO) ;hx 212、252 和 295 nm(对数 E4.1、3.74 和 3.98)。将母液蒸发得到混合物,该混合物在50“和0.05 mmHg下升华,得到甲氧基衍生物(XV)(0.20g,31%)。Theresidue(0.17g,26%)为化合物(XVIII)。这项工作得到了罗马国家议会的资助。我们感谢 L. J. Mazza 博士提供的分析数据和 E. Belgodere 博士提供的 U.V. 光谱。[5/298 收稿日期: 1975年2月13日




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