首页> 外文期刊>international archives of allergy and immunology >Discordant Expression of LFA-1 VLA-4α, VLA-β1, CD45RO and CD28 on T-Cell Subsets: Evidence for Multiple Subsets of ‘Memory’ T Cells

Discordant Expression of LFA-1 VLA-4α, VLA-β1, CD45RO and CD28 on T-Cell Subsets: Evidence for Multiple Subsets of ‘Memory’ T Cells

机译:LFA-1 VLA-4α、VLA-β1、CD45RO 和 CD28 在 T 细胞亚群上的不一致表达:“记忆”T 细胞多个亚群的证据



Several adhesion molecules and CD45RO have been reported to be upregulated on the cell surface of ‘memory’ T cells. Using triple-color flow cytometry, we compared the levels of typical ‘memory’ cell markers on peripheral blood T-cell subpopulations in a number of kidney transplant recipients, patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, newborn infants and healthy donors. CD45RO, VLA-β1 (CD29), VLA-5α (CD49e), LFA-1 (CD11a/18), and CD2 were found to be closely coregulated on CD4+ T cells, while regulation of VLA-2α (Cd49b), VLA-4α (CD49d) and CD44 was quite discordant. In CD8+ T cells, by contrast, multiple subsets of ‘memory’-type cells were distinguished. Unlike TCR α/β T cells, which expressed either high or low levels of LFA-1, TCR γ/δ cells all expressed high levels of LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18). Examination of T cells from kidney graft fine-needle aspiration biopsies during rejection revealed intragraft accumulation of ‘memory’-type T cells expressing high levels of CD2 and LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18). Regarding peripheral blood T-cell subsets, differences between patients and healthy controls were only o
机译:据报道,几种粘附分子和 CD45RO 在“记忆”T 细胞的细胞表面上调。使用三色流式细胞术,我们比较了许多肾移植受者、系统性红斑狼疮患者、新生儿和健康供体的外周血 T 细胞亚群上典型“记忆”细胞标志物的水平。CD45RO、VLA-β1 (CD29)、VLA-5α (CD49e)、LFA-1 (CD11a/18) 和 CD2 在 CD4+ T 细胞上密切相关共调控,而 VLA-2α (Cd49b)、VLA-4α (CD49d) 和 CD44 的调控则相当不一致。相比之下,在CD8 + T细胞中,区分了多个“记忆”型细胞亚群。与表达高水平或低水平 LFA-1 的 TCR α/β T 细胞不同,TCR γ/δ 细胞均表达高水平的 LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18)。在排斥反应期间对肾移植物细针穿刺活检的 T 细胞进行检查,发现移植物内积聚了表达高水平 CD2 和 LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) 的“记忆”型 T 细胞。关于外周血T细胞亚群,患者与健康对照组的差异仅为:




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