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Naming an Innominate: Pelvis and Hindlimbs of Miocene Whales Give an Insight into Evolution and Homology of Cetacean Pelvic Girdle


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Cetaceans have highly transformed pelvic and hindlimb bones as a secondary adaptation to an aquatic lifestyle. Paleontological records of these bones are very scarce, which hampers interpretations of their homology and evolution. Newly found innominates, femora and tibia of Miocene baleen whales of family Cetotheriidae have primitive structure, which makes it possible to compare them with archaeocetes. As a result, a traditional view of a cetacean innominate as containing vestiges of all three pelvic bones and acetabulum is corroborated by new data and interpretations. A part of ischium (possibly, the superior ramus) is reduced in modern whales, but its vestige can sometimes be observed. A developmental mechanism underlying this pattern can hypothetically involve alterations in Pbx1 and Pbx2, Prrx1 and Prrx2, Pit1 or BMP7 expression: the observed anatomy is similar to reported cases of BMP7 mutations, which are combined with previously reported alterations in Shh regulation. Thus, pelvic and hindlimb reduction in modern cetaceans can in some aspects be compared to 'Mermaid Syndrome'.
机译:鲸类动物的骨盆和后肢骨骼高度转化,作为对水生生活方式的二次适应。这些骨骼的古生物学记录非常稀少,这阻碍了对其同源性和进化的解释。新发现的鲸科中新世须鲸的无名动物、股骨和胫骨具有原始结构,这使得它们可以与古鲸进行比较。因此,新的数据和解释证实了无名鲸类动物的传统观点,即含有所有三个骨盆骨和髋臼的遗迹。在现代鲸鱼中,坐骨的一部分(可能是上支)减少,但有时可以观察到它的痕迹。假设这种模式的发育机制可能涉及 Pbx1 和 Pbx2、Prrx1 和 Prrx2、Pit1 或 BMP7 表达的改变:观察到的解剖结构与报道的 BMP7 突变病例相似,这些突变与先前报道的 Shh 调节改变相结合。因此,现代鲸类动物的骨盆和后肢减少在某些方面可以与“美人鱼综合症”相提并论。




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