首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Clinical Investigation: The Official Journal of the American Society for Clinical Investigation >Differential impact of prostaglandin H synthase 1 knockdown on platelets and parturition.

Differential impact of prostaglandin H synthase 1 knockdown on platelets and parturition.

机译:前列腺素 H 合酶 1 敲低对血小板和分娩的不同影响。

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Platelet activation is a hallmark of severe preeclampsia, and platelet PGH synthase 1-derived (PGHS1-derived) thromboxane A(2) (TxA(2)) has been implicated in its pathogenesis. However, genetic disruption of PGHS1 delays parturition. We created hypomorphic PGHS1 (PGHS1(Neo/Neo)) mice, in which the substantial but tissue-dependent variability in the inhibition of PGHS1-derived eicosanoids achieved by low-dose aspirin treatment is mimicked, to assess the relative impact of this strategy on hemostatic and reproductive function. Depression of platelet TxA(2) by 98 in PGHS1(Neo/Neo) mice decreased platelet aggregation and prevented thrombosis. Similarly, depression of macrophage PGE(2) by 75 was associated with selectively impaired inflammatory responses. PGF(2alpha) at 8 WT levels was sufficient to induce coordinated temporal oxytocin receptor (OTR) expression in uterus and normal ovarian luteolysis in PGHS1(Neo/Neo) mice at late gestation, while absence of PGHS1 expression in null mice delayed OTR induction and the programmed decrease of serum progesterone during parturition. Thus, extensive but tissue-dependent variability in PG suppression, as occurs with low-dose aspirin treatment, prevents thrombosis and impairs the inflammatory response but sustains parturition. PGHS1(Neo/Neo) mice provide a model of low-dose aspirin therapy that elucidates how prevention or delay of preeclampsia might be achieved without compromising reproductive function.
机译:血小板活化是重度子痫前期的标志,血小板 PGH 合成酶 1 衍生(PGHS1 衍生)血栓素 A(2) (TxA(2)) 与其发病机制有关。然而,PGHS1 的遗传破坏会延迟分娩。我们创建了亚形态PGHS1(PGHS1(Neo/Neo))小鼠,其中模拟了通过低剂量阿司匹林治疗实现的抑制PGHS1衍生的类花生酸的实质性但组织依赖性变异性,以评估该策略对止血和生殖功能的相对影响。PGHS1(Neo/Neo)小鼠血小板TxA(2)降低98%,减少血小板聚集并防止血栓形成。同样,巨噬细胞PGE(2)降低75%与选择性损伤的炎症反应有关。PGF(2alpha)在8% WT水平下足以诱导妊娠晚期PGHS1(Neo/Neo)小鼠子宫内协调的颞叶催产素受体(OTR)表达和正常卵巢黄体溶解,而无效小鼠中PGHS1表达的缺失延迟了OTR诱导和分娩期间血清黄体酮的程序性降低。因此,低剂量阿司匹林治疗中 PG 抑制的广泛但组织依赖性变异性可防止血栓形成并损害炎症反应,但可维持分娩。PGHS1(Neo/Neo)小鼠提供了一种低剂量阿司匹林治疗模型,阐明了如何在不损害生殖功能的情况下预防或延缓先兆子痫。




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