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Bias in phylogenetic reconstruction of vertebrate rhodopsin sequences


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Two spurious nodes were found in phylogenetic analyses of vertebrate rhodopsin sequences in comparison with well-established vertebrate relationships. These spurious reconstructions were well supported in bootstrap analyses and occurred independently of the method of phylogenetic analysis used (parsimony, distance, or likelihood). Use of this data set of vertebrate rhodopsin sequences allowed us to exploit established vertebrate relationships, as well as the considerable amount known about the molecular evolution of this gene, in order to identify important factors contributing to the spurious reconstructions. Simulation studies using parametric bootstrapping indicate that it is unlikely that the spurious nodes in the parsimony analyses are due to long branches or other topological effects. Rather, they appear to be due to base compositional bias at third positions, codon bias, and convergent evolution at nucleotide positions encoding the hydrophobic residues isoleucine, leucine, and valine. LogDet distance methods, as well as maximum likelihood methods which allow for nonstationary changes in base composition, reduce but do not entirely eliminate support for the spurious resolutions. Inclusion of five additional rhodopsin sequences in the phylogenetic analyses largely corrected one of the spurious reconstructions while leaving the other unaffected. The additional sequences not only were more proximal to the corrected node, but were also found to have intermediate levels of base composition and codon bias as compared with neighboring sequences on the tree. This study shows that the spurious reconstructions can be corrected either by excluding third positions, as well as those encoding the amino acids Ile, Val, and Leu (which may not be ideal, as these sites can contain useful phylogenetic signal for other parts of the tree), or by the addition of sequences that reduce problems associated with convergent evolution.
机译:在脊椎动物视紫红质序列的系统发育分析中发现了两个虚假节点,并与已建立的脊椎动物关系进行了比较。这些虚假的重建在自举分析中得到了很好的支持,并且独立于所使用的系统发育分析方法(简约、距离或可能性)发生。使用这组脊椎动物视紫红质序列使我们能够利用已建立的脊椎动物关系,以及关于该基因分子进化的大量已知信息,以确定导致虚假重建的重要因素。使用参数自举的仿真研究表明,精简分析中的虚假节点不太可能是由于长分支或其他拓扑效应造成的。相反,它们似乎是由于第三位的碱基组成偏倚、密码子偏倚和编码疏水残基异亮氨酸、亮氨酸和缬氨酸的核苷酸位置的趋同进化。LogDet 距离方法以及允许碱基成分非平稳变化的最大似然方法减少了但不能完全消除对杂散分辨率的支持。在系统发育分析中加入另外五个视紫红质序列在很大程度上纠正了其中一个虚假重建,而另一个则不受影响。额外的序列不仅更靠近校正的节点,而且与树上的相邻序列相比,还发现具有中等水平的碱基组成和密码子偏倚。这项研究表明,可以通过排除第三位以及编码氨基酸 Ile、Val 和 Leu 的位点(这可能并不理想,因为这些位点可以包含对树的其他部分有用的系统发育信号)来纠正虚假重建,或者通过添加序列来减少与趋同进化相关的问题。




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