首页> 外文期刊>New Zealand Journal of Botany >Desmids (Chlorophyta), including two new species and three newvarieties, in two swamps, a lake, and a tarn in the South Island ofNew Zealand

Desmids (Chlorophyta), including two new species and three newvarieties, in two swamps, a lake, and a tarn in the South Island ofNew Zealand


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Swamps at Okarito (Westland), Lake Hill (near Lake Coleridge), and Red Tarn and Blue Lake (in Mount Cook National Park) contained 24, 19, 20, and 8 desmid taxa, respectively. Genera represented by the largest number of taxa were Cosmarium with 17 taxa (7 of them in Okarito Swamp), Closterium with 9 taxa (6 of them in Lake Hill Swamp), and Staurastrum with 9 taxa (4 of them in Red Tarn). New species are Closterium okaritoense and Cosmarium paludicola in Okarito Swamp. New varieties are Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii var. contractum and Cosmarium crassipelle var. ornatum (both in Lake Hill Swamp), and Actinotaenium adelochondrum var. parvum (in Red Tarn). New records for the New Zealand flora are Euastrum verrucosum (in Lake Hill Swamp), Micrasterias suboblonga var. tecta (in Okarito Swamp), Cosmarium retusiforme var. incrassatum and Xanthidium smithii var. maius (both in Red Tarn), and Staurastrum neglectum and S. subarmigerum (in Blue Lake). Six other taxa previously recorded in the North Island were found in the South Island, including the endemic Cosmarium subquadratum var. genuosum and Xanthidium intermedium.
机译:奥卡里托(韦斯特兰)、湖山(靠近柯勒律治湖)以及红塔恩和蓝湖(位于库克山国家公园)的沼泽分别包含 24、19、20 和 8 个 desmid 分类群。类群数量最多的属是Cosmarium,有17个分类群(其中7个在Okarito沼泽),Closterium有9个分类群(其中6个在Lake Hill Swamp),Staurastrum有9个分类群(其中4个在Red Tarn)。新物种是Okarito沼泽中的Closterium okaritoense和Cosmarium paludicola。新品种是 Pleurotaenium ehrenbergii var. contractum 和 Cosmarium crassipelle var. ornatum(均在湖山沼泽中)和 Actinotaenium adelochondrum var. parvum(在 Red Tarn)。新西兰植物区系的新记录是Euastrum verrucosum(在Lake Hill Swamp),Micrasterias suboblonga var. tecta(在Okarito沼泽),Cosmarium retusiforme var. incrassatum和Xanthidium smithii var. maius(均在Red Tarn),以及Staurastrum neglectum和S. subarmigerum(在Blue Lake)。以前在北岛记录的其他六个分类群在南岛被发现,包括特有的Cosmarium subquadratum var. genuosum和Xanthidium intermedium。




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