首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Clinical Investigation: The Official Journal of the American Society for Clinical Investigation >Glucocorticoids exacerbate obesity and insulin resistance in neuron-specific proopiomelanocortin-deficient mice.

Glucocorticoids exacerbate obesity and insulin resistance in neuron-specific proopiomelanocortin-deficient mice.


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Null mutations of the proopiomelanocortin gene (Pomc) cause obesity in humans and rodents, but the contributions of central versus pituitary POMC deficiency are not fully established. To elucidate these roles, we introduced a POMC transgene (Tg) that selectively restored peripheral melanocortin and corticosterone secretion in Pomc mice. Rather than improving energy balance, the genetic replacement of pituitary POMC in PomcTg mice aggravated their metabolic syndrome with increased caloric intake and feed efficiency, reduced oxygen consumption, increased subcutaneous, visceral, and hepatic fat, and severe insulin resistance. Pair-feeding of PomcTg mice to the daily intake of lean controls normalized their rate of weight gain but did not abolish obesity, indicating that hyperphagia is a major but not sole determinant of the phenotype. Replacement of corticosterone in the drinking water of Pomc mice recapitulated the hyperphagia, excess weight gain and fat accumulation, and hyperleptinemia characteristic of genetically rescued PomcTg mice. These data demonstrate that CNS POMC peptides play a critical role in energy homeostasis that is not substituted by peripheral POMC. Restoration of pituitary POMC expression to create a de facto neuronal POMC deficiency exacerbated the development of obesity, largely via glucocorticoid modulation of appetite, metabolism, and energy partitioning.
机译:原黑皮质素基因 (Pomc) 的无效突变会导致人类和啮齿动物肥胖,但中枢 POMC 缺乏症与垂体 POMC 缺乏症的贡献尚未完全确定。为了阐明这些作用,我们引入了一种POMC转基因(Tg),该基因选择性地恢复PomC小鼠的外周黑皮质素和皮质酮分泌。PomcTg小鼠垂体POMC的基因替代非但没有改善能量平衡,反而加重了它们的代谢综合征,增加了热量摄入和进食效率,减少了耗氧量,增加了皮下、内脏和肝脏脂肪,并严重了胰岛素抵抗。将PomcTg小鼠与每日摄入的瘦肉对照配对可使它们的体重增加率正常化,但并没有消除肥胖,这表明食欲亢进是表型的主要但不是唯一的决定因素。在Pomc小鼠的饮用水中替代皮质酮概括了遗传挽救的PomcTg小鼠的食欲亢进,体重增加过多和脂肪堆积以及高瘦素血症的特征。这些数据表明,CNS POMC 肽在能量稳态中起着关键作用,而能量稳态不会被外周 POMC 取代。垂体 POMC 表达的恢复以产生事实上的神经元 POMC 缺陷加剧了肥胖的发展,主要是通过糖皮质激素调节食欲、代谢和能量分配。




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