首页> 外文期刊>Journal of endocrinological investigation. >Natural course of mild Graves' orbitopathy: is it a chronic remitting or a transient disease?

Natural course of mild Graves' orbitopathy: is it a chronic remitting or a transient disease?


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Background/ Aims The natural course of Graves' orbitopathy ( GO) has been poorly documented. The aim of this review is to provide current knowledge regarding the natural course of mild GO, trying to address the issue of whether and to what extent it constitutes a chronic remitting or transient disease. Methods We systematically searched PubMed for English language publications until August 2016 under the following terms: " Graves' orbitopathy" OR " Graves' ophthalmopathy" OR " thyroid eye disease" AND " natural course" OR " natural history". Results Few studies have investigated the course of mild orbital disease in patients with GO. Large controlled trials are lacking and data can be extracted mainly from small retrospective and some prospective studies, after excluding patients who had received radioiodine for thyrotoxicosis or surgical treatment for GO. In general, more than half of GO patients may show spontaneous improvement in their clinical features, whereas no safe conclusions can be drawn with regard to complete resolution, with percentages ranging from 6 to 58 . Conclusions The question whether mild GO is a remitting, albeit chronic disease, or even a transient event in the course of Graves' disease, remains currently unanswered.
机译:背景/目的 格雷夫斯眼眶病 (GO) 的自然病程记录很少。本综述的目的是提供关于轻度GO自然病程的最新知识,试图解决它是否以及在多大程度上构成慢性缓解或短暂性疾病的问题。方法 我们系统地检索了截至2016年8月在PubMed上发表的英文出版物:“Graves''Graves'ophthalmopathy”或“'thyroid eye disease'”和“natural course”或“natural history”。结果 很少有研究调查GO患者轻度眼眶疾病的病程。缺乏大型对照试验,在排除接受过放射性碘治疗甲状腺毒症或手术治疗GO的患者后,数据主要来自小型回顾性和一些前瞻性研究。一般来说,超过一半的 GO 患者的临床特征可能会自发改善,而对于完全消退,则无法得出安全的结论,百分比范围为 6% 至 58%。结论 轻度GO是否是一种缓解性慢性疾病,甚至是Graves病程中的短暂事件,目前仍未得到解答。




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