首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >South African plant extractives. Part III. Helichrysin, a new chalcone glucoside from aHelichrysumspecies

South African plant extractives. Part III. Helichrysin, a new chalcone glucoside from aHelichrysumspecies




1976 1819South African Plant Extractives. Part 11I.l Helichrysin, a New ChalconeGlucoside from a He/iChrysum SpeciesBy Winifred G. Wright, Department of Chemistry, University of Natal, Durban, South AfricaLuteolin 7-glucoside, (-) -2-O-methylchiroinositol. and a new chalcone glucoside, helichrysin (1 ), have beenisolated from the flowers of a Helichrysurn species.THE genus Helichrysuin (Compositae) is recorded ashaving ca. 500 species, 200 of them (' everlasting flowers ')in South Africa. The chemistry of the flowers of avarietyidentified as being close to H. cooperi has now beeninvestigated.An acetone extract of the flowers gave the knownluteolin 7-glucoside, (-)-2-0-methylchiroinositol, and anew glycoside, helichrysin, m.p. 246" (decomp.) (C,,H,O,,, 2 H,O), A,, (MeOH) 360 nm, containing one meth-oxy-group T 6.12 (3 H, s).Helichrysin gave a paleyellow spot on a chromatogram, turning orange withammonia vapour, which indicated that it was a chalconederivative.Acidic hydrolysis of helichrysin gave three products :glucose (identified by paper chromatography and by thespecific reaction with glucose oxidase test reagent), achalcone aglycone, helichrysetin, m.p. 328-330" (de-camp.), A,, (MeOH) 358 nm, corresponding to 360 nmfor helichrysin, placing the sugar in ring A,3 and a flava-none Cl6HI4O5, m.p. 265".The U.V. absorption of the flavanone was similar to thatof naringenin (2), indicating a phloroglucinol-derived ringA in the chalcone. The wavelength (A,, 284 nm; cf. 289nm for naringenin) shows a difference in the A rings.There was a small shift to 281 nm on addition of alumin-ium chloride; a compound with a free 5-hydroxy-group shows a large positive shift with this reagent.*The compound was therefore 5-O-methylnaringenin (3).The position of the sugar in helichrysin was determinedby methylation with dimethyl sulphate, giving a productof m.p.178" (decomp.). This was shown to be fullymethylated by the lack of a spectral shift on the additionof alkali to the ethanolic solution. Acidic hydrolysis1 Part 11, K. H. Pegel and W. G. Wright, J . Chem. SOC. (C),1969, 2327.2 J. B. Harborne, ' Comparative Biochemistry of the Flavo-noids,' Academic Ress, London, 1967, p. 78.Ref. 2, p. 82, table 3.3.then gave a methylated chalcone, m.p.125", A,,(MeOH)333 nm, shifted to 390 nm on addition of sodium acetate,indicating a free 4'-OH group.5 This chalcone did notcyclise to a flavanone with acid and must therefore bemethylated at the 2'- and 6'-OH groups, which confirmsthat the free OH group, and hence the glucose residue inhelichrysin, is at position 4'. Helichrysin therefore hasstructure (1) and is 6'-O-methylchalcononaringenin 4'-glucoside. No evidence for the stereochemistry of theglucoside linkage has been obtained.EXPERIMENTALN.m.r. spectra were recorded with a Varian T60 spectro-meter for solutions in dimethyl sulphoxide (internal Me,Sistandard). 3I.p.s were determined with a Kofler hot-stageapparatus. U.V. spectra were recorded for solutions inmethanol (or 95 ethanol when too sparingly soluble).Extvaction.-Helichrysin.Helichrysum. flowers collectedat Umzinto, near Durban, were identified as Helichrysurn ps.aff. H. cooperi Harv. by Dr. 0. M. Hilliard of the NatalUniversity Herbarium, Pietermaritzburg. These weredried, milled, and extracted successively with hexane, ether,and acetone. The acetone extract was evaporated and theresidue (3.5 g ) boiled with water. On cooling, the filteredsolution gave yellow crystals (1 g) which after several re-crystallisations gave helichifysin (78 mg), m.p. 246" (decomp.)(from methanol) Found: C, 54.7, 54.7; H, 5.05, 5.1; m/e(base peak), 286.0828. C22H2,0,,,2H,0 requires C, 54.5;H, 5.8.(MeOH) 236, 272, 296sh, and 360 nm (log E 4.18, 4.12, 4.05,and 4.31), A,, (MeOH-NaOMe) 242sh, 269, 302sh, and382 nm (log E 4.26, 4.29, 3.98, and 4.30), AmX. (MeOH-,41C13)246~11, 274sh, 294sh, 322sh, 350sh, 370sh, and 396 nm (logE 4.43, 4.34, 4.30, 4.29, 4.32, 4.38, and 4.42), Lx.(MeOH-A1C13-HCl) 250sh, 274sh, 294sh, 322~11, 342sh, 362sh, and386 nm (log E 4.46, 4.38, 4.36, 4.34, 4.37, 4.40, and 4.44),Am, (MeOH-NaOAc) 270, 302sh, 322sh, 374, and 446sh nm(log E 4.48, 4.37, 4.36, 4.44, and 4.29)' Amxe (MeOH-NaOAc-H3B0,) 270, 286, and 350 nm (log E 4.28, 4.20, and 4.28); zCI6H,,O5 requires m/e 286.08411; M* 448,2.30 (1 H, S, H-P), 2.40 (1 H, S, H-a), 2.50 (1 H, 9, H-2J2.6q, €3-3 J3,5 2, J3.2 8 Hz), 3.20 (1 H, 9, H-5, J 5 . 3 2 J5.8 8 Hz),3.47 (1 H, d, H-3', J3/,5/ 2 Hz), 3.74 (1 H, d, H-5 J5/,3/ 2 Hz),2, J2,3 8 Hz), 2.65 (l H, q, H-G, Je.2 2, J6.5 Hz), 3.07 (l H,5.00 (1 H, s, glucosyl H-1), and 6.12 (3 H, s, ORIe).A cold water extract of theresidue from acetone extraction was taken nearly to drynessin vacuo.(- ) -2-O-Methylchiroinositol crystallised fromthe residue and was isolated with the aid of a little acetone.Sublimation gave diamond-shaped crystals, n1.p. 195",identified by X-ray crystallography (space group P2,, a =(-)-2-O-MethyZchiroinositol.8.7, b = 7.2, c = 6.7 A, p =Ref. 2, p. 90.5 T. J. Maybry, K. R. Markham, and M. B. Thomas, ' Sys-tematic Identification of Flavanoids,' Springer-Verlag, Berlin.1970, p. 228.6 ' Crystal Data Determinative Tables, ' U.S. Department ofCommerce, Washington, 3rd edn.. vol. 1, p.-M-97J.C.S. PerkinJ.uteoEin 7-glucoside. The residue from the first crystal-lisatian of helichrysin was extracted with ethyl acetate;evaporh;eion gave yellow crystals of luteolin 7-glucosideJm.p. 256O, identical (m.p., colour tests, u.v., and 1H n.m.r.data) with an 2uthentic sample.Hydrolysis of -Yelichrysin.-Helichrysin (10 mg), 6hydrochloric acid (22 ml), and enough methanol to causecomplete dissolution of the chalcone were heated on awater-bath for 1 h, cooled and set aside in a refrigeratorovernight. Helichrysetin (b'-O-methylchalcononaringenin)separated from the solution and crystallised from methanolin pale yellow needles (4 mg), n: p. 328-330" (decomp.).Testing with aniline acetate showed the absence of carbo-hydrate, and the colours in visible Xght and under U.V.light were the same as those for helichiysin, showing thatthe aglycone still had a chalcone structbre (Found: M',286.0828.Cl,H,,O5 requires A!?, 286.0841) A,, (MeOH)240sh, 256sh, 270,298sh, and 358 nm, Am, (Me9H-NaOMe)274, 330sh, and 408 nm, A,,, (MeOH-AlCl,) 210, 232sh, 272,298sh, 324sh, 374sh, and 416nm, Am=* (MeOH-AiCl,-HCl)198, 232sh, 260sh, 273sh, 294sh, 324sh, and 360 nn:, ADZ(MeOH-NaOAc) 266, 320sh, 386, and 430sh nm, Am=(MeOH-NaOAc-H,BO,) 255 and 368 nm. Extraction ofthe aqueous residue with ether gave 5-O-methylnaringenin(2 mg), m.p. 265" (from ether) (Found: C, 67.2; H, 5.0;A!?+, 286. C16H1405 requires C, 67.1; H, 4.9; M , 286),Ima, (MeOH) 284, 326sh, and 370sh nm, hmx. (MeOH-NaOiMe) 246, 280sh, and 320 nm, kx.(MeOH-AlCl,) 281,320sh, and 364 nm, A, (MeOH-AlCl,-HCl) 282, 320sh,and 362 nm, A,, (MeOH-NaOAc) 284sh, 322, and 380sh nm,h,, (MeOH-NaOAc-H,BO,) 284 and 332sh nm. Theaqueous residue from another, similar, hydrolysis wasextracted with ethyl acetate to remove aglycones and thencarefully neutralised with aqueous sodium hydroxide. Theresidue obtained by evaporation of the solvent and thoroughdrying was extracted with hot dry pyridine. The solventwas removed and the small residue dissolved in three dropsof water. This solution reacted positively to two differenttest papers employing glucose oxidase as a specific test forglucose (Clinistix, Ames Co., and Test Tape, Lilly Labora-tories).Methylation of Helichrysk-Dimethyl sulphate (0.5 ml),helichrysin (1 17 mg) , and anhydrous potassium carbonate indried acetone (170 ml) were refluxed until the yellow colouhad disappeared, and then set aside overnight.The potassium carbonate was filtered off and washed once with acetone. The colourless solution was evaporated under higlvacuum, and methanol was added to the residue. Palyellow crystals separated. Recrystallisation from methanagave the methylated compound (16.7 mg), m.p. 178' (decomp.), Lx. (EtOH) 243, 266, 284sh, and 330 nm (nochanged with addition of sodium methoxide). Under u.vlight, a solution in ethanol gave a brilliant fluorescent blucspot, which was unchanged on exposure to ammonia.4'-Hydroxy-2',4,6'-tri-O-methylchalcononaringenin.-Themethylated helichrysin (16.7 mg) was heated on a water-bat1with hydrochloric acid (6 ; 40 ml), with addition of ethanountil complete dissolution was achieved.Heating wa:continued for 7 h, and the solution was then set aside for tdays. Extraction with ether and crystallisation frommethanol gave fine long needles, m.p. 125O, (MeOH)243, 266, 300sh, and 333 nm, Am (MeOH-NaOMe), 243sh,256, 295sh, and 395 nm, A,, (MeOH-AlC1,) 243, 266,300sh, and 334 nm, A,,, (MeOH-AlCl,-HCl) 243,266, 300sh,334, and 410sh nm, Am (MeOH-NaOAc) 255sh, 264sh,290sh, 347sh, and 390 nm. Under U.V. light a spot of thesolution in methanol gave a brilliant fluorescent blue colour,changing to pale green on exposure to ammonia.Quantitative Hydrolysis of He1ichrysin.-A solution ofhelichrysin (20 mg) in hydrochloric acid (5; 50 ml) washeated on a water-bath for 2 h. T.1.c. showed hydrolysisto be complete. The solution was cooled, extracted withether and ethyl acetate to remove aglycones, neutralised,concentrated , and titrated against a standardised Fehling'ssolution. The precipitated copper(1) oxide was equivalentto 6.84 mg of glucose (Found: 34.2 glucose. C22H24010,-2H20 requires 37.3 for 1 mol. equiv. of glucose).I thank Dr. M. Laing and Mrs. P. Sommerville for thecrystallographic identification of ( -) -2-O-methylchiroino-sitol, Mr. H. A. Candy for collecting the Helichrysumflowers, Mr. H. A. Candy and Dr. K. H. Pegel for theirinterest in the research, the University for a research grant,and the C.S.I.R. for mass spectra.6/1737 Received, 10th September, 1975
机译:1976 1819南非植物采掘业。第 11I.l 部分蜡菊素,一种新的查尔酮来自 He/iChrysum 物种的葡萄糖苷作者:Winifred G. Wright,南非德班纳塔尔大学化学系木犀素 7-葡萄糖苷,(-) -2-O-甲基手皮肌醇。和一种新的查尔酮葡糖苷,蜡菊素(1),已从蜡菊属的花中分离出来。据记载,蜡菊属(菊科)大约有500种,其中200种(“永恒的花朵”)在南非。现在已经研究了与 H. cooperi 接近的品种花的化学性质。花的丙酮提取物得到已知的木犀草素 7-葡萄糖苷、(-)-2-0-甲基手皮肌醇和新的糖苷、蜡菊素,m.p. 246“ (decomp.)(C,,H,O,,, 2 H,O), A,, (MeOH) 360 nm,含有一个甲氧基 [T 6.12 (3 H, s)]。蜡菊素在色谱图上出现淡黄色斑点,变成橙色,氨蒸气,表明它是查尔酮衍生物。蜡菊素的酸性水解得到三种产物:葡萄糖(通过纸色谱法和与葡萄糖氧化酶试剂的特异性反应鉴定)、achalcone 苷配元、蜡菊素,m.p. 328-330“ (de-camp.),A,, (MeOH) 358 nm,对应于 360 nm 的蜡菊素,将糖置于环 A,3 和黄素无 Cl6HI4O5,m.p. 265”。黄烷酮的 UV 吸收与柚皮素相似 (2),表明查尔酮中存在间苯三酚衍生的环 A。波长 (A,, 284 nm;柚皮素的 289nm)显示 A 环的差异。添加氯化铝后,有小幅偏移至 281 nm;具有游离 5-羟基的化合物在该试剂下显示出较大的正位移*因此,该化合物是 5-O-甲基柚皮素 (3)。糖在蜡菊素中的位置是通过与硫酸二甲酯甲基化来确定的,得到m.p.178“(分解)的产物。由于在乙醇溶液中加入碱时没有频移,这被证明是完全甲基化的。酸性水解1 第 11 部分,K. H. Pegel 和 W. G. Wright, J .Chem. SOC. (C),1969, 2327.2 J. B. Harborne, 'Comparative Biochemistry of the Flavo-noids', Academic Ress, London, 1967, p. 78.Ref. 2, p. 82, table 3.3.然后得到甲基化的查尔酮,m.p.125“,A,,(MeOH)333 nm,加入乙酸钠后移至390 nm,表明游离的4'-OH基团.5该查尔酮不会与酸环化为黄烷酮,因此必须在2'-和6'-OH基团上甲基化, 这证实了游离 OH 基团,因此葡萄糖残基蜡黄素位于位置 4'。因此,蜡菊素具有 (1) 结构,是 6'-O-甲基硫铜素苷 4'-葡萄糖苷。没有获得葡萄糖苷键的立体化学证据。使用瓦里安 T60 光谱仪记录二甲基亚砜溶液(内部 Me,Sistandard)的实验性 M.R. 光谱。3I.p.s是用Kofler热舞台仪测定的。紫外线记录甲醇溶液(或95%乙醇,当溶解度太低时)的光谱。Extvaction.-Helichrysin.Helichrysum. 在德班附近的 Umzinto 收集的花朵被确定为 Helichrysurn ps.aff。H. cooperi Harv.平价 Dr. 0.彼得马里茨堡纳塔尔大学植物标本馆的 M. Hilliard。它们先后用己烷、乙醚和丙酮进行干燥、研磨和提取。蒸发丙酮提取物,将Theresidue(3.5g)用水煮沸。冷却时,过滤后的溶液得到黄色晶体(1 g),经过几次重结晶后得到解旋剂(78 mg),熔点246“(分解)(来自甲醇)[找到:C,54.7,54.7;H, 5.05, 5.1%;M/E(基峰), 286.0828.C22H2,0,,,2H,0 需要 C, 54.5;H,5.8%。(MeOH) 236、272、296sh 和 360 nm(log E 4.18、4.12、4.05 和 4.31)、A、、(MeOH-NaOMe) 242sh、269、302sh 和 382 nm(log E 4.26、4.29、3.98 和 4.30),AmX。(MeOH-,41C13)246~11、274sh、294sh、322sh、350sh、370sh 和 396 nm(logE 4.43、4.34、4.30、4.29、4.32、4.38 和 4.42),Lx.(MeOH-A1C13-HCl) 250sh、274sh、294sh、322~11、342sh、362sh 和 386 nm(log E 4.46、4.38、4.36、4.34、4.37、4.40 和 4.44),Am、(MeOH-NaOAc) 270、302sh、322sh、374 和 446sh nm(log E 4.48、4.37、4.36、 4.44 和 4.29)' Amxe (MeOH-NaOAc-H3B0,) 270、286 和 350 nm(log E 4.28、4.20 和 4.28);zCI6H,,O5 需要 m/e 286.08411;M* 448,2.30 (1 小时, s, h-p), 2.40 (1 小时, s, h-a), 2.50 (1 小时, 9, H-2J2.6q, €3-3 J3,5 2, J3.2 8 赫兹), 3.20 (1 小时, 9, H-5, J 5 . 3 2 J5.8 8 赫兹),3.47 (1 H, d, H-3', J3/,5/ 2 Hz), 3.74 (1 H, d, H-5 J5/,3/ 2 Hz),2, J2,3 8 Hz), 2.65 (l H, q, H-G, Je.2 2, J6.5 Hz), 3.07 (l H,5.00 (1 H, s, 葡萄糖基 H-1) 和 6.12 (3 H, s, ORIe)。从丙酮萃取中取出的特蕾西的冷水提取物在真空中几乎干燥。(-)-2-O-甲基手皮肌醇从残基中结晶,并借助少量丙酮分离。升华得到菱形晶体,n1.p。195“,通过X射线晶体学鉴定(空间群P2,,a =(-)-2-O-MethyZchiroinositol.8.7,b = 7.2,c = 6.7 A,p =参考文献2,第90.5页 T. J. Maybry, K. R. Markham, and M. B. Thomas, 'Sys-tematic Identification of Flavanoids', Springer-Verlag, Berlin.1970, p. 228.6 ' Crystal Data Determinative Tables, ' U.S. Department ofCommerce, Washington, 3rd edn.. 第 1 卷,第 1 页,第 M-97J.C.S. 页PerkinJ.uteoEin 7-葡萄糖苷。用乙酸乙酯提取蜡菊素第一结晶-利萨蒂安的残留物;蒸发;eion得到木犀草素7-葡萄糖苷的黄色晶体Jm.p.256O,与 2uthentic 样品相同(m.p.、颜色测试、u.v. 和 1H n.m.r.数据)。将-叶利素-蜡菊素(10mg),6%盐酸(22ml)和足够的甲醇水解以使查尔酮完全溶解,在水浴上加热1小时,冷却并放在冰箱中过夜。蜡菊素(b'-O-甲基硫铜素)从溶液中分离出来,从甲醇啉淡黄色针状物(4mg)中结晶,n:p.328-330“(分解)。醋酸苯胺试验显示没有水合碳,可见光Xght和紫外光下的颜色与解旋球蛋白的颜色相同,表明糖苷配基仍然具有查尔酮结构(发现:M',286.0828.Cl,H,,O5需要A?,286.0841)A,, (MeOH)240sh, 256sh, 270,298sh, and 358 nm, Am, (Me9H-NaOMe)274, 330sh, and 408 nm, A,,, (MeOH-AlCl,) 210、232sh、272,298sh、324sh、374sh 和 416nm,Am=* (MeOH-AiCl,-HCl)198、232sh、260sh、273sh、294sh、324sh 和 360 nn:, ADZ(MeOH-NaOAc) 266、320sh、386 和 430sh nm,Am=(MeOH-NaOAc-H,BO,) 255 和 368 nm。用乙醚萃取水残留物得到5-O-甲基柚皮素(2mg),熔点265“(来自乙醚)(发现:C,67.2;H,5.0%;一个!?+, 286.C16H1405 要求 C,67.1;H,4.9%;M,286),Ima,(MeOH)284,326sh和370shnm,hmx。(MeOH-NaOiMe) 246、280sh 和 320 nm,kx。(MeOH-AlCl,) 281,320sh 和 364 nm,A,% (MeOH-AlCl,-HCl) 282、320sh 和 362 nm,A,, (MeOH-NaOAc) 284sh、322 和 380sh nm,h,, (MeOH-NaOAc-H,BO,) 284 和 332sh nm。用乙酸乙酯萃取另一种类似水解的水性残留物以除去糖苷元,然后用氢氧化钠水溶液小心中和。用热干吡啶萃取溶剂蒸发和彻底干燥得到的Theresidue。除去溶剂,将少量残留物溶解在三滴水中。该溶液对使用葡萄糖氧化酶作为葡萄糖特异性测试的两种不同的测试论文(Clinistix,Ames Co.和 Test Tape,Lilly Labora-tories)。将蜡菊-硫酸二甲酯(0.5ml)、蜡菊素(1 17mg)和无水碳酸钾干燥丙酮(170ml)进行甲基化,直至黄色蒸粗气消失,然后静置过夜。滤去碳酸钾,用丙酮洗涤一次。将无色溶液在真空下蒸发,并向残渣中加入甲醇。淡黄色结晶分离。甲烷重结晶给甲基化化合物(16.7mg),熔点178'(分解),Lx.(乙醇)243、266、284sh和330nm(加入甲醇钠后无变化)。在紫外线下,乙醇溶液产生明亮的荧光斑点,在氨中暴露时保持不变.4'-羟基-2',4,6'-三-O-甲基硫磺酸菌素.-甲基化蜡菊素(16.7mg)在水-bat1上加热盐酸(6%;40ml),加入乙醇直到达到完全溶解。加热 wa:持续 7 h,然后将溶液静置 tdays。用乙醚提取和甲醇结晶得到细长针,熔点125O,&&(MeOH)243,266,300sh和333 nm,Am%(MeOH-NaOMe),243sh,256,295sh和395 nm,A,,(MeOH-AlC1,)243,266,300sh和334 nm,A,,,(MeOH-AlCl,-HCl)243,266,300sh,334和410sh nm,Am%(MeOH-NaOAc)255sh,264sh,290sh,347sh和390nm。在 U.V. 下在甲醇溶液中点燃一斑,呈明亮的荧光蓝色,暴露于氨后变为淡绿色。He1ichrysin.-蜡菊素(20mg)在盐酸(5%;50ml)中的溶液在水浴上加热2小时。T.1.c.显示水解完全。将溶液冷却,用乙醚和乙酸乙酯萃取以除去苷配基,中和,浓缩,并用标准化的Fehling溶液滴定。沉淀的氧化铜(1)相当于6.84mg葡萄糖(发现:34.2%葡萄糖。C22H24010,-2H20 需要 37.3% 的 1 摩尔当量葡萄糖)。我感谢 M. Laing 博士和 P. Sommerville 夫人对 (-) -2-O-甲基菊糖醇的晶体鉴定,感谢 H. A. Candy 先生收集蜡菊花,感谢 H. A. Candy 先生和 K. H. Pegel 博士对这项研究的兴趣,感谢大学提供研究资助,感谢 C.S.I.R. 提供质谱。[1737年6月10日 收稿日期: 1975-09-10




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