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Head Trauma in Northern Israel: Incidence and Types




A descriptive epidemiological study of neurotraumatology was undertaken over a 4.5-year period at a regional hospital with a referral base of 1,200,000 residents served by a single neurosurgical department. Neurosurgical evaluations and treatments were given to 1,370 patients in this period. The data base consists of demographic, clinical and radiological features at the time of admission, as well as the hospital course through discharge. The crude incidence rate was 25.2 ± 3.1 cases per 100,000 person-years (similar to that of three neurosurgical units in Scotland). Age adjustment showed almost twice this rate at the two extremes of age and a smaller elevation in early adulthood. The crude incidence was 36.9 for males and 13.4 for females (p < 0.01). Age-specific incidence rates in Jews compared to other ethnic groups were reported. Falls had an incidence of 12.8 (51 ), road accidents 9.0 (35.7) and assaults 2.3 (9) per 100,000 person-years. Other causes were accidents during work or sport and suicide. The rate of brain pathology as revealed by computerized tomography steadily increased from 19 in childhood to 71 in the elderly with a mean of 41.8 . A similar increasing trend with age was found in the rate of intracranial mass lesions (mean 28.3), impaired consciousness (30.4) and mortality (13)
机译:在一家地区医院进行了为期 4.5 年的神经创伤学描述性流行病学研究,该医院由一个神经外科部门提供服务,转诊基础为 1,200,000 名居民。在此期间,对 1,370 名患者进行了神经外科评估和治疗。该数据库包括入院时的人口统计学、临床和放射学特征,以及出院期间的病程。粗发病率为每 100,000 人年 25.2 ± 3.1 例(与苏格兰三个神经外科单位相似)。年龄调整显示,在两个极端的年龄和成年早期的海拔较低时,这一比率几乎是该比率的两倍。男性粗发病率为36.9,女性为13.4(p < 0.01)。据报道,与其他种族相比,犹太人的年龄特异性发病率。跌倒发生率为12.8(51%),道路交通事故为9.0(35.7%),袭击率为2.3(9%)/100,000人年。其他原因是工作或运动期间的事故和自杀。计算机断层扫描显示的脑部病理学发生率从儿童期的 19% 稳步上升到老年人的 71%,平均为 41.8%。随着年龄的增长,颅内占位性病变(平均28.3%)、意识障碍(30.4%)和死亡率(13%)的发生率也呈类似的增加趋势




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