
HF, VHF, and UHF Systems and Technology

机译:HF、VHF 和 UHF 系统和技术

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A wide variety of unique systems and components inhabits the HF, VHF, and UHF bands. Many communication systems (ionospheric, meteor-burst, and troposcatter) provide beyond-line-of-sight coverage and operate independently of external infrastructure. Broadcasting and over-the-horizon radar also operate in these bands. Magnetic-resonance imaging uses HF/VHF signals to see the interior of a human body, and RF heating is used in a variety of medical and industrial applications. Receivers typically employ a mix of analog and digital-signal-processing techniques. Systems for these frequencies make use of RF-power MOSFETs, p-i-n diodes, and ferrite-loaded transmission-line transformers.
机译:HF、VHF 和 UHF 频段中存在各种独特的系统和组件。许多通信系统(电离层、流星暴和对流散射)提供超视距覆盖,并独立于外部基础设施运行。广播和超视距雷达也在这些频段运行。磁共振成像使用 HF/VHF 信号来观察人体内部,射频加热用于各种医疗和工业应用。接收器通常采用模拟和数字信号处理技术的混合。这些频率的系统使用射频功率MOSFET、p-i-n二极管和铁氧体负载传输线变压器。




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