首页> 外文期刊>Clinical and experimental allergy : >Allergic reactions to the Australian paralysis tick,Ixodes holocyclus: diagnostic evaluation by skin test and radioimmunoassay

Allergic reactions to the Australian paralysis tick,Ixodes holocyclus: diagnostic evaluation by skin test and radioimmunoassay




SummaryAllergic reactions toIxodes holocyclusare well recognized but poorly defined. Tick‐bite reactions in 42 individuals in this study fell into six classes. Skin‐prick tests and radioimmunoassay (RIA) indicated that all systemic hypersensitivity (class 3) and atypical reactions (class 4) were IgE‐mediated. Some 73 of the large local reactions (class 2) and only 12.5 of the small local reactions (class 1) were associated with IgE specific for tick allergens. Subjects who reported heavy exposure to tick‐bite were more likely to have positive RIA values (P<0.05). There was an association between the individual's atopic status and tick allergy (
机译:摘要对全环硬蜱的过敏反应是公认的,但定义不明确。在这项研究中,42 名个体的蜱虫叮咬反应分为六类。皮肤点刺试验和放射免疫测定 (RIA) 表明,所有全身超敏反应(3 级)和非典型反应(4 级)均为 IgE 介导。大约 73% 的大型局部反应(2 类)和只有 12.5% 的小局部反应(1 类)与蜱过敏原特异性 IgE 相关。报告大量暴露于蜱虫叮咬的受试者更有可能出现阳性RIA值(P<0.05)。个体的特应性状态与蜱过敏之间存在关联(




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