首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied polymer science >Softener absorption by regenerated cellulose

Softener absorption by regenerated cellulose




AbstractThe absorption of glycerol solutions by cellulose regenerated from viscose has been studied over a range of glycerol concentrations up to 95. After corrections had been made for loss of moisture in handling, only very small differences between the concentration of glycerol in the film and the concentration of glycerol in the equilibration bath were found. The enrichment factor (defined as the ratio of glycerol concentration in the film to the glycerol concentration in the bath) was unity up to 16 glycerol, reached a maximum of 1.03 at approximately 25 glycerol, and fell to 0.96 at 95 glycerol concentration. We concluded therefore that glycerol and water are absorbed by gel cellulose in practically the same ratio as they occur in the bath solution and no preferential affinity for glycerol over water is evident. Two cellulose films of different degree of polymerization gave similar results. A redetermination of refractive indexes of aqueous glycerol solutions at 25° is included




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