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Autoradiographic Studies of the Nephrographic Effect in Urinary Stasis




An autoradiographic study of the excretion of labeled Biligrafin, Hypaque and Urografin during urography, with and without ureteral stasis, is reported. The examination was performed in a series of 16 rabbits. The stasis was produced either by simple ligation of the left ureter for one half to one hour before contrast medium injection or by catheterization of the proximal end of the ureter with a polythene catheter and elevation of its external end. When the urine level in the tube had stabilized, the intravenous injection was given. At fixed times ranging from 30 sec to 30 min after the beginning of the contrast medium injection the kidneys were removed. Suitable pieces were chryostatsectioned and prepared for autoradiographic analysis. Initially there was no difference in the autoradiographs of the kidney with and the one without impaired urinary flow in the same animal. This indicates that ureteral obstruction of a duration of about one hour or application of a hydrostatic counterpressure, to balance with the secretory pressure, did not stop excretion of the contrast medium, irrespective of whether the excretion was predominantly cellular (Biligrafin) or glomerular (Hypaque and Urografin). When the nephrographic effect occurred, the kidneys with obstruction were enlarged and the dilated tubular system was intensely filled with highly concentrated contrast medium. Following ureteral ligature the contrast medium accumulated retrograde from the papilla and was assumed to be accentuated by the final water resorption from the collecting tubules. The magnitude of the intra-cellular component seemed to be dependent upon the character of the contrast medium used.
机译:据报道,尿路造影期间标记的 Biligrafin、Hypaque 和 Urografin 的排泄(伴有或不伴输尿管淤滞)的放射自显影研究。该检查是在一系列 16 只兔子中进行的。在注射造影剂前简单结扎左输尿管半小时至一小时,或用聚乙烯导管导管插入输尿管近端并抬高其外端,从而产生淤滞。当管中的尿液水平稳定后,进行静脉注射。在造影剂注射开始后 30 秒至 30 分钟的固定时间,切除肾脏。对合适的碎片进行化学切片并准备进行放射自显影分析。最初,在同一只动物中,有尿流受损的肾脏和没有尿流受损的肾脏放射自显影没有差异。这表明,持续约一小时的输尿管梗阻或施加静水反压以平衡分泌压力,并没有停止造影剂的排泄,无论排泄主要是细胞(胆力啡肽)还是肾小球(Hypaque和Urografin)。当肾造影效应发生时,梗阻的肾脏肿大,扩张的肾小管系统强烈充满高浓度造影剂。输尿管结扎术后,造影剂从逆行积聚,并假设最终从集合小管吸收水会加剧造影剂。细胞内成分的大小似乎取决于所用造影剂的特性。




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