
How to re-energize recycling progress


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Despite considerable interest and efforts to increase recycling since 1990, data from many states indicate a slowing or even decline in recovery levels. With progress lagging to meet recycling targets, many locales are evaluating the next steps. Growth in recycling in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, which has a goal of 46 percent recycling by 2000, has slowed and begun to stall since 1995. Based on the most recent figures available, the statewide recycling and composting rate in 1996 was 33 percent, and in 1997 it stood at 34 percent. This article summarizes one state's approach to the problem. Since this effort involved more than 50 national and regional experts and professionals in the development of the recommendations, the results also may be useful to other jurisdictions.
机译:尽管自 1990 年以来对增加回收利用有相当大的兴趣和努力,但许多州的数据表明回收水平正在放缓甚至下降。由于在实现回收目标方面进展滞后,许多地区正在评估下一步行动。马萨诸塞州的回收增长自1995年以来已经放缓并开始停滞不前,其目标是到2000年回收率达到46%。根据最新数据,1996年全州回收和堆肥率为33%,1997年为34%。本文总结了一个州对这个问题的处理方法。由于这项工作涉及50多个国家和区域专家和专业人员参与建议的制定,因此其结果也可能对其他司法管辖区有用。




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