
Handover editor's note

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After more than two years serving as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Network I am stepping down, as new duties at my University have caught up with whatever free time (under whatever definition of free time) I was able to devote to IEEE Network. We are extremely fortunate to have as our new Editor-in- Chief, Dr. Thomas M. Chen. Dr. Chen is a Professor in Networking at the Institute of Advanced Telecommunications (IAT) of Swansea University, UK. Tom has, among other things, the valuable experience of having been Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Communications Magazine between 2006 and 2007. I would like to extend a warm welcome and wish Tom the best of luck!
机译:在担任IEEE网络主编两年多后,我即将卸任,因为我大学的新职责已经赶上了我能够投入到IEEE网络的任何空闲时间(无论在空闲时间的定义下)。我们非常幸运地邀请到Thomas M. Chen博士担任我们的新任主编。陈博士是英国斯旺西大学先进电信研究所(IAT)的网络学教授。除其他外,Tom 在 2006 年至 2007 年期间担任 IEEE Communications Magazine 的主编,拥有宝贵的经验。我热烈欢迎汤姆,并祝愿汤姆好运!




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