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Consultant Perspectives on Weed Management Needs in Midsouthern United States Cotton: A Follow-Up Survey


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A survey questionnaire was sent to cotton consultants of Arkansas and Mississippi through direct mail and Louisiana and Tennessee consultants through on-farm visits in fall of 2011. The survey was returned by a total of 22 Arkansas, 17 Louisiana, 10 Mississippi, and 11 Tennessee cotton consultants, representing 26, 53, 13, and 38 of total cotton planted in these states in 2011, respectively. Collectively, the area planted to glyphosate-resistant (Roundup Ready(R), RR) cotton was 97, glyphosate plus glufosinate-resistant (Widestrike(R) Flex, WRF) cotton was 30, and glufosinate-resistant (Liberty Link, LL) cotton was 2.6 of the total cotton surveyed in 2011. Seventy percent of area in all states is still under continuous RR/WRF cotton. Average cost of herbicides in RR systems was $114 ha(-1) and in LL systems was $137 ha(-1). Across the states, cotton planted under no-tillage, conservation tillage, and conventional tillage was 31, 36, and 33 respectively, Of total scouted cotton. Area under conventional tillage increased and conservation tillage decreased in Arkansas compared with a previous survey conducted in 2006. Palmer amaranth, morningglories, and horseweed in the order of listing were the most problematic weeds of cotton across Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee. In Louisiana, however, morningglories were the most problematic weed followed by Palmer amaranth and common waterhemp. Glyphosate-resistant (GR) Palmer amaranth infested only 13 of scouted cotton area in Louisiana compared with 75 in the remaining three states, and consequently, hand-weeding to control GR Palmer amaranth is practiced on only 2.5 of total scouted area of Louisiana and 49 of the scouted area of the remaining three states. Hand-weeding added an additional $12 to 371 ha(-1) to weed-management costs. One-half (50) of the cotton consultants emphasized the need for more research on residual herbicides that can control GR Palmer amaranth effectively.
机译:2011 年秋季,通过直邮向阿肯色州和密西西比州的棉花顾问以及路易斯安那州和田纳西州的顾问发送了调查问卷。该调查由22名阿肯色州、17名路易斯安那州、10名密西西比州和11名田纳西州棉花顾问返回,分别占2011年这些州棉花种植总量的26%、53%、13%和38%。总体而言,抗草甘膦(Roundup Ready(R),RR)棉花的种植面积为97%,草甘膦加抗草铵膦(Widestrike(R)Flex,WRF)棉花的种植面积为30%,抗草铵膦(Liberty Link,LL)棉花占2011年调查棉花总面积的2.6%。所有州70%的面积仍处于连续的RR / WRF棉花下。RR系统中除草剂的平均成本为114美元公顷(-1),LL系统的平均成本为137美元公顷(-1)。在各州中,免耕、保护性耕作和常规耕作的棉花种植量分别占棉花总播种量的 31%、36% 和 33%。与2006年进行的上一次调查相比,阿肯色州的常规耕作面积增加,保护性耕作减少。帕尔默苋菜、牵牛花和马草是阿肯色州、密西西比州和田纳西州最有问题的棉花杂草。然而,在路易斯安那州,牵牛花是最有问题的杂草,其次是帕尔默苋菜和普通水麻。抗草甘膦 (GR) Palmer 苋菜仅侵染了路易斯安那州 13% 的棉田面积,而其余三个州的这一比例为 75%,因此,仅对路易斯安那州总侦察面积的 2.5% 和其余三个州的 49% 的侦察面积进行了人工除草以控制 GR Palmer 苋菜。人工除草使杂草管理成本增加了 12 美元至 371 公顷(-1)。一半(50%)的棉花顾问强调,需要对能够有效控制GR帕尔默苋菜的残留除草剂进行更多研究。




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